Wednesday, March 31, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2382

AM WORKOUT (0645, 0500 natural wake up)

Juarez Valley Front Squats 235lbs w/5 six-count burpees between sets

Time: 16:10

Transition immediately to 5 rounds of

10 chins
4 standing ab wheels
10 dips (25 band pushdowns after final set)
8 bodyweight reverse hypers

50 band pull aparts

SSB squat stripset


30 GHRs
10 neck bridges each way

Notes: This moved surprisingly well.  I say that, because yesterday, at work, I had literally the worst hamstring cramp of my life.  I got up from my chair to walk across the room to shred some papers, and halfway there my left hamstring locked up and would NOT let go.  It was like being shot by a sniper.  I grabbed onto a nearby desk and just seethed with agony and profanity for about 8 solid minutes trying to figure out ANY way to get it to unlock. I legit thought we'd have to call in my replacement and get me to a hospital, and also wondered if anyone had ever died from a muscle cramp before.  This definitely ranked in my top 3 of pain, trailing slightly behind tearing my cornea and having my pain meds wear off after my ACL reconstruction while the bone was still healing around the anchors.  To keep this going, I wondered if I cramped so hard I tore the muscle, and thought I'd be done with my 10 mile race coming up.

So needless to say, being able to do this workout was pretty awesome.  I'm watching my hydration levels, but I guess BBB Beefcake got to have a little revenge on me.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2381

BBB BEEFCAKE Week 6, Workout 3

AM WORKOUT (0530 wake up via alarm, 0645 training time)

T-bar rows 150

Buffalo bar squats
5x430 (PR by bodyweight)

SUPERSETS (squat-hyper) 2:00 between sets

Buffalo bar squat 340

Reverse hyper 360

Dips (putting away plates between sets)
5x10 (25 pushdowns after final set)

50 band pull aparts

Belt squats stripset (no lockout/no rest between sets)


30 GHRs
10 neck bridges each way
20 standing ab wheels

Notes: I am so elated with this workout.  Once again, it's so weird to me how squats have turned the corner and become my strong point, but I'll ride it out.  I came into this ready: ate well the night before and had a fantastic breakfast this morning (6oz piedmontese sirloin, 3 whole organic eggs and half an avocado all in an egg wrap burrito, along with a slice of keto toast with a lot of sunbutter and 2 celery strips with nuts n more, and a cup of cashew milk).  Eating for performance.  Got the bar loaded for Fran a little later, and working the afternoon shift today.

Coming up with the training gameplan for Building the Monolith.  I think I'm gonna keep Juarez Valley in there for conditioning and have it in place of the Airdyne.  Got the weighted vest ready and know a few decent spots for the prowler, so I should be squared away in that regard.


Fran+ (95lb thrusters, strict chins)



9 (4:25)

5 (5:14)

Notes: No PRs, but very solid times. Once again, this was the LAST thing I wanted to do, and my body performed well still. Really on all cylinders.

Monday, March 29, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2380

BBB BEEFCAKE Week 6, Workout 2.

AM WORKOUT (0315 wake up via alarm)

CIRCUIT (chin-press) plate change rest, 90 seconds before final press

Weighted chins (various grips) 30lbs


Axle clean and strict press away





4+1x191 (technique issue: bar drifted. Had to re-rack and press for final rep)

SUPERSETS (press-row) 2:00 between first 4 sets, 2:30 before final set

Axle clean and strict press away 151


Axle double overhand rows 151


50 band pull aparts

90 DB bench stripset (no rest between sets)

(3 incline) 1x10

(3) 1x3 w/reactive slingshot

(3) 1x3 w/Metal Catapult

(Flat) 1x4

(Flat) 1x4 w/Catapult

BW Dips w/10 breath rest pause: 8+9+9+8+10+6

25 band pushdowns

Lateral raises (no rest between sets)

20x10lb plates



20xUnloaded hands



10 neck bridges each way

20 standing ab wheel

40 Reverse hypers

Notes: Early shift today, so early wake up. Breakfast of 2-ish scrambled eggs (leftover from kid’s breakfast yesterday), 1/3 of an avocado, 2.25 ounces of grassfed beef, keto waffle and a large amount of sunbutter about 5 minutes before the first set.

Something in my left shoulder blade/trap got tweaked at some point yesterday/last night, and it made pressing super not awesome. I took the topset of the main work out of the rack vs off the floor just to set myself up for as much success as possible/not get fatigued before the pressing, but it came with having an “unpracticed” technique and I feel like that shone through. Still got some Conan strength in me to hoist it up, but could have had a better showing with a little better prep. Redeemed myself on the BBB work. Very pleased with that.

Really like what I’ve come up with on those lateral raises. Building the Monolith is next, and I’ll most likely end up less free form with my assistance work, but these might still make a showing.

I’m undereating again. Saw the scale go down on a nightly weigh in. I’ve noticed my dietary habits are pseudo intermittent fasting right now: large breakfast, large pre-bed meal, high fats on both of those, and then the middle meals are rather paltry and low in fats. I’ve been playing around with macro timing, eating high fats before training, then low fat/high protein post training for about 5 hours before “switching” back to fats at around 1330 with a snack of nuts and dark chocolate, but I’m thinking the next smart play is to kick some fats into the noon time meal. I’m also planning on upping my avocado portions from 1/3 to 1/2, resulting in eating a whole avocado a day. May start drinking my cashew milk in the morning as well as the evening too, and I’ve started including pistachios in my nightly meal. Writing this all out, it’s primarily plant based fats I’m looking at, and with that mostly monos, which means to me I need to also consider upping my good saturated fat sources. Got lots of options there; just need to make smart choices.


Axle Grace

2:46 (12 second PR/LIFETIME PR)

Notes: Holy f**k, I have no idea where that came from.  My left shoulder is still buggy and I felt awful coming into this, telling myself I just needed to get it done, and then when it was over I saw the time and was shocked.  This program has been awesome for my conditioning, which I don't think was ever the intention, but take all the victories you can.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2379

AM WORKOUT (0530 wake up) FASTED

100 six count burpees

5:38 (matches previous PR)

Neck bridging (10 each way)
20 standing ab wheel
40 reverse hypers
50 pull aparts
25 pushdowns
5 chins
5 dips

Notes: Wheels finally fell off the burpee train: made it to like 72 before I had to take my first pause.  At that point, I just gutted it out as fast as I could and at least matched my previous best.  My lower back was STIFF from yesterday's work, which is the whole reason I started doing the 100 burpees the day after: gets blood flowing all over the body and kicks some of the "old man" out of me.  

Keep meaning to write about it, but my kid's Tang So Do classes have been a blast to watch.  As much as it was cool to teach them Tae Kwon Do last year, this has been much better for our relationship to have an outside instructor.  I can assist and correct outside of class, but the primary instruction is out of my hands and that's ideal.  They did a sparring-like drill yesterday called "Dragon Tails", which is like flag-football meets sparring.  They had 4 strips of fabric tucked into their belts, and the objective is to take away your opponents strips while protecting your own.  Every single kid in the class adopted a strategy of turning their back and running to protect their strips, but MY kid was the only one that faced forward the whole time and aggressively pursued their opponent.  Consequently, they won both of their matches.  I know we're not supposed to keep score, but I did, and my kid did awesome.  I was way too proud of them.  

I was also proud of them when they bragged about how their dad taught them Tae Kwon Do, and when asked what their favorite move was from TKD, my kid replied the thai roundhouse kick.  Game recognizes game, haha.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2378

AM WORKOUT (0430 wake up, dog and natural really)

CIRCUIT (chin-ab-neck) no rest between sets

Chins (various grips)




Standing ab wheel


Neck harness 60lbs

5 sets

SUPERSET (row-pull) 60 seconds rest

Axle rows against bands


Band face pulls


Axle shrugs against bands


40 BW reverse hypers

Kroc rows 115


Notes: Sleep is a little jacked up, so I got in all my assistance work for today while the family slept. Will hit the deads later, when I can make some noise. I really liked the effect of supersetting the rows with the face pulls: back blew up something fierce. Wasn’t concentrating at all during the Kroc rows: stupid thing to do when you’re only going to do one set. My right hip is bugging me: most likely been mashing the hell out of it with all the loaded conditioning stuff. Burpees on Sunday and otherwise staying away from weighted loads on the body post deadlift: will see how that goes.

BBB BEEFCAKE Week 6, Day 1

AM WORKOUT 2 (0830)

Texas Deadlift Bar TnG deadlifts








Notes: We did a quick breakfast this morning, so I was able to knock out the rest of the workout. Kept it simple and fast for sake of time. Plate change rests for the main work, 2 min between first 4 sets of BBB, 2:30 before final set. Absolute ball buster but I got it done. Hardest part of the hardest week over: clutch.

Friday, March 26, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2377

AM WORKOUT (0700 post 8 hour night shift)

Juarez Valley front squats 245lbs w/5 burpees between sets

Time: 13:45

Immediately transition to 5 rounds of

10 chins
4 standing ab wheel
10 dips (25 band pushdowns after final round)
8 BW reverse hypers

50 band pull aparts

SSB squat stripset


30 GHRs
Neck bridging

Notes: With Week 6 deadlifts tomorrow, I pushed the weight up high to keep total reps low.  Amazed at how quick this went.  Now 60lbs over the weight I started this whole process with: it's just going fantastically well.  May get in a walk later today, but going to try to ease off the throttle a little so I have some room for something great later.  Cheat meal in the evening should help.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2376

BBB BEEFCAKE Week 5, Workout 4

AM WORKOUT (0645, 0520 natural wake up)

CIRCUIT (chin-bench) plate change rest, 90 seconds before final bench

Chins (underhand)
100 reps over some sets

Axle bench press

SUPERSETS (bench-row) 75 seconds between sets

Axle pause bench press 191

DB rows 90

50 band pull aparts

90 DB bench rest pause (12 deep breaths between sets)
(Upright) 1x7 (PR)
(5) 1x3
(4) 1x4
(3) 1x5
(2) 1x5
(1) 1x6
BW Dips (10 breath rest pause) 7+9+8+8+8+10

Poundstone curls

Notes: Everything continues to go great: amazing what happens when I turn the training over to someone else.  Pause bench was strong, assistance work is solid.  Think I'm going to alternate between weighted and unweighted Poundstone curls: they're different and both have value.

Breakfast was fantastic this morning

6oz piedmontese grassfed sirloin, 2 cage free organic eggs and 1 egg white with grassfed butter and fat free cheese 1/3 of an avocado, 2 celery stalks (both with Nuts n More spread) and a slice of keto toast with sunbutter.  And I was hungry when it was all done.  Appetite is WAY up; it's awesome.

End of week check in photos

Got in a 5 mile run around lunchtime, and some "Dan John's Mistake" before heading out to my night shift.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2375

BBB BEEFCAKE Week 5, Day 2

AM WORKOUT (0308 natural wake up)

CIRCUITS (chin-press) plate change rest between sets, 90 seconds before final press

Weighted chins (various grips)



Axle clean and press away






SUPERSETS (press-pull) 90 seconds rest between sets

Axle clean and strict press (clean each rep) 131


Band pull aparts


90lb DB press stripset (no rest between sets)

(3 Incline) 1x11

(3) 1x3 w/reactive slingshot

(3) 1x3 w/Metal Catapult

(Flat) 1x4

Dips (10 breath rest pause) 7+9+8+9+8+9

25 band pushdowns

Plate lateral raise dropset (no rest between set)




20xEmpty hands

20 standing ab wheel

40 bodyweight reverse hypers


30 GHRs

10 neck bridges each side

Notes: Just another solid workout, especially so early in the morning.  Remembered a lesson learned from last time and took off the elbow sleeves for cleaning each rep. If I keep them on, my arms get too pumped up and I have trouble gripping the axle.  Same reason I don't wear them for Grace.

Took weight off the weighted chins since I was moving so fast between sets.  Better to get in quality reps with lower weight vs ugly stuff just for the sake of more weight on the bar.

DB pressing wasn't awesome, but chased it with assistance.

Did a superset with BBB work and forgot that I normally did the pull aparts with the raises.  However, I like what I came up with as a solution, and may just do that moving forward.  Side delts were torched at the end.  

Really liking bringing back the bridging.  I make sure to wear a beanie, as I have less hair than I did back when I wrestled.

Weighed myself last night before bed and clocked in at 188.7. Up a pound since the last time I weighed myself.  Night time weigh ins aren't as consistent of course, but the trend is good.

Was honestly pretty pleased with my breakfast.  I premade 2 eggs and 1 egg white and mixed it with some grassfed steak and 1/3 of an avocado.  I was originally going to microwave it, but microwaved steak is a tragedgy, so I ate it cold while I toasted a keto waffle.  By the time I was done with it, the waffle was toasted and I slathered some sunbutter on it.  Just a handful of minutes and I had a ton of solid nutrition in me.  It honestly doesn't take much to set yourself up for success ahead of time.

PM WORKOUT 1 (1500)

Axle Grace

Notes: 1 second off from PR, 3rd ever sub 3 time.  Really awesome.

PM WORKOUT 2 (1730)

50 minute 80lb weighted vest hill walks

Monday, March 22, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2374

AM WORKOUT (0645, 0530 natural wake up)

7 mile run followed immediately by

20 chins

10 standing ab wheel

10 dips

20 reverse hypers

15 chins

10 standing ab wheel

10 dips

20 reverse hypers

10 chins

10 dips

5 chins

5 dips

5 chins

5 dips

5 chins

5 dips

25 pushdowns

50 pull aparts

Notes: Got my 10 mile race on the 2nd and I've been slacking on the running, so got this in.  I didn't realize how different running would feel getting it done as the FIRST workout of the day vs the second.  Legs were much lighter and I felt faster.  Had cardio for much more after the 7 miles, which inspired me to knock out the daily work once I got in the garage.  Working the next 3 days, so I'll cram the lifting in there.  Still need to get in some GHRs and wanna try to do some bridging with it, and then maybe some sort of short intense conditioning workout to round out the day.

Had one of these after I ran

Definitely not a poptart, and the frosting on the photo is VERY ambitious compared to what is actually on the product, but it was a warm treat after running in the cold.


KB tabata workout

Notes: Did 1 arm snatches switch grip during the 20 seconds on and 1 armed swings switch grip on the 10 seconds off, so stayed moving the whole time.  Really liked how it panned out.  Far more fatiguing that straight rest.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2373

AM WORKOUT (0640 natural wake up, PR for sleep) FASTED

Conditioning: "Dan John's Mistake"

Notes: Going to describe this: 95lb thrusters and 45lb kettlebell 1-armed swings, switching hands each rep.  Uses tabata intervals (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off) for 16 rounds (8 minutes total).  Alternate between thrusters and swings each round.  I like this, but think I still need to bring the weight down on the thrusters.  Last time, it was the pressing that was limiting, this time it was the front squat element of it.  Still got the heart rate up high, and the swings bring in an element of heavy-medium-light to the workout.  Room for snatches sometime too.

BBB BEEFCAKE Week 5, Day 1


CIRCUIT (chin-dead-neck) plate change rest between sets, 2 minutes before final pull


100 total reps

Axle deadlift (touch and go)






Neck harness 55

5 sets

SUPERSETS (dead-dip) 90 seconds rest between sets

Axle deadlifts TnG 345


Weighted Dips 55


Axle rows against bands (putting away plates between sets)


Axle shrugs against bands


Kroc rows 115


4 round circuit of

25 band face pulls

5 standing ab wheel

10 reverse hypers

25 band pushdowns

Notes: Family left town this morning, Mrs ran a half marathon, so I got my deadlift workout in early.  This went much better than I anticipated: at the last minute my wife switched plans and, instead of having Taco Bell before her race as fuel, she wanted to get the race over with and have it after as a celebratory meal.  So I came in hungry and underfed and crushed it.  I didn't "come alive" on the third set of BBB like I had been doing, but all the sets before that were strong enough that it didn't seem necessary.  Just firing on all cylinders.

On the Taco Bell front, this is cheat meal, and I've got a planned one on Friday now as well.  I have a Cheesy Gordita Crunch, which I haven't had in a LONG time, and then we ordered the nacho party platter with chicken instead of beef

Mrs and I had zero intention of eating the whole thing, but I had a handful of nachos and ate a decent amount of chicken and japalenos of the top.  I honestly can't tell if I'm exercising good portion control and better learning how to manage eating "normal food" with my diet OR if I'm slamming on the breaks in the presence of "dirty food".  I pretty much cut out all my daily saturated fats to make room for this meal, and also made it both lunch and dinner.  I'm fairly certain it means I underate.  I'm not ready to call this a victory yet, but it was still nice to be able to share a junky meal with the Mrs.

Going to get in a run tomorrow.  Race is looming.  I work 3 days in a row after that, with it going Early Shift-Afternoon Shift-Night Shift.  Be a tricky schedule.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2372

AM WORKOUT (0555 natural wake up)

100 six count burpees

Time: 5:38 (9 second PR)


5 round circuit of

10 chins

4 standing ab wheel

10 dips

8 reverse hypers

25 pushdowns

50 pull aparts

Notes: Holy cow those burpees suck. Been a while since I did them fasted first thing in the morning. Got 85 uninterrupted, which is a 5 rep PR. Getting closer to getting it all done in one shot.


3.5 mile nature walk with family

Friday, March 19, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2371

AM WORKOUT (0540 natural wake up)

Juarez Valley Front Squats 235 w/5 six-count burpees between sets









Time: 14:24

Immediately transition to 2 round circuit of

10 standing ab wheel

20 reverse hyper

50 pull aparts

SSB squat stripset (no rest)




30 GHRs

Notes: Wanted to make this be on the shorter side with family in town, so upped the weight and dropped the reps.  Been a while since I hit this first thing in the morning: been having breakfast first typically.  Hips were a little tight and I was moving slow, but heart rate got high.  Had a few false starts on the SSB squats: body just plain didn't wanna do it.  Big thing is I have to fight my instincts to absolutely bury myself on this workout: it's meant to help me recover from the BBB squats in time to do the deadlifts.  Razor's edge kinda stuff.

Went out to Texas Roadhouse last night and actually got a steak.  8oz sirloin.  I'm trying to allow myself some grain fed beef on occasion.  One of the big things I'm learning is portion size.  8oz is technically two servings of beef, and in my mind it's still a snack.  I used to regularly get the 16oz ribeye.  I walked away from this meal satiated and it had more than enough protein in it, AND, having not had grain fed steak in so long, even a sirloin was quite flavorful.  All that said, I have a 32oz grassfed ribeye tomahawk in my freezer right now and I have an occasion in mind for when I'm going to eat the whole goddamn thing, so the viking in me isn't dead yet.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2370

BBB BEEFCAKE, Week 4, Day 4

AM WORKOUT (0305 Natural Wake Up)

CIRCUITS (chin-bench) Plate change rests between sets, 90 seconds before final set

Chins (underhand)






Axle bench press






SUPERSETS (bench-row) 90 seconds between sets

Axle bench press 206 (pause first rep of each set)


Swiss bar rows (change grips each set) 105


90lb DB bench press rest pause (12 deep breaths between sets)

(Upright) 1x6

(5) 1x3

(4) 1x4

(3) 1x5

(2) 1x5

(1) 1x6

BW Dips: 7+10+10+10+10+3

Band pushdowns 25

Poundstone curls



20 standing ab wheels

50 band pull aparts

Notes: Family came in this week, so I crammed a full week of training into 4 days. Had the early shift today as well. This was an awesome workout in turn. I think I’m seeing the effects of my nutrition, as training is just going awesome. My elbows feel like hell, which means I was squatting stupid yesterday and had the bar low on the back, but the curls tend to be therapeutic. Adding 5lbs was the right RX there: getting 100 was a challenge. Pausing first rep on the BBB sets was solid too.

Went with swiss bar rows just to save time: bi-lateral vs unilateral. Didn’t care too much for it, but did my best to focus on the squeeze and contraction.

That topset on the DB press is a PR, but it’s assistance work, so that’s silly. But still, it’s just been great to see strength showing itself.

Sleep hasn’t been great. I genuinely think I’ve just reached a point in my life where I don’t need more than 6 hours of sleep. My dad was that way, especially at this age.


Tabata KB swings 45lb switching hands each rep

Notes: In between rounds, I set up the gym for tomorrow's workout.  Good way to rush.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2369

BBB BEEFCAKE Week 4, Day 3

AM WORKOUT (0640, 0430 natural wake up)

CIRCUITS (row-squat) plate change rests, 2 min between heaviest set

T-bar row 150


Buffalo Bar Squat







SUPERSETS (squat-hyper) 90 seconds rest between sets

Buffalo Bar Squats 315


Reverse hyper 360


Belt squats stripset (no lockout)








Notes: Got some daily work in before this.  Flew through this workout, which is awesome.  Squats are typically my weakpoint, but the script has gotten flipped and now deads are what kill me on this program.  Ride it out while I can.  Really working on sinking them deep on the BBB sets.  Dropped the weight on the hypers so I can focus on rep quality, and it made a huge difference: significantly better lower back pump.  Belt squat was murder.  Haven't been logging that it's "no lockout" for the past few sessions, but I've been keeping it that way and it really seems to do the trick.

Plans to hit Fran later, and possibly do some weighted vest walks.


Fran+ (95lb thrusters, strict chins)



9 (4:32)

5 (5:20)

Notes: No PRs, but damn close.  Arm pain pretty much gone.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2368

BBB BEEFCAKE Week 4, Day 2

AM WORKOUT (0640, 0530 wake up via wife's alarm)

CIRCUITS (chin-press) plate change between sets, 2 min before final press

Chins (various grips) 55lbs



2+2+2+2+2+2 (switching grips)

Axle clean and press away





5x181 (continental, no clean)

SUPERSETS (press-drop immediately to row) 90 seconds rest

Axle clean and press away 141


Axle double overhand row 141


(3) Incline DB bench 90lbs-no rest between sets


1x3 w/reactive slingshot

1x3 w/metal catapult

1x4 flat bench

BW dips w/rest pause of 5+10+9+9+9+8

Miniband pressdowns 25

CIRCUIT (raise-pull) no rest

Plate lateral raises 10s



Band pull apart


Notes: Got my second round of COVID vaccine yesterday and my right arm was so swollen/in pain this morning that I had to prop it up to put on a shirt.  Had no faith coming into this workout, but figured I could force my arm through the ROM and it would loosen up some.  The pressing all sucked, but that topset of presses was a huge victory.  The clean got away from me and became a continental, and I still managed to hit all the reps AND not even come close to blacking out.  I think I've gotten the blood pressure thing mostly resolved.

Still liking taking weights off the floor.  I'll go out the rack on the 1s week for the mainwork, but otherwise full steam ahead on this.

Will get in Grace a little later.  Not anticipating a PR or anything close to it, but it's been a good follow up on this day.  Going for a run with the Mrs in the evening.

Got to test out part 1 of my modified meal approach this morning.

Each egg patty is 1 whole egg mixed with egg whites, and then 1.75lbs of grassfed ground beef, 1/6 of an avocado, some grassfed butter and half a slice of fat free cheese.  I then have 2 celery stalks cut in half, with Nuts n More peanut butter and Nuts n More almond butter spread.  Then 1 slice of keto friendly toast slathered in sun butter.  For the evening meal I plan to have 1 more whole eggs, 2 more stalks of celery with Nuts n More, 1 more slice of toast with either almond or peanut butter and one of my keto olive oil brownies.  I may work the other 1/3 of the avocado into that meal, and might also throw in the cottage cheese too.


1500 Workout

Axle Grace


Not a PR, but proud of that 1 day post vaccine. Shoulder is killing me. Still got the evening run on the agenda.


3 mile run with the Mrs

Monday, March 15, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2367

BBB BEEFCAKE Week 4, Day 1


CIRCUITS (chin-dead-neck) plate change rest between circuits, 2 minutes before final pull

Chins (various grips)

Texas Power Bar Touch and Go deadlifts

Neck harness 55
5 sets

SUPERSETS (dead-dip) 90 seconds between supersets

TPB TnG deadlifts 375

Weighted dips 55

Axle rows against bands (putting away plates between sets)


Axle shrugs against bands

Kroc rows 115

2 round circuit of
50 face pulls
10 standing ab wheel
20 hypers

25 pushdowns

Notes: Christ that's a lot of training coming off a 12, but I feel like I'm finally re-calibrated.  I really dig what I've come up with rotating the bars with the weeks here, because pulling on a power bar is sucky enough to not be like a deadlift bar but not as horrible as an axle.  This was challenging but manageable: a little warning shot before week 6.  The break in the middle was an issue of timing, but I got everything done, and it was nice being on a tight schedule to force the BBB sets to move quick.  Going to monitor and see how I react to the shot, and figure out training from there.   

 Training Log: Entry 2366



100 six count burpees

5:47 (9 second PR)

Notes: Got 80 unbroken burpees done, which is also a 5 rep PR. Holy crap this sucked. Upper body pressing muscles were still torched from benching, and it was one of those workouts where, by rep 17, you know you’ve made a mistake. Coming off the 12 didn’t help much, but doing this helps reset my clock. Powered through, got the PR, said the f-word a lot. Got the majority of my daily work in today somehow too: missed the hypers and band work. Did the GHRs right after the burpees, and that REALLY sucked.

Deadlifts tomorrow, which I need to get done before my second COVID vaccine in the chance that it wrecks me.

Had an interesting bit of nutritional “proof of concept” today regarding changes to my high fat meal. Based on wake up time, I had to merge that meal with a bunch of my “thou shalts”, so I ended up having a meal of 3 organic cage free eggs, 1/3 of an avocado (it had gone rancid: lame), 3.25 ounces of grassfed piedmontese tri tip, a slice of keto bread toast with half of it smeared with sunbutter and half with almond butter, and then a celery stalk cut if half, with 1 half with a peanut based Nuts n More spread and 1 half with a Almond based one. Oh yeah, and a keto friendly brownie based in olive oil.

So yeah, that’s stupidly elaborate, but the key is that it’s a mix of proteins and fats, rather than just pure fat. It’s also LESS fat because of the presence of protein. But I also finished the meal and felt lighter than I do after my normal high fat meal, even a little bit hungry. I’m contemplating basically having that meal twice a day: breakfast and end of day. Whereas before I’d have a breakfast of meat, eggs and avocado and an evening meal of toast, celery and nut butters. Basically just combine both meals together, then cut them in half. Hell, the toast is a “breakfast food” anyway, so it works out pretty well. Something to consider at least.

 Training Log: Entry 2365


Settle in: this’ll be a long one.

First the training.

BBB BEEFCAKE, Week 3, Day 4

AM WORKOUT (0430 Wake up via dog)

CIRCUITS (chin-bench) plate rest between sets, 2 min before final set

Chins (underhand)

100 reps total

Axle bench press






SUPERSETS (bench-row) 2 min between sets

Axle bench press 216


DB rows 90


50 band pull aparts

DB bench press 90s rest pause (12 deep breaths between sets)

(Upright) 1x4

(5) 1x3

(4) 1x4

(3) 1x4

(2) 1x5

(1) 1x5

BW Dips 10+10+10+10+10

25 pushdowns

Poundstone curls




20 Standing ab wheel

40 reverse hypers


CONDITIONING: Going to call this one “Dan John’s Mistake”

Tabata intervals

8 rounds of 95lb thrusters

7 rounds of 45lb KB swings (first 2 rounds 2 handed, next 5 rounds 1 handed alternating each swing)

1 round 95lb thruster



Starting my first of 2 12s, although with daylight savings one of them is an 11, so that’s cool. Got in the early bench workout, which allowed me to be tired enough to grab a nap before that conditioning workout.

The topset of bench was challenging but mangable. 275lbs is always a significant number to me. When I first got to college I got a wild hair to test my bench max after a few years of lifting, and I ended up at 275lbs. Anytime I move that weight on bench, it brings me back. 5x275 isn’t my best, but it’s something I’m happy with at this point in my life, with all the circumstances surrounding it.

I paused the first 2 reps of the first set of 216 and found out that wasn’t going to happen for the rest of the workout. This week was the right degree of heavy and challenging.

The weight on rows isn’t changing, but the technique is. Really focusing on the squeeze and contraction. Milking the most out of it.

I did much better on the DB benching than I anticipated. My arms are beat to hell from the log work, so getting the bells into position was a challenge, but strength for pressing was solid. Also, I’m doing this workout in my bedroom slippers because I’m too lazy to change shoes, so I didn’t have the best footing.


Alright, onto conditioning. The title is awesome. Dan John originally prescribed Thrusters for Tabata work in the way back when, and later walked it back saying it was a bad idea. Reading that something is a bad idea tends to get my attention, so I gave it a try. They will absolutely smoke you. I DID find that the press portion became the limiting factor over time, which is why I can imagine Dan preferred front squats for this. I tacked on the swings to get in more conditioning time and keep it Dan John-esque. Were I to do this again, I’d alternate rounds of thrusters and swings to allow recovery between the exercises. Another option would be thrusters 1 round, front squats the next. Could also do all 3. There’s so much room for modifications.


My kid had their first Tang So Do lesson today and they are completely in love with it, so now we’re signed up. I was happy with the instruction. I’m VERY happy with the business practice. No contracts, month to month, about half the price of what we paid back in 1990s dollars when I was doing it as a kid: definitely not the “money machine” that a lot of martial arts schools end up as. The stances and basics are very similar to what I learned and what I was teaching my kid from Tae Kwon Do, so it’s nice to have some transferrable skills, and there’s a chance my kid can test out of the basic class, which is cool. I have to restrain from becoming the coach from the sideline with my kid, as this is ultimately what my kid needed. I loved training them, but it was becoming too stressful for both of us, and they didn’t have anyone their size to train with/practice on.

Also, the Tang So Do school is literally next door to a cupcake bakery. Kismet.


Tried out the riced cauliflower oatmeal. It scratched the itch. I put too much cashew milk in it and turned it into more a porridge/soup, but then added in some Walden Farms chocolate syrup and thickened it back up. Good flavor too. I’ll add the pancake syrup next time. Might incentivize me to get their blueberry or strawberry flavor. Overall, I’ll call it a win, and it’s something else I can include alongside my breakfast.

On that note, I keep catching myself undereating. When I can find ways to shave off food total, I tend to take it. My instincts are still all backwards. That said, breakfast seems to be the meal where I allow myself the most leeway, so I keep loading it up with what I can. I still have my “thou shalts”, but even those seem to flex if I go totally off script. Such as today, where I had a Chinese buffet for lunch. I am proud of how I ate there today: no mental calculations or binging on veggies to get full or anything like that: I hit up the Mongolian grill portion, loaded up on meat and veggies, then did an “around the world’ trip at the buffet line where I grabbed 1 of each item that looked good. Which, if you’ve ever tried that, you’ll STILL have a full plate when it’s done: which shows just how MUCH food you get at a buffet if you load up the ladle.

I tried out Sunbutter tonight as part of my high fat meal, and I’m kicking myself for having not had it earlier in my life. It’s amazing, and pretty much pure fat, some protein and almost zero net carb. I can’t find solid information on the Omega 6 content, but I think I get enough Omega 3s to not worry about it. I believe this will eventually replace peanut butter in my diet, but right now I’m going to rotate between peanut butter, almond butter and Sunbutter. Should also help prevent me from developing allergies.

I’m still doing the high fat meal in the evening and then grassfed cottage cheese immediately before bed. I think it’s been good for me, but I’m falling slightly out of love with the high fat meal. It was originally to help me sleep through the night, but I’m still waking up about every hour after midnight. I like getting my fats in, the meal is yummy, but I don’t quite so much enjoy going to bed feeling like a gassy whale and waking up in the morning with a world ending bowel movement. I may take to alternating between high fat meals in the evening with high lean protein meals, or at least vary my fat source away from pure nut butters. Once again, no shortage of options.

On the digestion front, cleaning out my work water bottle was a game changer, and I’m actually digesting and absorbing nutrients. That’s a positive.

The program is getting challenging, so that should be the catalyst to keep eating big.

And on top of all that, here is the check in photo

I see myself thickening, which is good. I feel that explains the improved squat performance as well. The “waspish waist” doesn’t bode well for heavy squats. Question of, is my body thickening and my squats improving, or are my squats improving and thickening my body?

Friday, March 12, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2364


Juarez Valley Front Squats 225 w/5 six-count burpees between sets

Time: 18:31

50 dips
25 pushdowns

SSB squats stripset

Notes: Was trying to talk myself into something else today, but once I got in the garage I knew this was the only choice I had.  I've added 40lbs to this workout from when I started, which is cool, and looking at my lifts my squat is head and shoulders above everything else.  I may actually be a stronger squatter NOW than when I was at my top bodyweight.  I'll take any victory I can.

I weighed myself last night before bed at 187lbs.  I prefer not to do pre-bed weigh ins, but it's something, and that's still heavier than I've been.

Made a Santa Maria style breakfast this morning.

Tri Tip, 3 cage free organic eggs, grassfed butter, fat free cheese, 1/3 of an avocado and a keto waffle.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2363

BBB BEEFCAKE Week 3 workout 3


Circuit (rows-squats) Plate rest between sets, 2 minutes between final set

T-bar rows 150

Buffalo Bar Squat

SUPERSETS (squat-hyper) 2 min between sets

Buffalo bar squat 330

Reverse hyper 410

Belt squat stripset (no rest between sets)

20 standing ab wheel
50 dips

Notes: This was the workout I was dreading the most this cycle, which meant it went real well because I came into it ready.  The topset of squats was smoother than it had any right to be, and everything after that wasn't what I'd call fun, but very manageable.  Belt squats were more of a struggle than usual.  Right hip is a little buggy, but that's about it.  Plan to get in some sort of conditioning workout later, and do a run on Friday.


Strongman Fran for real (100lb log viper, strict chins)




Time: 8:19

Notes: Was supposed to do a weighted vest walk but some obligations came up.  Came up with this idea while I was driving: viper press is FAR more strongman than log push press, and definitely similar enough to the thruster to warrant the approach.  Dug this quite a bit. It murders the forearms though: I need to drop the log from the rack vs set it down.  This should be a regular feature.

Grilling a 2lb grassfed tri tip right now.  Hope to get some photos.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2362


15 minute circuit of

5 chins

4 KB snatches (alternating arms)

5 dips

6 1 armed KB swings (alternating arms)

Got through almost 14 rounds.  Timer went off right before the set of swings.  Finished it off.  Good little conditioning workout with the remainder of my daily work thrown in and then some.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2361

BBB BEEFCAKE Week 3, Day 2

AM WORKOUT (0500 natural wake up)

CIRCUIT (chin-press) plate rest between sets, 2 min before final press

Chins (various grips) 55

Axle strict press from rack

SUPERSETS (press-rows) 2 min rest between sets

Axle clean and press away 146

immediately drop axle and go straight to

Axle double overhand rows 146

DB bench press 90s stripset (no rest between sets)
(3) Incline 1x10
(3) 1x3 w/reactive slingshot
(3) 1x2 w/Metal Catapult
(Flat) 1x4
BW dips 8+6+6+5+4 (rest pause 10 breaths between sets)
Band pushdowns 25
BW dips 6

CIRCUIT (raise-pull) no rest between sets

Plate lateral raise 10s

Band pull aparts

BW dips

Notes: Felt like death warmed over coming into this.  Solid breakfast of a grassfed ribeye with eggs, but was just out of my head and dizzy.  Thought for sure I'd blackout, so NOT doing that was a massive victory on the topset, and once again I survived the workout.  This week is what I needed to open my eyes.

Still appreciating taking the weight off the floor.  Good to bring back that part of me.  

Gonna hit up Grace later and then get in a walk with the Mrs in the evening.  


Axle Grace


I normally edit the videos down, but I legit said "holy sh*t" out loud when I saw my own back, so I felt like it was worth keeping in.  Gaining has been paying off.  Everything seems to be going to my posterior chain.  About 5 seconds off from my PR: given I still feel like death, I love it.

Mrs swapped the plan to a short run tonight vs a walk.  Good for me to get those reps in.

Monday, March 8, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2360

BBB BEEFCAKE Week 3, Workout 1

AM WORKOUT (0640) Post 12 hour night shift

CIRCUITS (chin-dead-neck) plate change rest between sets, 2 minute rest before final pull

Chins (various grips)(

Texas Deadlift Bar TnG Deadlifts

Neck harness 55
5 sets

SUPERSETS (dead-pull) 2:00 rest between sets

TDB TnG Deadlifts 390

Band face pulls

Axle rows against bands (putting away plates between sets)

Axle rows against bands

Kroc rows 115

Notes: Definitely survived this workout rather than crushed it.  Setting a 100 rep burpee PR before a 12 hour night shift was probably not the smartest move.  This was an excellent wake up call: I need to get the calories up more.  That said, I had enough in me to hit all the reps, keep the rest periods light, and still go stupid on the assistance work: just had to sort out the dips.

Someone brought Buffalo Wild Wings to work.  I had some wings.  I'm honestly pretty happy with myself about that.  I'm getting better about food.


5 mile run with the Mrs.

Notes: This felt a million times better than my last 3 miler: seems I'm finding my running shape again.  Mrs commented on how ridiculous my body is that I can go from working 12 hours to no sleep to lifting weights to running at lunch.  I informed her that, if I stop moving, I die.  

Sunday, March 7, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2359

AM WORKOUT (0500 wake up via dog)


30 GHRs

4 round circuit of

14 chins, 3x12 chins

5 standing ab wheel

14 dips, 3x12 dips

10 reverse hypers

25 pushdowns

50 pull aparts

50-ish minute 80lb weighted vest walk with dogs

Notes: Just getting stuff in on Sunday morning with the early dog wake up.  I'm working a 12 this evening, so will grab a nap at some point and hammer out the burpees.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2358

AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via dog)

BBB BEEFCAKE Week 2, Workout 4


CIRCUITS (chin-bench) plate change rest between sets

Chins (underhand)
100 reps total

Axle bench press

SUPERSETS (bench-row)

Axle pause bench 186

DB row 90

Incline DB bench mechanical advantage dropset w/rest pause (12 deep breaths between sets)
(Upright) 5x90lbs
(5) 3x90
(4) 4x90
(3) 5x90
(2) 6x90
(1) 4x90
11 dips
25 band pushdowns
7 dips

32 more dips

Poundstone curls


35 minute 80lb weighted vest walk with dogs

Notes: Dog is getting to be a handful, but it means I get more time to train in the morning.  Doing my best to make the 5s week tough.  On the first 2 sets of the BBB work I only paused the first 3 reps, but after that I paused them all: good additional challenge.  DB pressing was solid.  Really focused on "crunching" the back on the rows.  

Something in my left lat is locked up now for some reason.  Can't quite fully extend.  Not sure what's going on there.  

May get in some outdoor conditioning later.  We got some good weather and I'm trying to make the most of it.


High handle prowler pushes, loaded w/180lbs

11 rounds w/1 minute rest

Notes: First time taking the prowler out in years.  My kid's school's blacktop ended up being a great spot for it.  Went the distance that the basketball court was marked off, which I have no idea how far that is, but it doesn't really matter.  By the 11th round I was breathing hard and quietly saying the f-word to myself, which is typically my metric.  I didn't want to absolutely destroy myself my first day back, especially with my heaviest deadlift day of the cycle right around the corner.  If this weather keeps up, I can keep this going.

My warm-up was administering first aid to some kid that scrapped up his knees falling off a scooter.  He'll live, but he's probably gonna need a colotomy bag.

In very exciting news, my kid is willing to try out the Tang So Do place nearby us.  Trial class is next week.  Fingers crossed.  I enjoyed my time training my kid, but it got to the point where it was straining our relationship.  Be good to have outside instruction.

Friday, March 5, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2357

AM WORKOUT (0430 wake up via dog)


30 GHRs

5 round circuit of
10 chins
4 standing ab wheel
10 dips
8 reverse hypers

25 pushdowns
50 pull aparts



BBB BEEFCAKE Week 2, Day 3

CIRCUIT (squat-row) plate change rest between sets

Buffalo bar squat

T-bar rows 150

SUPERSETS (squat-hyper) 90 seconds rest between sets

Buffalo bar squat 285

Reverse hyper 410

Belt squat stripset (no rest between sets)

Notes: Flew through this workout.  Very strict on the 90 second rests: timer goes off and it's time to squat.  No fiddling around with the belt or sleeves.  Woke up this morning feeling pretty beat, and it's my first day off in a while, so I went with the daily work to get my body back online rather than going straight into squats.  Added the keto waffle to breakfast for some extra calories, and tested out some piedmontese steak tips cooked in the instant pot.  Going for a short run with the Mrs later today, and plan to get in some sort of short conditioning workout.


Stone of steel to shoulder
30 reps in 7:33


5k run with the Mrs

Notes: The stone was on the slow side, but got the job done of getting some blood flowing to my lower body post squat.  Run wasn't fun, but my CV system is doing just fine: just all the little muscles involved in running that sucked.  Gotta get back in running shape.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2356

BBB BEEFCAKE Week 2, Workout 2


CIRCUITS (chin-press) plate change rest

Weighted chins (various grips) 55


Axle strict press (clean first rep)






Axle clean and strict press (clean each rep): 90 seconds rest


(3)High incline DB bench 90lbs no rest between sets


1x3 w/reactive slingshot

1x3 w/metal catapult

(Flat) 1x4

1x8 BW dips

1x25 band pushdowns

1x4 BW dips

38 more dips

CIRCUIT (raise-pull) no rest between sets

Plate lateral raise



Band pull aparts


20 Standing ab wheel

Notes: Another workout without a blackout.  Getting bold by cleaning the reps now.  Technically it was supposed to be rows superset with presses for the BBB work, but I felt cleaning each rep met the intent of that.  Definitely added a new element of challenge and taxed the conditioning.  I did the cleans "touch and go" with a controlled eccentric, which really hammered my back and traps.

Garage is warming up enough that I'm actually starting to perspire in my training.  Had me realize that the dumbbell handles I have don't have much for knurling.  

Plans to hit Grace later today.  Need to get some distance running in at some point too: got a 10 mile race in a month.

Ya know, this is worth mentioning, but leading up to my cheat meal last week my physique was looking flat and my abs had gotten blurrier.  Since then, things are sharp again.  It's definitely a data point worth acknowledging.  I used to do a scheduled weekly cheat meal and have since fallen away from it.  I don't really feel the "need" to cheat like I did before, as I find my current diet really sustainable, but if nothing else this means that, should the situation arise, I can anticipate significantly more positives than negatives.


Axle Grace 

2:57 (33 second PR/lifetime PR)

Notes: No idea where that came from.  Another one of those workouts where I didn't wanna do it.  My conditioning has never been this good, and pairing it with some better technique is allowing me to match/beat some Ogre-PRs I had from before.

Going to make an effort to add some more cals in.  Program will be getting harder soon.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2355

BBB BEEFCAKE: Week 2, Day 1

AM WORKOUT (0315 wake up via alarm)

CIRCUITS (chin-dead-neck) plate change rest

Chins (various grips)


Axle deadlifts 







Neck harness 55

5 sets

SUPERSETS (dead-dip) 90 second rests

Axle deadlifts 346


Weighted dips 55


Kroc rows 115



Swiss bar shrugs against bands


Notes: Shaved off some stuff to be able to get it all done before work.  Still pretty action packed.  The time limit forced me to keep rests short, which was a nice challenge.  The axle remains a brutal implement.  I actually rounded up 5lbs on the BBB sets so I could use 1 more set of bumpers to keep noise down while I trained.  Plan to get in the daily work and a run later today.

Yet again, I seem to be "coming alive" after the second set of BBB work.  Noticed that all through the past week.  Just an interesting observation.


Just going to narrate this one.

I have an incline right by my house, so what I did was sprint up in, run into my garage, and I did a round of the following 5 times

8 reverse hypers
4 standing ab wheel
5 band pushdowns
20 face pulls

After 5 rounds of that, I did another 8 rounds of the sprint followed by some sort of kettlebell workout.  It went

10 2 arm swings
10 alternating arm snatches
10 alternating arm snatches
10 alternating arm swings where I caught the bell in midair to alternate
10 alternating snatches
10 alternating swings with the catches
10 snatches
A grab bag of snatches of and alternating arm swings

By that point, I had to get inside and start making dinner.  I like the skeleton of this workout, and I think there's something I can do with this, especially as the weather has gotten better.

Monday, March 1, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2354

AM WORKOUT (0310 natural wake up)

CIRCUITS (chin-bench) plate change rests

Chins (underhand)






Axle bench press






SUPERSETS (bench-row) 90 seconds rest

Axle bench press 201

5x10 (pause rep on last rep of last set)

DB row 90


DB bench dropset 90lbs (no rest between sets)

(Upright) 1x4

(5) 1x2

(4) 1x3

(3) 1x3

(2) 1x4

(1) 1x4

Dips 1x12

Band pressdowns 25

38 more dips

Poundstone curls



20 standing ab wheel

50 band pull aparts

40 BW reverse hypers

Notes: Back on earlies.  I honestly prefer this shift, as it's minimal disruption to my nutrition and lifestyle.  I'm slightly weaker training very first thing in the morning, but whatever.

Main and supplemental work were pretty straight forward.  With next week being the 5s week, I think I'm gonna steal a page from Paul Kelso and pause the first 2-3 reps of the set and then gun out the rest.  

152 reps on the Poundstones, at 1 rep added per week, marks a full year of progressing on it.  I genuinely think this movement is one of the best things I've ever done for my physique, as it truly is a full torso workout when it's all said and done.  It's also now taking up WAY more time than it should, so I might throw on some 2.5s and start back at 100 next go round.  

Got in the majority of the daily work while I was there.  No conditioning, but got some time later for something quick.  Hamstrings feel like piano wire: I'm actually sore from the BBB squats.  Kinda cool.


Tabata high handle trap bar pulls 135

Notes: Just wanted to get some blood flowing so the legs would feel fresh for tomorrow.