Tuesday, October 8, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3373

AM WORKOUT (0359 natural wake up)

**OPERATION CONAN: Initial Shocktrooper Assault**

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol*: Grey Man-Cycle 2, Week 1, Day 1


Roll out on LAX ball

50x180 reverse hyper

30 seconds at the bottom of a squat

30 seconds at bottom of squat w/bar on back

Sets of Bar, 85, 175, and 225 for warm up, overwarm walkout w/335


Buffalo Bar Squat



Axle strict press



(3) Incline DB bench



NG Chins

4x12 (first 2 sets no break up, then stop at 10 and stop at 9 for next 2 sets)

Standing ab wheel






50 band pull aparts

Total training time: Approx 50 minutes


Short walk w/dogs


* Best I have felt in a LONG time. No pain, and as such, I learned how pain begets pain and the opposite as well. Because my hips ached so much, I was moving really slow on the squats, which was putting a lot of stress on my knees, which caused my knees to ache. Since I could move faster through the eccentric today, my knees felt better. I’m still going to keep up the rehab, as it will now be prehab. But last cycle, this workout crippled me and I seriously wondered if I’d have to scrap the program, so this was a great sign.

* Kept rests close to 1 minute on the main work until the final set, which was more around 90 seconds for the squats. Kept it close to 1 minute for the supplemental work as well.

* The DBs were a bit too heavy for all 4 sets, but this is still progress to do 2 sets at a heavier weight. I can try to Hepfield this and just keep using heavier weight on more sets until I eventually get it on all 4. Similar progression for the chins.

* I realize that hip flexor pain I was feeling on my left side might actually be from the GHRs instead of the squats, as I triggered it during that movement. I need to ensure I remain diligent through the execution of it.

* My dog is enrolled in daycare now, so I’m not getting as much walking in the morning. Something to factor in.

* Tang Soo Do tonight. 1-step week, so it tends to be a little less physically intense.

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