Thursday, December 12, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3418

AM WORKOUT (0520 wake up via Valkyrie’s alarm)


5 rounds of 20 seconds on the BAS, 2 minutes rest


Short walk w/dogs


* Got to bed late, and since this was a short workout, I set a later alarm than usual.  My dog woke up 3 minutes before that alarm, at which point I did some math and realized I could actually get a little more sleep.  Set an alarm for later…and apparently immediately shut it off and went back to sleep.  The original plan was to get in some sprints, but when the Valkyrie’s alarm went off at 0520, I took stock of the situation and determined I could still get in the Reset 20.  Headed down to the basement in my pajamas, no warm up, and just went after it with the 16oz gloves.

* My conditioning on this is improving.  I feel myself peter out in the last 3 seconds of the round toward the later rounds, but I’m still able to give this 5 full rounds.  Trying to focus on max speed AND power, rather than one vs the other.  Technique is absolute and total garbage for this, but at the same time: I wouldn’t want to be hit like this for 20 seconds.  

* I may try to get in some sprints this weekend to keep on task about this, but if I don’t, I’m still in program compliance: it’s prescribes 1-2 conditioning workouts per week.

* My right knee feels the best it’s felt in a LONG time.  Waving intensities has been a good idea.  It’s almost like Jim Wendler and K. Black and Dan John know a thing or 2 about all this training stuff.  This is why I don’t do my own programming.

* Which, on that note, I’ve been looking ahead at Tactical Barbell 1 to figure out my next phase of training in competition prep.  I’m landing on Operator each time I circle back.  I feel like 3x a week log press will put me in a good way for the medley.  I’m debating between SSB squat and SSB front squat for the squat lift.  The pro of the former is that it carries over very well to the car deadlift and stones, but it’s more taxing on my recovery compared to the latter.  It’s been fortuitous that I’ve stuck with the trap bar lift this whole time, as that will carry over well to the car deadlift, and I plan to use the “with deadlifts” option for Operator to make that happen.  For conditioning workouts, I’ll need to train stones on the weekend, since they’re STUPIDLY loud, and then I can do carry medleys and throws for a workout, and then maybe leave myself an option for a low intensity long workout (most likely a weighted vest walk and a VERY occasional long distance run to prep for that 10 miler). 

* With the above, the other variable I have to consider is length of training cycle.  I could do 12, 9 or 6 weeks.  A lesson to learn from my last contest prep is that prepping for too long will absolutely destroy my body: I basically had to spend 9-12 weeks of Tactical Barbell to HEAL from my last prep phase.  9 weeks feels like a sweet spot.  If I pick that route, I’d have 3 weeks to run something else first, which would most likely be another round of Mass Protocol, then 6 weeks of Operator, a bridge week (yet another cruise), then 3 weeks of Operator, bridge week, compete.  That sounds pretty solid.  I could use Mass Protocol as more of a high rep break in to the Operator phase, push hard for those 6 weeks, take my bridge, then use those final 3 weeks to dial in and get my weight where I need it to be.  And yeah: there’s that 10 mile race to kick off that final bridge week.  I’m not smart.

* Tang Soo Do tonight.  It’s been a lighter week as far as intensity goes.

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