Friday, March 7, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3485

AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)


*Tactical Barbell Operator* Cycle 2, Week 3, Workout 4


SSB front squat

Log clean and strict press away
4x3x180+1 push press rep per set (skipped on final set)

NG weighted chins


5 rounds, 30 seconds each movement of

24KG kb swings
365lb SSB front rack hold
Push ups

Lateral raise dropset
35x10, 35x5, 35x2.5, 35xEmpty Hands

100 reps total


* My right shoulder is really pissed off at me.  I hate to say it, but I'm pretty sure I messed it up sleeping.  Past few weeks haven't been great because of the dog, and there's a fair chance I just passed out in a poor position.  I could still perform today, but basic life mobility is restricted, and I'm playing it a little safe in the training itself, which is why I didn't go for the final push press rep.

* Today, the log cleans were really top notch.  I focused on pointing the handles really far away from me at the initial part of the clean.  Tried to make the pressing go up even, but the right is really lagging behind the left.

* Front squats were buttery smooth.  It's funny how the victory these days is when the eccentric is faster than the concentric.

* Really drilled explosiveness on the swing in that circuit.  I haven't been good about training throws, but ideally this will carry over.

* I travel out today, so diet and training is going to be weird for a while.   Going to enjoy the food and try to be active.  I actually got 24k steps yesterday, so that was cool.  I MIGHT try to get in one more strongman thing today, but I have a feeling my schedule won't permit it.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3484

AM WORKOUT (0353 natural wake up, snooze until 0400)


*Tactical Barbell Operator* Cycle 2, Week 3, Workout 4



Pace: 3.8 mph

Incline: 1

Distance: 5.7 miles

Time: 90 minutes


* Since this is the easy week of conditioning, I did a ruckless ruck, and took the speed from 4.1 to 3.8, which is a comfortable pace for me. Good general activity, and it felt pretty restorative.

* I dorked up something in my right shoulder yesterday, and I’m not sure on what. It’s minorly annoying pain that slightly limits my ROM. I’ll keep an eye on it. With 1 more workout until my bridge week, I’m not against just skipping the press tomorrow if that’s what it boils down to, or doing the minimum required sets.

* Did Tang Soo Do last night, but will be skipping tonight. It’s 1-step self defense, so a pretty light night as it is. I’ll be attempting at least 1 more workout tomorrow before traveling for my trip, but may try to get in even more to include stones and sandbags, just to get a final touch on the implements before a break.

* Was feeling light and saw 82.1kg on the scale, so thinks continue to trend well. Dog is also sleeping better through the night, but soon enough we’ll be away from the coughing and really be able to sleep.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3483

AM WORKOUT (0540 wake up via Valkyrie's alarm)


*Tactical Barbell Operator* Cycle 2, Week 3, Workout 3


SSB front squats

Log clean and strict press away
4x3x180+1 push press rep per set

Log clean
0x220 (kept slipping)

Low handle trap bar lift


Core circuit (no rest between exercises)

Reverse hypers

Standing ab wheel

Axle curls

Band pushdowns



* Had delayed reporting to work due to the blizzard, so slept in.  I was feeling pretty awesome, but the log was having it's way with me today, and I couldn't get set up well for the heavy clean.  I'm going to reduce the weight on that for the future and get in a few more reps.

* The trap bar was especially disastrous, most notably on the second set.  The weight went forward on me, and then I overcorrected, so the first rep was just all over the place.

* I ate pretty light yesterday, and stress was high prepping for the blizzard.  Feeling a little burnt out.  Got TSD tonight, but it should be pretty low energy. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3482

AM WORKOUT (0510 wake up via Valkyrie’s alarm)


*Tactical Barbell Operator* Cycle 2, Week 3, Workout 2

“OXYGEN DEBT 101” (basic)

2 rounds of

200m sprint, 30 second rest, 200m sprint, 30 second rest, 200m sprint

3 min rest between rounds


* Following the prescription of easy conditioning on the hardest lifting week, I ran the basic version of OD101.  Still a great lung breaker, but it also felt right to reel it in, as I didn’t seem to have the output I was looking for.  Can still attribute that to some poor sleep.  Dog is getting better, but I’m working off a big debt.

* Really tried to focus on accelerating hard on the back portion of the sprint.  

* Got in a 2.5 mile walk with the Valkyrie and the pup last night.  It’s like resistance training, because the pup was pulling hard the whole time; freaking out over the wind, leaves and people.  She’s getting strong.  Was a good way to digest the carb heavy meal last night, which was absolutely fantastic.

* We’re supposed to do Tang Soo Do tonight, but we have a blizzard coming our way, which will most likely put that on hold.  It’s partially why I went with sprints instead of indoor stuff today: this will be my last good outdoor day for a bit.  May try to spar with the Valkyrie a bit to make up for lost reps.

Monday, March 3, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3481

AM WORKOUT (0405 wake up via alarm)


*Tactical Barbell Operator* Cycle 2, Week 3, Workout 1


SSB front squat


Log clean and strict press away

4x3x180+1 push press rep per set

NG weighted chins



5 round circuit, 30 seconds per round of

24kg KB swings

365lb SSB front rack hold



Push ups


1x80, 1x20


* This workout went much better than I anticipated, once again demonstrating that, when I feel awful, I perform well, and when I feel well, I perform…not awful, but just not as good as I perform well.  Here’s my alchemy theory: when sleep is low, fight or flight response is elevated, resulting in improved performance in short burst high strength work and lower quality of life in general.

* Sleep WAS much better last night.  We got the dog bag on a medication that seems to be doing the trick. I think this is just going to be a “for forever” thing for her, which given she turns 15 in May, I’m more than fine with, as long as she can rest comfortably (and, by extension, the rest of the family as well).

* The front squats were the highlight of the workout: they felt the best.  The log wasn’t quite as snappy as it’s been.  Some of the reps drifted out in front, but I’m strong enough that I can correct now.  I was experiencing a little nerve pain in my back/hips yesterday too, which I attributed to general fatigue.  I was also experiencing elevated thirst: consumed a lot of water with electrolytes yesterday.

* I slept in an extra 5 minutes, because I knew the lifting workout was going to be shorter due to the reduced sets and reps, and it also permitted me the opportunity to do 1 more round of the assistance/conditioning workout.  I was definitely dragging on the final round, but it was good for me.  On the swings, around set 3 I really turned a corner.  I’m trying my hardest to visualize throwing the KB on each swing, to get a similar effect for the bag throw.

* I called my shot on the scale this morning: predicted 82.4kg and that’s what I saw.  That’s a .4kg gain from last week, but given that I dropped 1.8kb between that week and the week before it, this is a much better trajectory for weight stabilization/loss.  However, I also am going to take a moment to pat myself on the back that I have such awareness of my body that, without counting, weighing, measuring or tracking, I can know my weight to the decimal.  Similar to how I can have days where I “feel” lighter, and know that the scale will reflect as such.

* Will be getting in a walk this evening while my kid is in music theater practice, and tonight is our family meal.  Tuna casserole, biscuits, snickerdoodle bars, skim milk and honey await me.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3480

Evening Workout (1800)


*Tactical Barbell Operator* Cycle 2, Week 2, Workout 7


200lb bag
45' crossbody carry
2x45' bearhug


* After another night of the dog hacking away, I was running on fumes today.  This was the last thing I wanted to do, so I told myself I'd get in one touch and call it good.  It was very Dan John: didn't bother changing clothes, just took out the bag and got in a carry.  With no warm up, I felt pretty solid.  Lower back held out well and I had the strength to carry the bag for double distance on the bearhug.  I'll take it.  Glad I got in a rep.

* Also got in 18k steps today from walking the dog a bunch.  And my push ups and squats.

* I'm technically in the easy week for conditioning since it's the hard week for lifting.  But I like to start my weeks on Monday, like the Mexican Calendar.  And I leave for San Diego/my cruise on Friday, so things will get a little compressed.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

 Training Log: Entry 3479



Tactical Barbell Operator Cycle 2, Week 2, Workout 6

10 EMOM Stone of Steel workout

* 210+lb stone
* Singles for the first 9 rounds, triple on the final
* 48+" bar height

30lb sandbag throw for height
6 reps


* Real awful night of sleep.  Dog seems to have relapsed and spent most of the night hacking away.  I eventually took her downstairs so the Valkyrie could sleep at around 0200, and dozed off and on until 0700.  Didn't seem to impact my performance, but something to be aware of.

* This is the heaviest I've ever loaded the SOS, and I didn't have it quite centered, so the stone had a bit of a roll to it.  Helps simulate a real atlas stone, as those things are never balanced.  On a few of the picks, it took me for a ride.

* For overall performance, I'm incredibly pleased.  Zero missed reps, and that triple at the end felt strong enough.  The stone WAS taking a bit out of me, so I'll need to make sure I've got some solid electrolytes in me come competition time.  I also had to transition from getting the stone onto the bar to pushing it over the bar from there.  In comp time, I want to eliminate that, but when playing with home equipment you try not to get too overzealous.

* I remain pleased with my technique.  It's resulting in less pain from training, which creates a positive feedback loop where I can train more.

* No issues with conditioning for this.

* Got in the throws like I said I was going to do.  I AM feeling more explosive than usual.  I think my strategy of setting it up like a swing will pay off.

* Also managed to get in my push ups, squats and a 3+ mile walk with the dog earlier today.