Training Log: Entry 3425
**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase
*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specificity Bravo, Cycle 2, Week 2, Workout 5
30xBW reverse hypers
Trap bar sets of 135, 225 and 315
Low Handle Trap Bar Lift
NG chins
4x10x10 (rest as long as needed)
Axle curls
4x10x73 (rest pause final 2 sets)
4x10x32.5 KB held behind head
Reverse hypers
1x13x460 (AMRAP)
2x10 standing ab wheel
* I was exhausted yesterday, and knew I'd be getting out of work early today, so I slept in. It was 100% the right call. I'm dealing with sort of serious inflammation: my hands were so swollen I could barely get on my wedding ring, and when I went to put on my knee sleeves for this workout it was like stuffing a sausage. Wonder if I'm still feeling the effects of the stomach bug I picked up, or possibly the illness my kid has. Either way, going to keep pushing the nutrition to heal. I'm approaching the final week of this cycle, with a cruise to kick off my bridge week, and I'm not afraid to take this final week a little lighter at this point, but I still want to give a good effort.
* Which, on that note, this was a helluva effort. I kept the rests strict for the first 4 sets of the trap bar, and kept it under 2 minutes for the final, and was absolutely floored after that. I took advantage of the later training window by allowing myself to be louder with the work.
* The chins were giving me a chance to recover at this point. Cut it down to 4 sets for the sake of time.
* The curls were challenging, and I cut it down to 4 sets for the sake of ensuring I didn't murder my elbows on them. Still an outstanding pump.
* Was surprised at how the GHRs weren't absolutely terrible.
* If I do this again, I think I'm just going to call reverse hypers "core work" and include them toward the assistance portion. They do better with lighter weight and higher reps. Give me room to include a row or shrug insetad.
* Ab work has been lower volume this week, but I got some of it in, and Tang Soo Do made up some of it.
* We're hitting the buffet tonight. Perfect post workout feast. Should go far for recovery.
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