Training Log: Entry 3407
AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)
**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion
*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specialization Bravo, Cycle 1, Week 1, Workout 5
Roll out on LAX ball
50x90 reverse hypers
Set of 135 and 225 low handle trap bar
Low handle trap bar lift
NG Chins
4x12 (rest as long as needed to complete sets)
Axle curls
4x12x25lb KB held behind head
Reverse hypers
Standing ab wheel/band pull apart superset
Neck harness
Short walk w/dogs
* Strict 1 minute rests for vast majority of workout. Sole exception was the final set of trap bar pulls, which I went with a loose 1 minute rest. Differnce between the two is, in the former, I will start preparing for the set after 40 seconds of rest, so that I BEGIN the set right at the 1 minute mark, whereas in the latter I let the full minute eclipse before I start getting ready. I also tried to keep it to 1 minute between exercises where applicable, which would be between the pulls, chins and curls. Because I have to travel for the GHR, there is a gap between that.
* Played around with exercise order and like this set up so far. The GHRs are a little taxing on the lower back (which they probably aren’t supposed to be, but such is life), and the trap bar pulls are, of course, compressive, so I went to get all that compression out of the way and then finish the workout with the traction of the reverse hyper. I also started hanging from a bar toward the end there, and that felt pretty awesome. That leads me to think that, in a situation where I used supersets, a solid idea would be reverse hyper chased with chins.
* I have to give props to K. Black, because the programming works. I was very much dreading this day, not in the “I don’t want to train” sense of dread, but in the “How am I going to do this?” sense. 4x12x290 with 1 minute rests was very tough, and 315 defintely didn’t feel good, but I got through it, along with the rest of the program. The pulls were a fantastic test of my ability, and I could absolutely feel the pump and fatigue all over. And knowing what I have coming up is inspiring me to eat to grow.
* On the topic of eating to grow, I imagine my slightly increasing bodyweight is playing into the chins being so rough, along with trying to hit them after that set of pulls. I’m not sweating it: I’m getting in the work I need.
* Brought back the neck harness because I realized I have a grappling tournament coming up real soon…should probably have a strong neck for that.
* We’ll be doing another Tang Soo Do sparring class on Saturday, but I also wanna get in one more HIC workout this weekend. And my kiddo and I are going to watch “Fight Knight” medieval combat on Saturday, so that’ll be a blast. Got my 20lb turkey thawing out in the fridge right now for Thanksgiving as well, and gonna see if I can sweet talk the Valkyrie into making a pumpkin cheesecake for dessert that day. I picked an awesome time for feasting.
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