Training Log: Entry 559
ME upper
2-board press
395x1 (New PR)
400x1 (New PR)
Notes: Great new PR today. Totally redeamed myself from last week. Staying tight was absolutely essential. A great set-up, staying tense, and gripping the crap out of the bar made the weight feel extremely light in my hands. Now I need to do this with the full rom.
Strict press of 175
Notes: Little rest pause on the last 2 sets, but otherwise no leg drive necessary.
V-handle pull-ups
Notes: Wasn't in love with the chins, got better results from these. Chins seem to aggrivate my shoulders, while the nuetral grip feels very natural.
Jump shrugs of 365
Notes: Time off on these was good for me. Hit my rep range goal, need to decide if I want to stick with these or use some different types of shrugs.
Krista's Band Reverse Bench Press w/light band
Notes: No, not reverse band bench press, "band reverse bench press". My wife discovered this today while she was resting between sets. She was messing around with our mini bands, and when I saw her doing this, a lightbulb went off. I took some photos to demonstrate. Maybe it already exists.
Here's the set-up

Band strung across the uprights on the bench. From here, set up just like a normal bench press (please excuse shirtlessness, it's the only way I can stick to my bench)
And then pull down and apart to the bottom of your sternum, just as you would on bench press

Resistance can be altered using either different band tensions, or, in the case of my bench, a higher setting for the uprights
It's a great rear delt/lat movement, and is really bench press specific. It should teach you how to recruit your lats into the bench really well, along with how to "pull" the weight down on the bench rather than just relent under the pressure. I'm going to give it a 6 week cycle and see what happens.
If anyone has seen this movement before, let me know, along with what it's "proper" name is. If not, I'm naming it after my wife and marketing the hell out of it.