Training Log: Entry 3403
AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)
**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase
*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specialization Bravo-Cycle 1, Week 1, Workout 1
Roll out on LAX ball
50x90 reverse hyper
Jump squats
Sets of bar, 85 and 135 for squats
Buffalo Bar Squat
Belt squat
Axle strict press
Axle bench press
3x12x136 (racked on rep 11 of set 2, then got the 12th rep)
(3) Incline DB bench
3x12xBW (rest as long as needed)
Hanging leg raise/band pull apart superset
Short walk w/dogs (got rained out)
* Strict 1 minute rests between all sets.
* Day 1 of the program: feeling out the maxes I’ve selected. Biggest issue is that they’re “fresh maxes”, and I’m hitting the later movements in later and later stages of fatigue. It’s a bit like the Deep Water bench day in that regard: something that shouldn’t be a challenge when you’re fresh is pretty damn exhausting when you get to it. This is why some weights dropped during the program, and I’ll recalculate from there. My structure is also interesting, but by design: I’m leading off with that strict press and THEN benching, so my shoulders are already pretty significantly fatigued, although it was really my triceps that were the most upset with me.
* I’m still on the fence about keeping flat bench in. I’m hitting 4 different pressing movements here, and when I got to incline my right shoulder (the one with the torn labrum) was barking at me a bit. I’d rather incline and dip, and the strict press is non-negotiable. Another option might be to transition to the swiss bar bench instead, which would also speed up my transition time between movements.
* In that regard, I’m pleased with how the execution of this went. Very little downtime between movements: able to keep that 1 minute rest for the most part. But this also was a pretty long workout WITH those strict 1 minute rests: I have VERY little time to screw around or rest longer, and getting into 5 sets per movement instead of 4 will compound that, which is another compelling argument to cut out the flat bench.
* I liked the way I was able to hold onto the axle during the belt squats. I think I’m going to keep that going no matter the situation. The buffalo bar squats also felt pretty awesome. With the lighter weight, I’m able to keep better form, more upright posture, which allows me to hit the intended muscles AND not overtax my lower back. In general, I think this training block is going to be good for me to recover from the hard and heavy work, as I’m feeling pretty damn good after this workout.
* Had a post workout weigh in of 82.8 kg, which is up 1.5 from last week. I’ve definitely made sure to lean into eating this week. I do think a fair amount of that is inflammation. It sucks for me to say, but whenever I eat that full rack of ribs from my favorite BBQ place, I don’t feel as good afterwards compared to when I eat ruminant meat from home. In the case of the latter, after I’m done, I feel pretty light and will have an appetite by the time morning rolls around. With the former, I’m pretty heavy/sluggish and don’t want to eat for a while. It’s less about being satiated and more feeling queasy. I think it’s a combination of the dry rub and the heavy amount of pork fat I’m consuming in that meal. We also grabbed Hawaiian BBQ for lunch yesterday, which doesn’t trigger as bad a response, but it definitely killed my appetite afterwards. It’s been pretty cool to be able to keep tabs on my body’s response to stimulus like this. Tonight, I have a big chuck roast on the menu, which should help me get right. Should also be able to get in a few more steps while my kid is at show choir.
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