Training Log: Entry 3421
AM WORKOUT (0340 wake up via dog, snoozed until 0400)
**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase
*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specificity Bravo, Cycle 2, Week 2, Workout 1
Roll out on LAX ball
50xBW reverse hypers
Bodyweight jump squats
Squat sets of bar, 85, 175
Buffalo bar Squats
Lever belt squats
Axle Strict Press
4x10x111 (rest pause final 2 reps of final set)
Axle Bench Press
(3) Incline DB Bench
HLR/BPA supersets
2 mile walk w/dogs
* Strict 1 minute rests, with the exception of the final set of strict press, which was 90 seconds.
* Squats were quite challenging, and I didn’t want to keep the 1 min rests, but I know that’s what makes me better than my competition. Body is feeling healed and light in general, which is a positive. Able to move easy through those squats.
* Really trying to focus on speedy reps on the pressing. I forgot just how important that was for pressing big weights for me.
* Won’t be able to get in my typical Monday evening walk, because my kiddo has a performance at their show choir this week, so I get to watch that.
* Dog got up at 0340 and didn’t go back to sleep before my alarm went off. Sucks, but my body is feeling better for the most part. Guts are in a much better way, and the fact I could crush this workout given what I went through this weekend speaks volumes to how well I’m growing. On that note, I weighed in at 80.6kg, which shows how much fluid I lost. I suppose I got a head start on my cruise weight cut. In truth, I’m focusing on getting my electrolytes re-balanced, and it times out well that tonight is my family meal. Big thing is to not OVERcorrect. I clearly demonstrated that my strength hasn’t taken a hit, and my conditioning is in place, I just need to regain some water.
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