Friday, February 28, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3478

AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)


*Tactical Barbell Operator* Cycle 2, Week 2, Workout 4


SSB front squat


Log clean and strict press away

5x5x160+1 push press rep per set

NG weighted chins



4 round circuit, 30 seconds each of

24kg KB swing

365lb SSB front rack hold


Standing ab wheel

Push ups

Lateral raise dropset

35x10, 35x5, 35x2.5, 35xEmpty Hands




* Got good sleep last night and woke up feeling ready to go, but as soon as I started warming up I was feeling wiped out.  I think 3 nights in a row of TSD on top of yesterday’s ruck along with some low calories were starting to show.  I actually got light headed on the first set of front squats, forcing me to breathe out and rebrace on the second rep, and the first set of log didn’t feel great.  Thankfully, I didn’t black out on the log like I usually do when my head isn’t on right, and by the second set things were clicking again.  Found some great depth and mobility and a few poppy cleans on the log, but press strength was still lacking.  I’ll definitely be looking to eat up as I enter the final 3 weeks of comp prep.

* Chins continue to feel strong, and my elbows/forearms are holding out well.

* That conditioning assistance circuit at the end continues to prove valuable.  Pairing the swings and SSB hold together was an unintended stroke of genius, as it really gets challenging at the end trying to hold that brace when I’m sucking wind from the cleans.  Trying to focus on keeping the cleans explosive, and also not slacking too much during the dips and push ups.

* Tang Soo Do was another solid workout last night.  Got in some new partner drills alongside some of the usual activity.

* Physique continues to show polish on the daily.  Was very pumped after that conditioning circuit alongside the lateral raises.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3477

AM WORKOUT (0340 wake up via dog, snoozed until 0400)


*Tactical Barbell Operator* Cycle 2, Week 2, Workout 4


45lb weighted vest on Treadmill

Speed: 4.1 mph

Time: 90 minutes

Incline: 1

Distance: 6.15 miles

Calorie burn: 1000


Short walk w/dogs


* Thinking of calling this workout “Ruck You” at this point.  4.1 mph is exactly my point of discomfort when walking.  Last week’s 4.0 was not leisurely but tolerable, but for some reason that .1 really changed things.  Started telling myself lies from the very start about how I’d just do it for 30 minutes and then reduce the speed, but at about the 2 mile mark I was really settled in and cruising along.  The last 15 minutes were where I wanted to quit again, which times out about right.  I see this having some pretty awesome carryover to my 10 mile race, as walking at this pace with the vest on for 90 unbroken minutes should condition my body for a more leisurely running pace for a longer distance.

* Sticking with my running shoes for this workout.  Also kept nasal breathing for the entire time.  Made it a point to never break into a jog and always keep a walking stride.  Been listening to a lot of Brad Kearns and taking in his input.

* I don’t particularly care about calorie burn, but seeing that exact 1000 was pleasing to my base 10 mind.  Also don’t intend for this to be “fasted cardio”, but that’s exactly what it is, so good chance I’m stripping bodyfat off of me.  I’ve hit that point in the fat loss where changes are becoming noticeable on the daily, and I weighed in at 81.2kg post workout, which a fair amount of the drop is sweat.  I have to be cautious to not get into stupid “hunger games” territory, but my plan in my mind is still to overcut leading into the cruise so I can just enjoy it and then evaluate from there.

* On that nutritional note, just a funny observation.  I used to have 2 "PSMF days" per week where I didn't have a solid food lunch, and instead just did the Velocity Diet approach of protein powder all day and HSM in the evening.  One of those days was Thursday (today), and I remember how big a deal it was to "make it" all the way to the HSM at the end of the day.  I looked forward to it so much.  Now, I've made all weekdays Velocity Diet days, and they're really not challenging at all.  I enjoy my meal at the end of the day, sure, but it's not an endurance match to get there.  It's interesting having this control over hunger.

* Tang Soo Do was another really solid workout last night.  Also a bit of comedy, as one of the newer black belts got to hold pads for me and wanted me to work knee strikes, push kicks and roundhouses.  I couldn’t restrain, and went full Muay Thai on it with knees, teeps and roundhouses.  “You’ve got a lot of power!”  Got one more class tonight.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3476

AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)


*Tactical Barbell Operator* Cycle 2, Week 2, Workout 3


SSB front squat


Log clean and strict press away

5x5x160+1 push press rep per set

Log clean


Low handle trap bar lift



Core circuit (no rest between exercises)

Reverse hyper


Standing ab wheel




Axle curls


Band pushdowns



* Short night of sleep: Valkyrie was working on something so got to bed around 2230.  Tried to find a way to fit this workout in some other time, but it just wasn’t there.  That said, I actually had an awesome workout performance, so it’s once again one of those instances where you feel like hell and perform great, vs the days you feel great and perform subpar.

* Outside of the first rep of the first set, the front squats were really smooth today.  Sunk straight to the bottom and popped back up.  The weight wasn’t feather feeling, there was still some struggle, but I wasn’t fighting my body through the rep: just the weight.  The log cleans were also very explosive: popped right up, to the point that the third set almost knocked me on my butt.

* The heavy clean also moved well.  I’m happy I’m including that in the programming, as it’s building my confidence with the implement.  My last competition with a log had me lose a LOT of energy on the clean.  And when I bring out the grip shirt, it’s going to be even smoother.

* Was surprised with how well the trap bar pulls went.  Last week, 355 felt very heavy, and this week 410 felt quite manageable.  Was able to keep my breath held for the full set in all instances, even while fighting the cough/congestion.  I’m still planning on using my gateway briefs in comp, even though I’m not using them here in the training cycle.

* Tang Soo Do last night was a solid workout.  We moved for the whole hour.  Bodyweight exercises, technique work, open hand forms: good general activity.  Also got in a near 1.5 mile walk with the dog and the Valkyrie post dinner.  Weather is getting good enough that we may be able to bring that back into the rotation.

* Post carb magic had me with visible abs without flexing this morning.  Leaning out continues to go well, and I’m not shedding muscle/strength like I have in the past.  Really feeling like I found something good here.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3475

AM WORKOUT (0510 wake up via Valkyrie’s alarm)


*Tactical Barbell Operator* Cycle 2, Week 2, Workout 2


4 rounds of

200m sprint, rest 30 seconds x 3

3 min rest


* Slept in because this workout is short and I like being able to wake up alongside the Valkyrie when I can.  With the rough night of sleep last night, that panned out well.  This workout is also a solid choice as I’m hitting it the morning after my carby meal, making the most of my renewed glycogen stores.  Which, while I’m discussing that: tuna casserole, some leftover Texas Roadhouse rolls, and a cookie flight from the Valkyrie: 5 total, with some raw honey from those stingless bees in Mexico, and a mug of Fairlife skim.  After which, Valkyrie and I got in a pleasant 2.75 mile walk.

* I am a big fan of this workout, and I think I’ve settled into a pretty solid rhythm here as a result.  I definitely want to get in stones and carries each week, which takes care of 1-2 HIC workouts, I want to get in a ruck each week, which is an E workout, and I want to get in some manner of running each week, and with this being a solely running based HIC, it answers the mail.  Since I’m doing swings and a bodyweight circuit at the end of 2 of my lifting workouts, I’m getting in enough kettlebell and bodyweight work, and Tang Soo Do includes some of that as well, so I don’t feel like my HIC workouts need to include those. And then, alongside all that: this one really just hits hard and right.  On some of the other ones, I feel like I’m dogging it toward the end, but this one is short enough on the distance that I feel like I can really give it my all through the workout, and the brief 30 second rests is just enough time to regather for another effort but not enough to actually recover.  It truly lives up to it’s name.  As long as there is no snow, I imagine this will be my way forward, with some occasional deviations toward an indoor based HIC when the time is right.

* I ran into one logistical issue on the very last sprint where someone was walking their dog right on my sprinting path, but at that point I’d accumulated a significant enough oxygen debt.

* I really felt explosive on the first sprint of each group.  Arms were pumping and legs were moving up high.  Lighter bodyweight probably helps too.  I stuck with my bearfoot shoes, based off listening to a podcast with Brad Kearns.  

* STILL dealing with congestion issues.  Honestly feels like I’m regressing in that regard.

* Tang Soo Do tonight.  It’s basics week, which is hit or miss as far as intensity goes, but we’re still doing physical testing requirements, so there’s at least some additional stimulation in my future.

Monday, February 24, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3474



*Tactical Barbell Operator* Cycle 2, Week 2, Workout 1


SSB front squat


Log clean and strict press away

5x5x160+1 push press rep per set

NG weighted chins


ASSISTANCE CIRCUIT (no rest between exercises)

4 rounds, 30 seconds of

24kg KB swings

365lb SSB front rack hold


Hanging Leg Raise

Push ups


1x50, 2x25


Short walk w/dogs


* Rough night of sleep last night.  The dog got up around 0300 and just didn’t want to get back to sleep.  I slept poorly on Sunday too, and actually ended up having an extra green tea to get through the day, which in and of itself is a pretty good sign, because back in the day that woulda been an energy drink.

* Body was feeling pretty decent considered I trained 7 days in a row last week on top of the sparring.  I think all the walking was therapeutic.  

* Really trying to make the front squats as smooth as possible and not have the break between the initial decent and final depth.  I’ve noticed a great carryover between that and my ability to lap the stone.  That was honestly part of my “genius” in selecting the SSB front squat as my primary squat movement for this cycle.  I’ll need to write up my whole thought process sometime.

* Chins continue to feel really solid.  Although on that note, I weighed in at 82.0kg today, which is a full kg drop from last week.  Considered I gorged on rigatoni and cookies with honey on Monday, the buffet on Friday, and a 26oz ribeye on Saturday, that is just absolutely awesome.  I’ve also officially made weight for my competition with that weigh in, so I’m really in a good place.  I’ve got my cruise in 2 weeks, for which I will continue to lean out before I arrive, in part so I can look awesome on the pool deck and so I can eat my face off (as I’ll also be back home in San Diego, and Jack in the Box, Rubios, In n Out and some awesome local Mexican and BBQ places are calling my name), and then re-assess upon my return.  Ideally, I’d like to eat UP to the competition, rather than continue to cut down.  I’m also physically registering as leaner too.  Valkyrie has been noticing, which is the opinion that matters.

* That assistance circuit is really something special.  Particularly hitting that SSB front rack hold after the swings.  I felt like losing chow around round 3, and I knew I was done at round 4.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3473



*Tactical Barbell Operator* Cycle 2, Week 1, Workout 7


5 rounds of

Crossbody carry 200~lb bag 45~', load onto truck, upright, bearhug carry back to start
Went max distance on the carry for the final round


* I was really on the fence about doing this, as even though my body was feeling good, I just had a general sense of fatigue.  However, the Valkyrie went for a run and I decided to use the downtime to get this done.  I compromised with myself and said I would JUST use the sandbag, so I didn't have to load up a full medley, and then through a stroke of genius realized I could bearhug carry the bag to get a 2 for 1 effect and still get some good husafel training in there.  I may make this a regular practice, with the keg incorporated as well, for the future.

* Positively delighted with how awful the bag DIDN'T feel upon pick up.  Typically this shreds my elbows and beats up my back, but I'm wondering if all my time with the stone has paid off.  Now I need to get quicker on the pick up so I'm not eating up my time during the medley.  Tried to focus on that through later rounds.

* Was trying to focus on my footspeed throughout, but the very last round was definitely a slog.  I need to get the bag loaded up higher on my chest as well.  I can definitely use Nick Best's belt strategy next time.

* Ran out of time to train throws: I'll have to work on them this week.  Shouldn't be hard to just get in a handful a day.  The weather has gotten good again, and will be for at least this entire week, so I can play on my driveway more and get in more sprints.

* Also got in 2 decent walks today, ending the day at around 17k steps, and yesterday was 19k.  Got in a lean dinner too of venison burgers with egg whites, to help offset the 26oz ribeye from last night.  

Saturday, February 22, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3472



*Tactical Barbell Operator* Cycle 2, Week 1, Workout 6


5 rounds of

1 min 160+lb Stone of Steel over 48+" bar
2 min rest


* My hips were all junked up yesterday and didn't feel much better this morning, so I made the decision to reduce the weight on this and focus on technique and conditioning.  This is 25lbs heavier than the last time I did this workout, so I may actually have a pretty decent progression scheme going here.  

* Technique really turned a corner in the third round.  I figured out how to bounce out of lapping the stone and get my arms high up over the top of the stone to really make the process smooth.  Using the tacky towel and the grip shirt is really allowing me to develop some much better technique, which should pan out well when I use a real stone with some real tacky.  I'm also feeling far less beat up when these workouts are over compared to the very first time I did it, because the improved technique is putting less stress on my bicep tendon.

* Managed 8 reps as a high in 1 min, with 6-7 being about average.  

* Today was just an excellent day for activity in general.  Got in my 50 squats and push ups upon waking, took the dog for 2 walks today (one at least 3 miles) to get in over 18k steps toward the end of the day, and even got 2 rounds of sparring at Tang Soo Do.  The class was big enough that I got to go against someone that WASN'T a member of my family in the first round, and then sparred the kiddo in the second round.  Did my best to be springy and bouncy.  I think it helped my hips open up a bit, but I'm still making sure to play the balancing game of stimulus and recovery.  Also want to get in a carry medley tomorrow, as the weather is continuing to get better and should be good this week for outdoor activity.

* Took the kiddo out for a them and me date night while the Valkyrie was having a girls' night, and I treated myself to a 26oz bone-in ribeye along with 2 bowls of hardboiled eggs with some sour cream.  So, once again, that whole balance between wanting to make weight yet not being a martyr about it: I think I'm nailing it.  That was an awesome steak.  And because I'm ridiculous, I also finished off my kid's steak...and I still felt like I could have some more.

Friday, February 21, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3471

AM WORKOUT (0400 natural wake up)


*Tactical Barbell Operator* Cycle 1, Week 1, Workout 5


SSB front squat


Log clean and strict press away

5x5x140+1 push press rep per set

NG weighted chins



4 rounds, 30 seconds each movement, 8 seconds between movements of

24kg KB swings

365lb SSB front rack hold


Standing ab wheel

Push ups

Lateral raise dropset

35x10, 35x5, 25x2.5, 35xEmpty Hands

Band pull aparts



* Slept well again, but woke up with my right hip feeling like it was frozen.  I think between the cold weather and the sparring this week, it’s gotten a little beat up.  Honestly thought I was only going to do 3 sets of front squats to check the box, but, surprisingly, I felt REALLY good in my warm-ups and on the front squats themselves.  Some of the best sets yet.  I feel like I’ve gotten really good on the eccentric, learning how to pull myself into the lower position rather than just fall into it.  I also had the best log cleans yet with this workout: really felt explosive and efficient with energy.  I’m focusing on getting by stomach below the log and using it to leverage it up which, when combined with my lever belt, allows me a grip point.

* First time since starting Tactical Barbell that I actually felt like I made some progress on the chins.  Between Monday and Today, these felt much stronger. 

* On Monday, the assistance work circuit was just a gameday decision, but today it became intentional.   I figured “Why not?”  Originally I was just doing 100 straight KB swings, and then I’d go do the ab circuit and then fill in whatever else I had time for, but this way I get in the reps while also getting a slight conditioning effect.  I’m not getting 100 swings with this approach, as I manage about 19 in 30 seconds, but there’s nothing magical about the number 100.  I just want to focus on making them pop.  Push ups and dips are getting me some of the chest training I’m lacking, and then the ab work is still present as well.  And getting under that SSB after the swings is quite a challenge.  I upped the time between rounds to 8 seconds compared to 5 the first time, and that was absolutely the sweet spot.  Just enough time to transition between movements and set up.

* Had a real solid mind muscle connection on the lateral raises today.  Trying to focus on that.

* Weighed in at 83.0, which is a .8kg drop compared to Monday.  Sodium is all over the place, as I’ve been eating a lot of leftover Kalua pig and then we had a middle of the week Buffalo Wild Wings dinner.  I’m still leaning out well, and at a much more sustainable rate than previous gos, and I’ve been able to enjoy weekends with my family, so ultimately I’d call this a win.  On that note, I have a date night slated with the kiddo on Saturday at Texas Roadhouse, cashing in my free monthly steak, so that’s awesome too.  It’s nice having a competition to train for, because I’ve learned I don’t like training if I’m not gaining (rhyme unintended but I’ll take it) as I much prefer to build toward something, but, in turn, having a competition I’m training for IS building toward something.  Operator is a nice fit in that regard too, as it keeps the lifting focused on what matters.  

* Sparring last night was less than awesome, as I got paired up with the kiddo in the first round.  They need the reps more than I do, so I went hands only and kept it a close match, going 2-2 before leaving them an opening to capitalize on to score the third point.  I’ve made it a point to evade as soon as my kid moves their leg for a kick, trying to show them that they’re telegraphing and need to set it up with hands first.  Meanwhile, their defense continues to be absolutely stellar.  They unfortunately ended up paired up against the aforementioned “wild child”, and had many illegal shots scored as points against them due to a conflict of interest in the judging, but they at least scored 2 points prior to that and maintained their integrity through the process, which we could not be more proud of.  The Valkyrie squared off against our tallest student, who is about 6’4 and 160lbs of pure Dhalsim like lankiness which, unfortunately, her frequently squaring off against me at 5’9 and more reminiscent of a fire hydrant did not adequately prepare her.  We have another class on Saturday, wherein I hope that we somehow manage to NOT get paired against family in the first round, so we all have a chance for some extra reps.  But I at least managed to get in some free sparring rounds before and after the inner-Dojang tournament, so all is not lost.  Been experimenting with the Brazilian kick as well, which is interesting to apply in a point sparring format.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3470

AM WORKOUT (0413 natural wake up)


*Tactical Barbell Operator* Cycle 2, Week 1, Workout 4



Incline: 1

Speed: 4.0

Distance: 6 miles

Time: 90 minutes

45lb weighted vest


* Actually got a decent night of sleep last night.  Was able to get the dog some meds that controlled the cough, which meant we all got to sleep better and I woke up feeling quite refreshed.  And between that and my kiddo STILL having school canceled, it led to me making the decision to do a long workout this morning vs a short HIC workout.

* This is technically a program deviation, as I did an E workout last week and, with the Black protocol, I am to limit those to once every other week.  However, with these past 3 snow/cold days, my general activity level has been poor.  I’ve done my best to get in indoor steps, use a walking treadmill, etc, but I just really needed to get in some focused general movement today to compensate for a backlog of listlessness.  Between this being Tang Soo Do sparring week AND physical testing requirements month and the possibility of getting in more strongman workouts this weekend, I don’t think I’ll be hurting for HIC workouts, and a one off extra E workout isn’t going to turn me into a fountain of estrogen.

* I DID push this harder than usual.  3.0 is my leisure pace, and 3.5 is my general working pace, so 4.0 is an uncomfortable walking pace.  It’s that “My flight is boarding soon and I’m at the other end of the terminal” walking pace, where I still don’t break into a full on 2 feet off the floor at one time jog.  And all that is when I DON’T wear a weighted vest.  In turn, I kept the incline at a basic level so I could focus more on pace.  I also wanted to get in 6 miles of distance in the 90 minutes, once again prepping me for my 10 mile race coming up in early April.  I don’t plan to do any actual long distance running to prep for it, but the short hard runs of the HIC workouts combined with hard rucking should put me in a good enough place to finish without destroying myself for a strongman competition in the following week.

* Tang Soo Do sparring went really well last night.  I was thankfully not paired up against any of my family during the inner-Dojang tournament, instead squaring off against one of our black belts in the first round, which I took rapidly in a 3-1 scoring match, securing 2 points with a variety of off angle hook kicks, crescent kicks and roundhouses.  The second match was similarly a 3-1 short match against our resident “wild-child” who likes to coming in fists flying as a swarm fighter, but then also likes to employ the Mighty Ducks strategy of “Take the fall, act hurt, get indignant” in order to foul out larger opponents.  I went in as a crouch fighter for the first round to negate his wild swinging and scored a straight shot into his body, then impaled him with a front kick as he charged in on the second round.  Don’t remember the third point.  Final match was against our resident black belt sparring champion, and, unfortunately, I can’t beat the halo he has around his head as a result of his status.  Valkyrie and I noticed that he was getting points called for him before his technique was even fully extended: the judges just assume that, if he throws a technique, it’s going to score.  He got 2 points just from hitting my elbows, but I at least secured a solid point by leading him in a circle with left leg kicks before catching him off balance with a right side roundhouse.  We went 1-3 with, and then transitioned to some individual sparring.  My kiddo sparring the black belt champion before I did, and I was blown away by their defense last night.  Really just turned a new corner.  They asked me for advice, I informed them to watch out for the body punch, and they didn’t let a single one slip through.  Meanwhile, despite being ragged by what is most likely RSV, my Valkyrie put on a fantastic show during the individual sparring and tooled many of our black belts.  Was a good night for the family, and we’re slated to go again tonight.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3469

AM WORKOUT (0550 wake up via Valkyrie's alarm)


*Tactical Barbell Operator* Cycle 2, Week 1, Workout 3


SSB front squat

Log clean and strict press away
5x5x140+1 push press rep per set

Log clean

Low handle trap bar lift


Core circuit (no rest between exercises)

Reverse hyper



Axle curls

Band pushdowns


* I originally put in for the day off work because my kid's school schedule, Valkyrie's schedule and dog's vet appointment were all coming to a head, but then my kid's school got canx due to weather, so I found myself with a much lighter load.  Slept in and took advantage of it.  Still not very restful sleep with the dog hacking through out the night, and I felt the effects this morning, as I was moving slow and things were feeling heavier than they had any right to.  I also ate somewhat light yesterday.  Good food (more of the leftover kalua pork), but smaller portions than normal.  

* The log cleans continue to improve, and I'm excited about how they'll feel with a tacky shirt.  I should bring that next time I do a max weight log clean like today.  Which, on that note, this was the first day of trying that and it went alright.  200lbs definitely feels heavier than I'd like it to, but I got it in place on one try without too much wasted energy.  I think I'm going to up the weight week to week, so that, by comp week, 200lbs doesn't feel as threatening.

* I REALLY wanted to start doing ROM progression deadlift bar pulls this week, but decided not to mess with success.  7 weeks out from comp, I don't need to suddenly pick up hip issues again.  When the comp is over, I'll include it.  I'll have "earned" the right to mess with the programming at that point, and will be willing to accept the consequences.

* Tang Soo Do got canx last night due to weather, so the Valkyrie and I did some free sparring at home.  Legit lived out one of my childhood fantasies to have a spouse I could spar with, and she had a blast as well.  We may include this on the regular.  Hopefully be able to get to class tonight.  It's also "Chef's Night Out", so I'm going to do my best NOT to eat like an A-hole with Buffalo Wild Wings.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3468

AM WORKOUT (0530 wake up via Valkyrie’s alarm)


*Tactical Barbell Operator* Cycle 2, Week 1, Workout 2


5 rounds of

90 seconds max intensity strikes on Bas Rutten Body Action System

2 min rest


* Sleep was awful last night, due to external factors.  The Valkyrie AND the wolf are both sick, and whereas the former is able to use a cough suppressing medicine to not be TOO disruptive in the middle of the night, the latter spent the entire night hacking on phlegm, and between the two it was a cacophony of coughing and gagging that wasn’t the most pleasant of white noise.  I had already decided on a short and intense HIC for this morning, and my kid had school canceled due to extreme cold temperatures (going to be -30 with windchill today), which made the decision to train in the basement vs the garage even more logical and allowed me the opportunity to sleep in as long as possible.

* I was torn between a few different heavy bag focused workouts, but settled on this due to the simplicity.  Just hit the bag as hard and fast as you can for 90 seconds and then recover and do it again.  Re-reading the entry and seeing that K. Black was fine with you looking like a “slow drunken monkey” at the end of the round gave me the assurance I needed, because with high intensity stuff as a very slow twitch lifter, I often wonder if I’m meeting intent.

* It is nice to do these explosive workouts the morning after that carb up meal.  I figure I’ll never be more primed.  I’m also noticing that I’m just plain feeling physically really good right now: just some small aches and pains, vs “contemplating hanging up the gloves” sorta stuff I was going through during my last competition prep.  I think this program and THAT program are clear signs that I can’t trust myself to come up with my own programming.  Along with feeling good and getting stronger, I’m not hemorrhaging bodyweight like I was before, but seem to be losing in a more gradual manner and keeping the muscle I built.

* As for the workout itself, I didn’t record it because the internet would tear me in half if it saw the ridiculous spastastic “striking” I was doing on the BAS, but it fully met the intent of exhausting myself within the 90 seconds.  I appreciate how I can avoid loading my body this way.  And though the Body Action System isn’t an actual heavybag, it definitely provides me the force feedback I’m looking for.  I wear my everlast MMA style bag gloves for this, because trying to go max effort 90 seconds with 16oz gloves would most likely look like the Kimbo vs Dada 5000 match.

Monday, February 17, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3467



Tactical Barbell Operator: Cycle 2, Week 1, Workout 1


SSB Front Squats

Log clean and strict press away
5x5x140+1 push press rep per set

NG chins


3 rounds, 30 second each of

24kg KB swings
365lb SSB front rack hold
Standing Ab Wheel
Push ups


* Day off for President's Day, and we got snowed in, so it's been a lazy day.  Slept in, Valkyrie made me breakfast, trained during lunch. Start of the new cycle.

* Elbows are feeling great, so technique and recovery are going well.

* Front squats were super speedy and bouncy.  Making the most of the light weight.

* Working the push press again so I get familiar with the move before the competition.

* Did the assistance circuit to make things go a little faster.  Wanted to get back with the family.  Was a decent little burner.  Family meal tonight as well: rigatoni and some homemade cookies.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3466



Tactical Barbell Operator Cycle 1, Week 6, Workout 6

Stone of Steel EMOM

First 5 rounds: doubles
Final 5 rounds: singles
Then 5 reps

185+lb stone


* Managed to get this done in the morning, which should ideally give me enough time to recover before tomorrow's start of the new cycle.

* Used a new tacky towel, which may have given me a little more grip.  Between that and the grip shirt, I'm really appreciating how much I can actually drill some solid technique on the stones with these workouts.  I'm feeling more and more confident in turn.  Every rep I went for, I got.

* My lower body mobility has really come far from all the crazy deep squats.  I was able to sink LOW into the stone lap.

* Had a few reps that really got the stone up and in a good way.  I'm still a little gunshy about launching the stone past the mats into the wall, but come comp day I won't have that concern.

* With the better technique, my body feels less beat up, which allows for more training.  I'm pushing the weights heavier and heavier on this as well.  It will be good to get in a few more rounds where I practice max stones in a minute, but this has been good for getting in a solid amount of reps.

* Completely unrelated to this, but I forgot to log during my carry workout that I used my No Bull shoes rather than my Bearfoots, and I actually liked them more.  I may have to use them come comp day.

* Still got a day off tomorrow, so more sleeping in and recovering in my future.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3465

I intended to train stones today, but life had other plans.  We got some snow, and I spent the training time shoveling.  However, before that, I got a surprise sprint workout in.

I was setting up to walk my dog.  She's a 8.5 month old boxer puppy.  We're in the garage, I have her leash attached to my adjustable bench, which is standing upright like in my videos.  I'm lacing up my boots, I hit the garage door open button.

The dog sees the door open and starts meandering toward it.  In doing so, she pulls the bench down.  It falls, hits the floor, and startles her.

And, she does what a puppy does when it's startled.

She BOOKS it down the street.  My winter boots are just barely laced, and I'm taking off after her like a shot.  Yes, I HAVE been working on my sprinting, but I'm still 185 at 5'9 with a torn meniscus in one knee and a reconstructed ACL and repaired meniscus in the other...and 39.  Running in newly fallen (and currently falling) snow.  While calling my puppy's name at the top of my lungs.  

Catching this damn dog was NOT in the cards, BUT, I had to at least keep it in my eye sight, because the snow IS falling, and this dog is too dumb to NOT run in the middle of the road, and drivers are not attentive normally.

But, unfortunately, my puppy reasons like a puppy, and she keeps looking back at me each time I call her name, sees ME sprinting, and assumes I'M running away from the same scary noise, so she just keeps on booking it.

We eventually make it to my kid's school (a route she knows), at which point she finally stops, I get her leash, we walk back home, close the garage, and re-start the whole walking process.

So much for some "zone 1" activity.  After it was done, I discovered my fight-or-flight had gotten tripped, because I was wiped out on a nervous system level.  BUT, my cardio held out totally fine.  I was pleased with my sprinting performance, so that's pretty cool.

Otherwise, got in my daily push ups and squats, and got to eat at my favorite buffet again.  Took the kiddo out to see the Dogman movie, which was honestly much better than I expected.  I liked it more than Sonic 3.  

Friday, February 14, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3464

AM WORKOUT (0430 wake up via alarm)


Tactical Barbell Operator Cycle 1, Week 6, Workout 5


SSB front squat


Log clean and strict press away

Weighted NG chins

KB swings


Core circuit (no rest between exercises)

SSB front rack hold
3x30 seconds x 355lb


Lateral raise dropset
35x10, 35x5, 35x2.5, 35xEmpty Hands



* This is the final lifting workout of the cycle.  I truthfully didn't want to do it, primarily because I have the day off work and the last workout always feels like a pointless one, but since this is going to lead ride into the next cycle I knocked it out.  I also got to sleep in, which was nice.

* Mobility on the front squats was good, and I got some good pops on the log clean.  Press is still a little weak, but that corresponds with the dropping bodyweight.  Being able to eat up to the weight class leading into the comp should do well.

* Elbows are feeling good, which is a good sign.  I'm going to put them to the test these next few days.  My driveway is actually clear of snow today, so I'm thinking of doing a double workout and getting in the loading medley, and then hitting the stone tomorrow.

* Tang Soo Do was a solid workout last night.  Didn't stop moving for the full hour.  Lots of planks, bodyweight exercises, techniques, partner drilling, etc.

AM WORKOUT 2 (1000)

Strongman Carry Medley

135lb CDB, 100lb silver keg, 150lb black keg

First 4 rounds was down and back, final round was just 1 length.  45+ ' per length, just a different camera angle.

2 minutes rest between rounds.

It's stupidly cold, but we have more snow on the forecast, so while the driveway was still clear, I wanted to get this done.

I also changed this up by doing the down and back.  I'll admit the initial motive: I didn't want to spend the time setting up the medley between each round, and figured I could just make the set-up part of the workout.  But this DID serve to make it far more challenging.  I was huffing after each round, and you can see me slowing down particularly in the 4th round.  Good challenge, and honestly feeling like my old self with this.

My footspeed is feeling good.  I'd LIKE to go heavier, but I haven't quite earned that yet.  Need to get fast when it's light so I can be fast when it's heavy.  I also need to quit hiding from the sandbag.  I think this next cycle will be a good time to bring it in.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3463

AM WORKOUT (0510 wake up via Valkyrie’s alarm)


Tactical Barbell Operator Cycle 1, Week 6, Workout 4


5 rounds of

10 burpees

10 KB swings (24kg bell)

1 min rest


* We finally got some snow yesterday, so it’s time for indoor conditioning.  Meat Eater II is a favorite of mine, and with this being the week of easier conditioning, I wanted to select something that would allow me to wake up next to my Valkyrie.  She really appreciates when that can happen, and I’ve robbed her of it a bunch.  This took just slightly over 8 minutes, which is a good data point.

* I forgot where I learned it from, but clapping the hands overhead on the burpee, like in a jumping jack, is a great way to keep honest about getting your hands over head.  I know I’ve got tons of video of me just half-assed throwing my hands up, and it really robs the full body portion of the whole thing.  I made sure to include it today, along with a decent jump, while still trying to get them knocked out quickly.  Despite the short workout, it was still pretty challenging.

* It’s always hard to go easy, but the TB system works the way it’s laid out.  I’m training heavy lifting, so I’m going light on the conditioning, and my recovery is balanced.  It also gets me champing at the bit for some harder conditioning come next week.

* These were some of the most explosive swings I’ve done in a while.  Something about coming out of the bottom of the burpee and leaping right into the swing, or maybe it’s the jump of the burpee primes me for explosiveness.  I also noticed my knee felt better coming down the stairs.  I may consider doing some burpees as part of a general warm-up for the future.

* That virus is still running it’s course: dealing with some phlegm/congestion issues.  

* I was feeling particularly light this morning and stepped on the scale.  Weighed in at 82.4kg.  Gotta watch myself for playing "hunger games".  I think my body has tripped into fat loss mode, and I'm seeing myself looking leaner.  I can eat more, without eating like an a-hole, but I can also ride this out to my San Diego trip/cruise and really enjoy the food.

* Tang Soo Do is on the schedule for tonight.  Classes were canx last night due to the weather.  My dog is also cleared to resume walking tomorrow, so I’ll be sure to maximize that.  I get the day off work tomorrow, and want to get in a bit of training while also keeping the dogs under control, since the Valkyrie will be teleworking. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3462

AM WORKOUT (1030, slept in, snow day)


*Tactical Barbell Operator* Cycle 1, Week 6, Workout 3


SSB front squat

Log clean and strict press away

Low handle trap bar lift
2x463 (misload)


Core circuit (no rest between exercises)

Reverse hyper

Standing ab wheel


Axle curls

Band pushdowns


* Finally got some snow, and it shut down the city, so I slept in and got this knocked out later in the morning.  As a result, joints felt loose and limber.

* Cleans keep feeling solid.  Still a little uneven in the press.

* I accidentally loaded a 7.5kg plate instead of a 25lb plate on one side of the trap bar, so the very first set was uneven.  Added an interesting challenge.  Otherwise, some solid grinds on the last 2 sets.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3461

AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)


*Tactical Barbell Operator* Cycle 1, Week 6, Workout 2

“RUCK MARCH” (Basic…which is to say, ruckless ruck march)

Treadmill walk

Speed: 3.5mph

Time: 90 minutes

Distance: 5.25 miles

Incline: 5.0 for first 60 minutes, 6.0 for final 30


* Timing on this was really pretty clutch: it’s my week to include an “E” workout, and it’s the week to keep things light, so I went without my weight vest and got in a long walk on the treadmill.  Went .25 further than Saturday and at a higher overall incline, allowing me to differentiate between a leisure walk and a workout.  

* Wore my running shoes for this one.  I like my bearfoot shoes, but the soles of them are torn up, which, in turn, tears up my feet when I walk on them at a fast clip for long durations, and with 3 Tang Soo Do classes this week, all being “Wildcard Cardio” AND in the month when we do our physical testing requirements every class (for us, 40 push ups, 40 sit ups and 40 jumping jacks), I really don’t want torn up feet on the mats.  Thankfully, I DO have good running shoes, and it’s most likely what I’ll wear for my race, so getting reacquainted with them was a good move.

* Along with my knees, my Achilles tendons are sore/tight.  It happened after the medley on Sunday, and I had a similar feeling after my sprint work last week.  Interesting data point.

* I got in a solid 60 minute walk yesterday while my kid was at Music Theater.  This was after whipping up a meal of 4 cheese tortellini with some Trader Joe’s Bolognese sauce, garlic bread, and then 5 of the Valkyrie’s “monster cookies”, with oatmeal, peanut butter, M&Ms and chocolate chunks, with I topped with some raw local honey and a mug of Fairlife skim milk.  Was great on a cold night, and since the Valkyrie got home late, I was able to leave it in the oven on warm for her when she got home.  Called me her hero for her to have a warm dinner to come home to.  I kinda chuckle at me making a pasta dish.

Monday, February 10, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3460

AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)


*Tactical Barbell Operator* Cycle 1, Week 6, Workout 1


SSB front squat



Log clean and strict press away


Weighted NG chin


KB swings



Core circuit (no rest between exercises)

SSB front rack hold

3x30 seconds x 355lb



General Conditioning 5 (basic)

3 rounds of 30 seconds max dips, 90 seconds rest, 30 seconds max push ups, 90 seconds rest

3 rounds of 5 pull ups (kipping) and 10 burpees (done in 3:23)


2x25, 1x50


* The heaviest week of the 6 week program.  The very first set of front squats didn’t feel great.  I cut depth on the first rep, which put pressure on the knee.  I remedied that for the rest and it paid off.  Biggest takeaway I’ve learned from my squatting experiment is that, if I can’t sink it, I shouldn’t squat it.  

* I am very pleased with how the log turned out.  The clean is getting snappy and not using up my energy, and this is without a grip shirt.  Once I add that in, things will really take a turn.  The press itself could use some work, but that tends to be the case while I lose bodyweight.  I’m considering sticking with the strict press for the next training cycle, but finishing each set with a push press rep, just to get the practice in.  Really, I just hate push pressing…

* I really wanna go heavier on the chins, but this is, legit, the first strongman comp training cycle I’ve ever done where my elbows aren’t absolutely screaming at me.  Cutting out the back squat, being smart with the chins, not rowing the log into my lap: it’s all adding up.  I DO need to bring the sandbag back into my life, which tends to be an elbow slayer, but I’m wondering if I can just slowly up the dose of the poison and build up my tolerance.

* Since these workouts are faster, due to the reduced reps and sets, I squeezed in the basic version of GC 5.  That’s 30 seconds of work vs 60.  I really like this protocol for getting in a chest pump, and that little circuit of burpees and pull ups is surprisingly murderous.  

* Weighed in at 83.8kg this morning, which is a .4 drop from last week.  I was NOT expecting that, given the full rack of ribs on Friday, buffet dinner on Saturday and 21 chicken wings on Sunday for the Superbowl.  This is absolutely outstanding: full steam ahead.  Which includes tonight’s family meal, because eating that is not interrupting my progress at all, and the Valkyrie made some “Monster Cookies” with peanut butter, oatmeal, M&Ms and chocolate chunks, which I am going to slather with some raw local honey along with some sort of warm casserole on a cold night.  Couldn’t be better.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3459



Tactical Barbell Operator Cycle 1, Week 5, Workout 6

Carry Medley

105lb circus DB
100lb keg
150lb keg
45+' distance

5 rounds total

35lb sandbag throws
Lots of them


* Really tried to focus on foot speed on this one.  Since I'm approaching the heaviest week of TB, I kept this weight lighter.  I was starting to feel my old self: remembering how to push harder with the weights.

* I'm liking the circus DB as a carry option.  I loaded the top of it to add some weight, and that should be something I can continue as needed.  I DO need to get in some practice with the sandbag though.

* Was actually moving fast enough to feel my cardio get impacted.  

* On the throws, I tried out setting it up like a KB swing, and that worked out well.  Having the bag far out in front, so I can grab it, swing it back once and then launch it on the rebound.

* Yesterday, I got in a 5 mile recovery walk as well.  Had to use the treadmill, since I needed to keep an eye on my pup post surgery.  Played around with speed a bunch.

* For the superbowl, I treated myself to 21 wings, smoked and air fried.  That probably doesn't help my goals for weight loss, but I'm well within cutting range if it comes down to that, and I'm not going to be a martyr through this.  Which, on that note, I also had a full rack of ribs on Friday and got to the buffet on Saturday.  

Friday, February 7, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3458



Tactical Barbell Operator Cycle 1, Week 5, Workout 5


SSB front squats


Log clean and strict press away

Weighted NG chins

KB swings


Ab circuit (no rest between exercises)

SSB front rack hold
3x30 seconds x 348

Standing ab wheel

1 min of lateral raises w/10lb

2x25, 1x50


* Day off work, slept in, got this done after "lunch" (Metabolic Drive).

* Since it was later in the day, my mobility was much better.  Sunk the front squats.

* 3rd set of log was a goat rope.  But I got some real snappy cleans after that.

* Really got some explosive reps on the KB swings.  Want that to carry over to the sandbag throw, because I hate that event.

* That pulled psoas muscle is healing slowly but it's there.  Only the ab wheel seems to trigger it now.

* Valkyrie and I have come down with some sort of virus.  Was actually impacting me yesterday.  Since it's a virus, it tends to manifest in the morning and evening, and then I feel good during the day.  Between that and the dog getting spayed, we're keeping it a low energy day, outside of this training.  Kills my soul to lay low, but it's for the best.  I'm thinking there's something to be said about increased NEAT in the presence of high protein.

* Picked up a digital copy of Vince Gironda's "Wild Physique" book, per the recommendation of Dan John.  Slowly reading through the nutrition section primarily, but will take on the whole thing.  It's amazing how far ahead that dude was.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3457

AM WORKOUT (0900, slept in, post breakfast)


Tactical Barbell Operator Cycle 1, Week 5, Workout 4

EMOM Stone of Steel over 48"+ bar


150+lb stone


* I took the day off work, since my dog is getting spayed, so I slept in and got this knocked out in the morning.  Got in a short warm-up with the unloaded stone, then threw in a 25lb plate and spacers and got after it.

* This isn't a co-opted TBII workout, but just a classic EMOM.  Original plan was to get in 10 rounds of triples, but the burnout hit quick.  Took the 1 round break, switched to doubles, and then worked to still get in my 10th round, going for max reps.

* Goal is still to re-learn technique, and it's going incredibly well.  The grip shirt and the tacky towel are really allowing me to actually work technique on the stone, vs just manhandle it.  I'm really getting my arms over the top vs the sides, and getting more extension as a result.  It also seems to be sparing my elbows by putting less pressure on them.  

* This is genuinely just fun training.  Really feels like playing a game.  Which makes it hard to not do all the time, but I can tell it's putting some weird strain on me and I know too much is too much.  Particularly, my knee ligaments bend in odd angles to get the stone off the floor.

* Went for a 1 hour walk afterwards.  It's stupid icy out there right now, so my pace was a little slower.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3456

AM WORKOUT (0408 wake up via alarm)


Tactical Barbell Operator Cycle 1, Week 5, Workout 3


SSB front squat


Log clean and strict press away

Low handle trap bar lift


Core circuit (no rest between exercises)

Reverse hyper


2x25, 1x50

Axle curls

Band pushdowns


* Stayed up late, so got in as much sleep as I could.  Workout was a little shorter as a result.  

* My Achilles tendons are actually sore from yesterday's sprints.  Seems I was able to put in a good effort there.

* It's weird how much my deadlift has fallen off, but I attribute it to my reduced bodyweight.  On the plus side, my belt fits better and better every session.

* Log cleans continue to feel more crisp, and by the third set squats are humming along.

* I've been watching my resting heart rate lower in correlation with my bodyweight.  That's a good bit of data to track.

* Tang Soo Do was very low energy yesterday, and we're missing tonight due to a parent teacher conference.  My dog is getting spayed tomorrow, so my schedule is going to get wonky.  I took the next 2 days off work to be around.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Training Log: Entry 3455

AM WORKOUT (0500 wake up via alarm)


*Tactical Barbell Operator* Cycle 1, Week 5, Workout 2

“Oxygen Debt 101”

200m sprint

30 second rest

Repeated 3 times total

Rest 3 minutes

4 rounds of the above


* I’ll break out the crayons.  I’d run 200m, rest 30 seconds, run 200m, rest 30 seconds, run 200m.  Then a 3 minute rest.  Then do that whole sequence all over again.  A total distance of 2400m sprinted.  

* I think this is my favorite running workout out of TBII so far.  This is the style of training I resonate with.  The short 30 second rest interval is enough time to regather myself for another effort but not enough time to actually recover, so by the third sprint I’m absolutely gassed, living up to its name.

* I also feel like this suits me because I am so slow twitch that trying to “sprint” further then 200m is a BIG ask for me.  I never feel like I’m pushing hard enough on the 400 and 800m runs, but this was a great distance for me to give out effort.  I’m still using my neighborhood space, so this was 100m, turn around, 100m, but, again: it met intent.  I was gassed.  

* It was 18 degrees at 0500, which made it VERY tempting to sleep in, but I’m glad I didn’t.  Also, I had a boss in the past that used to use the phrase “Oxygen Thieves”, and it kept going through my head for “Oxygen debt”

* I had an incredible carb up meal last night.  The Valkyrie was busy, so it meant I got to dig into my reserves of vacuum sealed leftovers for me and the kiddo.  Kiddo wanted leftover rigatoni casserole, whereas I was feeling tuna casserole, but since my kid isn’t nearly the carnivore I am, they had a bunch of leftover Italian sausage/sauce on their plate when they were done…which I dumped on top of the tuna casserole on my plate and got to have the best of both worlds.  That, alongside 3 sunny side up pastured eggs and then 3.5 of some leftover oatmeal/peanut butter cookie bars topped with some local raw honey.  I actually felt like I was force feeding the desert at one point, since the texture is so thick, but I’m leaning into Jamie Lewis’ suggestion to “rampage” on this meal, as these periods of reduced total intake alongside the .8kg drop lead me to appreciate a higher carb intake on this meal.  Also got in a nice 3+ mile walk afterwards while the kid was at music theater.

* Tang Soo Do tonight.  Should be lower intensity than these past few weeks. 

Monday, February 3, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3454

AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)

**12 LABORS: CLEANING THE AUGEAN STABLES**  (that’s a less than glorious one, but we’re rolling with it)

*Tactical Barbell Operator* Cycle 1, Week 5, Workout 1


SSB front squat



Log clean and strict press away


Weighted NG chins


KB swings




SSB front rack hold

3x30 seconds x 348lb

Standing ab wheel


Dip/push up circuit

2 rounds of 90 seconds max dips, 1 min rest, 1 min max push ups


75, 25


* I’ll start with the end: that dip/push up circuit wasn’t supposed to go down that way.  Was trying to run General Conditioning 5, but I was battling technology.  Kept setting my timer to be 1 minute intervals, but it kept defaulting to 90 seconds for some reason. I would start the dips, think “this is taking a LONG time”, finish up, discover that it was going on for 90 seconds, reset it for the push ups, and then dips would roll around again.  In turn, I ate up too much training time to be able to do the full GC, but I got in a decent chest pump, so that’s a victory.

* My right knee continues to feel better and better each week, and I find myself better able to hit depth and spring out of the bottom of these front squats.  This time with this program has been really awesome for healing and recovery.

* Had some of my best log cleans today.  Really giving me some confidence for the comp.  Still only 1 other guy in my class, which was the dude I went against last time, who was a better presser than me, so I need to bring that up.

* Managed to get in some throws yesterday, and over 23k steps.  Really solid recovery day.

* Weighed in at 84.2 kg this morning.  That’s a .8 drop from last week.  Everything is clicking along well, without counting or tracking.  Sticking with the plan and eating a carby meal tonight, as it just keeps working.  I actually did chicken breasts last night, and broke out the smoker, since our weather is unseasonably awesome right now.  They turned out about as good as chicken breasts can, which is to say: not very, but I’m appreciating having periods of lean meals and periods of fatty meals along this process.

* May be able to get in some walking this evening.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3453



*Tactical Barbell Operator* Cycle 1, Week 4, Workout 6

100, 150 and 200lb keg

45-ish feet carry

Bearhug the first, carry the next 2

Rest as long as needed to set up again

4 rounds of the above


* Another weekend, so slept in until about 0715, got in my 50 squats and push ups, got a great breakfast, took the dog for a long walk, did some errands, fasted through lunch, and got this done while the Valkyrie took a nap.  

* Trying to remember how to strongman.  Been a LONG time since I ran a legit medley.  My competition will be Huss, Keg and Sandbag.  I don't have the huss stone, so I'm doing the bearhug carries to simulate.  I went without the sandbag for today, as it's a legit 200lbs and right now I'm just trying to get some technique down.

* On that note, I won't need to worry about conditioning on this, but I am stupidly weak right now.  I learned a trick from Nick Best about resting the load on a belt, which I'll use in the near future, but right now I just wanted to shake off the rust.

* Lower back and forearms held out well.  Called it at 4 rounds just to not beat the hell out of myself.  These first 2 workouts have been a break-in: I'll turn up the heat at this point.  

* Still need to get some throws in.  Don't have much of a plan, but reps are reps.

* It killed my soul, but I only got a half rack of ribs at dinner tonight.  Even the Valkyrie commented on that.  I already miss gaining, but I'm also really enjoying not walking around feeling bloated all the time.