Wednesday, October 16, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3380

AM WORKOUT (0357 natural wake up, snooze until 0400)

**OPERATION CONAN**: Initial Shocktrooper Assault

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol*: Grey Man-Cycle 2, Week 2, Day 1


Roll out on LAX ball

50x180 reverse hypers

Sets of 135, 225 and 315 on trap bar pull


Low handle trap bar lift 



Axle bench press 



Belt squat (Fringe Sport Mammoth belt squat) 


loaded Dips 


Axle curls 



Standing ab wheel


Lateral raise dropset (35x10lb, 35x5, 35x2.5, 35xEmpty Hands)

20 band pull aparts

Total training time: 58 minutes


Short walk with dogs


* That first set on the trap bar pulls was stupidly hard, to the point that I kept re-running the plate math in my head to make sure I had it right.  My right hip was on fire the entire time too.  After that, everything felt awesome and I felt strong again, so perhaps just a fluke.  I imagine part of it was I approached it gingerly, as my left hip flexor has been a little funky and, in turn, I didn’t really have my hips under me at the start of the pull.  But when it was over everything felt awesome, and a few hours later I’m pain free, so the victories keep rolling in.

* This was a slower workout in general.  It’s the heavier of the two days, so it tracks.

* I still hit the uprights/j-hooks on my right side when benching.  I imagine it’s because that’s the shoulder with the torn labrum/multiple dislocations, so it doesn’t track the same as the left side.  

* I do think I may be coming into this underfed.  Since I’m only doing 1 meal a day this week, I gotta make sure it’s a BIG meal.

* Tang Soo Do was a pretty solid workout yesterday.  I think I’ve figured out what the hell they’ve been meaning about needing to “relax” during the hyungs: I’ve always performed with my shoulders hunched.  It’s a habit from fighting as a crouch fighter.  Focusing on relaxing them.  Also noticed I was able to get in some solid height on my kicks: my hips opening back up has been helpful.  We’re back to 3 nights a week of training, so Tues/Wed/Thurs will be the schedule.  

* I tried my morning green tea with a little bit of beef bone broth and salt this morning rather than my normal flavored electrolyte mixture and I’m a big fan of it.  Going to make that switch.  The broth and salt will contain a good amount of electrolytes.  That all said, my bicep was cramping up pretty bad at TSD last night, and it’s the one I HAVEN’T torn, so I’m going to do my best to keep my eye on that.

* Got to see the carb magic this morning: abs were STUPIDLY deep cut post workout.  A 2 week gap on refeed followed by a pretty dramatic refeed is a good combo there.

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