Saturday, September 29, 2018

Training Log: Entry 2387



Texas deadlift bar touch and go deadlifts 345

Buffalo bar squat 230 superset w/walking lunges

Notes: Set the timer to 3:35 between sets of deads to ensure that, by the time set up was done, I was still under 4 minutes of rest.  This was just about the right weight, maybe just slightly under what was needed, but sets 8-10 definitely sucked.  Decided to stick with buffalo bar squats rather than SSB before the former tend to beat my legs up while the latter hammers my upper back, and I wanna keep my legs conditioned for the 10x10 squats next week.  Still owe the ab work.  I wanna document that I AM doing it, just usually not within the workout due to time constraints.  I tend to find a time later in the day to get it knocked out.

Woke up at 195.0.  Going a different angle with cheat meals and focusing on larger portions rather than carbing up. Did 3 entrée at Panda Express, double teriyaki chicken and Beijing beef, with steamed veggies instead of rice.  Been liberally applying PB2 powder in protein shakes and mixed with cottage cheese as well as a source of supplemental protein.  Really trying to embrace the nutrition side of the program.

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