Friday, December 6, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3415

AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)

**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specificity Bravo, Cycle 1, Week 3, Workout 4/5


Roll out on LAX ball (needed this today, right glute has acted up a bit from TSD)

50x90 reverse hypers

Bodyweight jumps squats

Squat sets of Bar, 85, 195, 245


Buffalo Bar Squat


Axle strict press

4x8x136 (rest pause final set)

Axle bench press


Low handle trap bar lift





Standing ab wheel



No walk w/dogs (schedule)


* Since I slept through yesterday’s training and have the grappling competition on Sunday that I want to be fresh for, I truncated the two final workouts together and just did the important parts.  Got in the squats, press and bench, and then went for max reps on the trap bar using the RX weight for the week.  “Max reps” is underselling it, as I COULD have pulled more if I really wanted to, but the juice wasn’t worth the squeeze.

* On the topic of the pulls, the fact I could get 10 reps in at the end of the workout with the fatigue I was under is an incredibly positive sign.  I also still chuckle at the people that act like it’s illegal to squat and deadlift in the same workout.

* Kept strict 1 minute rests for the first 3 sets of the squat, then let it drift a little.  I gave myself ample time, while still sub 2 minutes, on the press.  Bench was kept strict.  In general, I took this whole workout a little slower, once again to avoid getting too dorked up before Sunday.  It’s one of the big reasons I DO like to compete: it helps put governors on me.  

* Not incredibly pleased with the depth of the final rep of the squats.  Something I need to watch out for.

* Weighed in at 82.7kg post workout, so I continue to be in a good spot.

* Went to the dentist yesterday and had my blood pressure clocked at 107/66.  Given I am effectively a pillar of salt as far as my nutrition goes, that’s absolutely outstanding.  

* Tang Soo Do last night started out fairly physically challenging. Had some good opportunity to continue to open up my hips with kicks.  Also brought out the staff again for some training.  Good variety.

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