Training Log: Entry 3412
AM WORKOUT (0600 wake up via Valkyrie's alarm)
OPERATION CONAN Spec Ops Insertion Phase
Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol Specialization Bravo, Cycle 1, Week 2, Workout 5
Roll out on LAX ball
50x90 reverse hyper
Sets of 175 and 265 on low handle trap bar pull
Low handle trap bar pull
NG chins
Axle curls
4x10x73 (rest pause employed on final 3 sets)
4x10x30lb (KB held behind head)
Reverse hyper
Standing ab wheel/band pull apart superset
* Holy cow I felt incredibly awful coming into this. I think it's the difference between giving the Mucinex some time to work vs coming in cold. Although I also speculate I may have actually underate yesterday, which is a funny thing to do on Thanksgiving. Either way, this was a VERY challenging workout, and I had to push the rest periods to 2 minutes for a good amount of it. I also cut the chins short, because I could tell I was doing more damage than good by trying to grind through it. I am very pleased to knock out this workout and stay on target through the holidays.
* I pulled the first rep on the first set of trap bars pure low back, and learned my lesson from there and brought my legs into play for the final 3 sets. I like the fact I can tell when I'm doing that and can correct. My body will default to it's strong suit when I'm not thinking, but because I'm combating low back fatigue, it's a less than ideal situation to rely on that. This is something I'll have to watch for the car deadlift in my competition.
* I can't load my reverse hyper much heavier than this. I'll get creative from here.
* No walk with the dogs: since I got up late, I took them right to doggie day care. Probably good to reduce activity a little.
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