Tuesday, October 1, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3368

AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)

**OPERATION CONAN** Recon and Scouting

Rolled out on LAX ball

70x320 reverse hyper

3.7 mile treadmill walk at 3.7mph and 4 incline (60 minutes total walking)


Longer walk w/dogs

Over 14k steps before 0730


* Woke up completely pain free in the troubled hip.  It’s been so long that I kinda forgot what it felt like to feel healthy, which is really the summary of my training life.  My LEFT hip is a little painful these days, but I feel like this is more the outcome of pushing hard in yesterday’s training vs an indication of a new injury.  And, in turn, this workout was awesome for that recovery as well.  I dig how the pieces all fit together on this, and my compliance with it has been helpful as well.  Outside of my once a week one set of deadlifts and walking a bit more than RX, I’ve been a good TB soldier, and even the walking is more leisure activity than actual focused walking like these workouts. No going berserk with WODs yet.

* I always tell myself that I’ll make this walk easier, but I always HAVE to find some way to progress when push comes to shove.  Went .1 mph faster than last time.  I’m still breathing through my nose for the whole thing, so I’m not pushing the intensity particularly hard, but these aren’t leisure walks.  And the reverse hypers are continuing to work their magic.  

* I’ve got Tang Soo Do tonight.  It’s the week of our tournament, so I imagine the focus is going to be more on polish than anything too intense.

* In a very bizarre scenario, I ended up being the one making farmer’s casserole last night.  Valkyrie had a schedule change and the kiddo was looking forward to this meal, so armed with only clear instructions and a cursory knowledge of how to boil water for pasta, I put together a meal that the kiddo said tasted almost as good as when mom makes it.  Honestly, it was a psychological win, because making carbs for myself is still a really weird thought, but knowing my kiddo was excited for it and my Valkyrie would eat it when she got home went a long way, and this will also serve for leftover night.  Thankfully, the cookies were already made, so along with 2 generous portions of casserole and some scrambled eggs, I had 4 pumpkin snickerdoodles with some raw honey (I actually DID bring back the cinnamon honey, but kept the dosage low enough to not suffer, and then used that honey from Costa Maya) and some fairlife skim.  The most unique part about this experience was that I actually achieved satiety with this meal.  Up until this very meal, whenever I’d do these meals, I’d “cut myself off”.  I’d be snacking on the food as I was putting it away, stealing a noodle here and there, sweeping up cookie crumbs, having a little taste before I finally walked away.  This time, I went to engage in those behaviors, and found myself completely not desiring any of the food once I had finished off my final cookie.  It wasn’t martyrdom: I had no more interest in food.  I wonder if I’ve achieved the “metabolic flexibility” I’ve heard about, wherein my body has the ability to switch between carbs and fats as a fuel source without difficulty.  Much like greasing the groove, I’ve heard the analogy that it’s like a switch/lever, wherein, if you don’t pull the lever often, it can get stuck in one position, but the more often the lever moves, the smoother the transition.  Be a curious thought.

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