Training Log: Entry 3411
AM WORKOUT (1130, day off work with Thanksgiving)
OPERATION CONAN Spec Ops Insertion Phase
Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol Specialization Bravo, Cycle 1, Week 2, Workout 4
50x90 reverse hyper
Sets of bar, 85 and 175 for squats, w/265 walkout
Buffalo bar squat
Lever belt squat
Axle strict press
4x10x118 (rest pause used for last 2 sets)
Axle bench press
4x10x176 (rest pause used for last set)
(3) Incline DB Bench
4x10x60s (rest pause used for third set)
4x10x25 (rest pause used on final set)
Superset circuit (no rest) of Hanging Leg Raise/Band pull apart
* Delighted I got this in. I woke up sounding like hell: all the phlegm had gathered while I laid down last night, but once I got upright it drained and I started feeling better. Was helping out prep for Thanksgiving, and when we had some downtime, I managed to sneak this in.
* Kept the rest times strict 1 minute for the squats, but started to fall off that with the pressing, just resting long enough to survive, but keeping it under 2. Used every trick in the book too: belts on the squat and pressing, sleeves where I could.
* I'm going to blame some of the struggle on illness and medication. I took some prescription strength Mucinex, which is awesome, but dehydrates the hell out of me. I'm thankful that I didn't have a major coughing fit to deal with during the squats.
* Really pleased with how the squats went. I like my strategy of first workout beltless second one belted. I appreciate the belt, rather than rely on it.
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