Training Log: Entry 3452
AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)
*Tactical Barbell Operator* Cycle 1, Week 4, Workout 5
SSB front squat
Log clean and strict press away
Weighted NG chins
KB swings
Ab circuit (no rest between exercises)
SSB front rack hold
3x30 seconds x 345lb
Standing ab wheel
2x25, 1x50
1 min max dips
1 min max push ups
1 min max push ups w/reactive slingshot
1 min w/slingshot
1 min w/Metal Catapult
* This was the first week we did 3 TSD classes in a row in a while: our lives had us doing more of an every other day schedule. In turn, my hips and glutes were pretty torqued yesterday from a variety of kicks, and I had to do a little rolling out before the squats, and the first set felt pretty awful. Lower back was carrying some fatigue as well, which may be from that and the trap bar lifts. I noticed my lats were sore yesterday as well, which could be from the increased volume on that. Similar to an elimination diet, one of the nice things about such abbreviated training is I can see immediate impacts from deviations and decisions. By set 3, everything was clicking along well.
* On the subject of clicking, my log clean continues to improve. Getting 15 attempts at it this week has been helpful in that regard. I am thinking about including a heavy clean at the end of each workout, similar to the KB swing finisher, just to be able to not waste energy when the time comes. In fact, as I’m writing this and talking about the KB swing finisher, I realize I DON’T do that movement on the trap bar day, so maybe, before the trap bar pull, I can do one heavy single of log clean. I like that idea.
* Forearms gave me a hint that they weren’t going to play nice, but they felt just fine on the chins. I’m thinking I found a good balance point here, and if need be, I may completely cut the chins out of Day 1, or just continue on a reduced set load.
* The push work at the end was more of that “hypertrophy preservation effort”. Stole the idea from General Conditioning 35: going for time rather than reps. I’m a little mixed on it. My goal was a chest pump, but it was more my front delts that were screaming at the end. I think assigning me a time value had me too focused on rep total in time, whereas before I was more focused on chasing the pump and hitting failure. Still, a worthwhile experiment.
* Tang Soo Do last night was pretty interesting. Lotta ad hoc stuff. At one point, our instructor had a drill where we’d strike 3 differently spaced bags with kicks, with a goal to reach each bag as efficiently as possible, and once we were finished, he’d charge us and we’d have to defend close quarters/grappling range. He got through 2 students before me, and once he approached me, he said “This is probably a mistake”. And as soon as me made contact he went “Yep”. Got a smile outa me.
* I was feeling light, so I weighed myself out of cycle at 84.5kg. Down half a kilo from Monday. I think I may go with Mon/Fri weigh ins, since I’ll be weighing in on a Friday for my competition. Gives me an idea of where I’ll be around that time. I’m planning on overcorrecting a little, as I have that cruise coming up in Mar that I want to enjoy, and being able to eat UP to the competition would be much more preferable than having to diet down.