Tuesday, December 3, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3413

AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)

**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specificity Bravo, Cycle 1, Week 3, Workout 2


Roll out on LAX ball (no longer feels necessary, just doing it out of habit)

50x90 reverse hyper

Sets of 175, 225 and 315 on low handle trap bar


Low handle trap bar lift


NG chins

4x8x10lb (rest as long as needed)

Axle curls

4x8x76 (rest pause on last 2 sets at the 6 rep point)


4x8x32.5lb KB behind head

Reverse hypers



Standing ab wheel/band pull apart superset


Lateral raise dropset

35x10lb, 35x5, 35x2.5, 35xEmpty Hands



Short walk w/dogs


* Kept the rest times strict on the first 3 sets of the pulls, putting the belt on at the 30 second mark and setting up straps at the 40 second mark.  On the final set, I meandered a little, but still kept it pretty tight.  Also really focused on keeping an upright torso and driving with the legs, so I could spare my lower back…and pull the RIGHT way for this movement.  Should carry over well for car deadlift too.  

* Part of me is thinking I need to just push the weight high on the chins.  Coming into them post trap bar, I tend to be pretty wiped out, and it’s just going to be a matter of rest pausing through the reps.

* Curls are honestly getting in a good way.  I haven’t prioritized my biceps since college, because even Poundstones were just about lactic acid threshold.   I feel like arms are getting stronger.

* Figured out a way to add a little more weight to the reverse hyper.  It’s bucking like a bronco.  I’ve got the rear feet weighed down but not the front.

* Similar to Grey Man, I dig the final week of this, despite being the heaviest, because it’s the lowest reps.  It feels like a break.  In a similar regard, I’m going to keep running this program as written, but if I were to tweak it, I’d do like 3/5/1, and start with the middle week, move to the high rep week next and then into the low rep week.  

* I’ve been feeling like I need more sleep these past few days.  Wonder if that’s the cold at play.  I dropped my kid off at show choir yesterday, and took a 10 minute nap in my truck before getting in my walk, and I completely passed out.  When my alarm went off, I had to sort out from context clues where I was and why I was there.  Being able to enter that deep of a sleep in such a short window is typically a sign of depravation for me.

* Double Tang Soo Do class tonight, with another round of leftovers to support it.

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