Training Log: Entry 3414
AM WORKOUT (0415 wake up via alarm)
**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase
*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specificity Bravo, Cycle 1, Week 3, Workout 3
Hill sprints
7 rounds w/2 minute rest
30 minute nap
Short walk w/dogs
* Tried out another spot, in my attempt to find a steep hill somewhere nearby. The hill was still pretty lackluster, and toward my final 3 sprints multiple runners would come by on a morning jog, and my rest times would occasionally trickle a few seconds longer than I liked, so this was a bust. But the workout itself was still challenging.
* Forgot to put on my knee sleeves for this workout, so it’s honestly a pretty good sign that my body can hold up to these demands. Still tried for max effort each opportunity. On the last 2 sprints, I could feel myself petering out at the end. 7 rounds is still the most I can work in within the 15 minute cap.
* I woke up too early for how short this workout was, and rather than use that extra time to do something else, a nap seemed like the most prudent action. I’ve really been feeling sleep seeking recently, perhaps as I recover from illness, but it’s honestly a departure from how I typically am so I’m leaning into it. I’m also delighted that I chose sleep over more training, because that’s definitely not a decision I would have made in the past.
* Double Tang Soo Do last night wasn’t too physically challenging, but gave me an opportunity to continue to play with limbering up my hip. Really focused on letting it get loose on the kicks so I could get higher. I realize that, when I’m sparring, I have no issue achieving this, since there’s something at stake, but for line drills I tend to get locked up trying so hard to make the technique “right”. I also had the opportunity to lead warm-ups yesterday, so that was cool. We have another class tonight, but thankfully just a single.
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