Training Log: Entry 3416
AM WORKOUT (0400 Wake up via alarm, deep sleep)
**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase
*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specificity Bravo, Cycle 2, Week 1, Workout 1
WARM UP (rushed)
Roll out on LAX ball
25 bw reverse hypers
BW jump squats
Squat sets w/bar, 85, 135
Buffalo Bar Squat
Lever Belt Squat
Axle strict press
Axle bench press
(3) Incline DB bench
HLR/hand pull apart circuit (no rest between sets)
Short walk w/dogs
* Very strict 1 minute rests. I would turn around to face the squat bar after 45 seconds had passed.
* Warm up was rushed because, right before I was going to start, I heard it announced that the dog had thrown up, so we had to resolve a minor crisis. Thankfully, my body is healed up again to the point that I no longer NEED the warm-up.
* Squats felt the best they’ve felt this whole training cycle. Really just springy and upright. It’s nice to have these light weight breaks.
* Playing around this cycle as far as set total goes. I went for 5 sets on the lower body work, because there isn’t a whole lot of it. I also went 5 sets on the DB incline and dips, because I didn’t up the weights on them. I upped weights on press and bench, so kept sets at 4. Seems a good balance on progression.
* I’ve definitely grown in strength from the previous cycle. I was failing reps on the press, bench, DBs and dips first time through on this. Good to be able to witness the progression.
* I AM experiencing some training burnout. I am excited about training when the evening comes, but when I wake up in the morning, it’s not something I want to do. I’m sure a big part of it is pushing that bridge week so far to my cruise. Next few cycles will be a bit more reasonable in that regard. Also a slight bit of ennui since the grappling competition is over.
* On that note, my body feels pretty good. It was the right call to take the day off yesterday. The pinched nerves are healed up. Intercostal muscle is still a little tender.
* I had my first carb-up meal in a while last night. My most recent one before that was Thanksgiving, and in truth that one wasn’t terribly carby: I had a roll, a little bit of stuffing, a small amount of corn casserole and 2 slices of pumpkin cheesecake. Last night, we did Tuna Casserole, and I made sure to have 2 prodigious portions of it, and then 1 very substantial slice of pumpkin cheesecake with some honey drizzled on top. Consequently, I had quite a significant pump in the pecs after the dips today. I’ve noticed my physique looking pretty washed out recently, so I imagine this will rectify that. It’s nice to be at a point where the carbs do have a benefit to me when consumed appropriately.
* Tang Soo Do is on the agenda tonight. It’s one-step self defense, so I’m going to move a bit slowly through it to account for some tenderness from the comp.
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