Friday, December 27, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3429

Today was Conan's last stand.  I slept in, and I was in a weird place with training, where I was excited to tackle the trap bar pulls and wanted to do NOTHING else.  I told myself that's what I was going to do.  Warm-ups felt strong, although my right knee is still a little buggy from yesterday, went to pull 440, and right before the pull I felt a very small twinge in my lower back, which had me pause, take another breath, and then go for the pull.

Broke the weights off the floor, but it was moving way too slow.  I shut it down, told myself I was just going to do 1 set today, and it was going to be max reps of 425.  Pulled one VERY slow grindy rep and just shut it down.  Went for a 1 hour walk instead.

I'm overdue for this bridge week, and this week of training was VERY intense, while paired with inadequate nutrition (funny how I don't eat enough on a week of festive feasting).  This actually happened last cycle as well.  4x a week of lifting is just a LOT of lifting when the percentages are running this high.  That said, 3 of these 4 workouts were absolutely awesome, but yesterday's workout definitely took away from todays.  Knowing that I could feel my lower back taking over on those squats was a sign that I was going to be in a bad way this morning.

Thankfully, my body doesn't feel overtaxed.  Aside from the knee, I'm pain free and feeling strong.  But I'm ready for down time.  I fly out tomorrow and return on the 5th.  And at that point, I'll be champing at the bit to train, and I'll be using some new movements, which will go a long way.

It's still a day off for me, and I'm planning on getting in some more walking.  It's what I like to do.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3428

Lunchtime Workout (1130)

**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specificity Bravo, Cycle 2, Week 3, Workout 3

WARM UP (rushed)
Hatfield jump squats
Squats w/Bar, 142, 192, 262 and walkout w/312


Buffalo Bar Squat

Lever Belt Squat

Axle Strict Press
4x8x138 (rest pause final 2 reps of final set)

Axle bench press

(3) Incline DB bench

Weighted dips
4x8x60 (rest pause final 2 reps of final set)


HLR/BPA superset

1 hour walk w/dog


* Still on holiday hours, so slept in and got this done around lunch (fasted through it).  

* Squats were positively brutal.  Once the weight gets over 300, I feel it, and my lower back tries to take over, which I caught myself doing today.  The belt helps, but it's something to be aware of with my squat technique.  I'm considering bringing back a wider stance for my competition prep, along with it being a front squat.

* I cut out sets throughout this workout, since it was the last Workout A of the cycle, so there isn't anything to build up to from here.  The lever belts suffered the worst, but given I gave the squats the full work, it worked out.

* Kept the rests strict for the first 3 sets of the squat, but after that I just had to survive the workout.  Still kept everything under 2 minutes.

* All the pressing went surprisingly well.  Really great to see my strength growing there.

* Right knee is a little achy after this.  I'll see how it impacts tomorrow's workout.  Not afraid to tap out as needed.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3427

I might update more later, but I slept in, got to train

Did 5x8x410 trap bar lifts with strict 1 minute rests and absolutely crushed it.  I got in the chins and curls and then shut it down, so I'd have time to finish up Christmas Eve dinner

Monday, December 23, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3426

AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)

**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specificity Bravo, Cycle 2, Week 3, Workout 1


Roll out on LAX ball

50xBW reverse hyper

Hatfield bodyweight jump squats

Squats w/bar, 85, 175, walkout w/290


Buffalo bar Squat


Lever belt squat


Axle strict press

4x8x131 (rest pause final rep of final set)

Axle bench press


(3) DB incline bench


Weighted dips



HLR/Band pull apart superset




No walk w/dogs (schedule)


* I’m starting to think last week’s training ennui was a manifestation of recovery from the stomach bug, because after last night’s dinner of a full rack of beef ribs, and really this entire weekend of eating like a champ, I was ready to tear apart the weight room this morning.  It’s what I dig about gaining phases: the food motivates the hard training, which motivates the food.  It’s a self-perpetuating cycle of awesome.

* Kept rests at the strict 1 minute mark for the squats, which is to say, after 45 seconds, I turned around and set up under the bar, permitting myself 15 seconds for that.  The very first set was too slow, going back to old habits and being like Bambi on the ice.  I focused on moving faster on the follow-up sets, and it went a long way.  This is also probably my biggest accomplishment this training cycle, as I started off Mass Protocol 15 weeks ago with 4x8x285 squats with at least 2 minutes between sets and was in so much pain when it was over I thought I’d have to scrap the whole program, and one of my co-workers asked me if I had a herniated disk when he saw me walking around work that day.  Adding 5 lbs, 1 more set, and slashing the rest time AND being able to move right on to lever belt squats from there is a true testament to growth.

* Lever belt squat was brutal today, and I realized I was going back to old habits and folding more at the hips than the knees.  Need to keep that upright posture.

* Really pleased with how all the post strict press pressing went.  Typically I fade away there, but I showed up strong.   I cheated a little on the strict press by belting up, but I’ll save the power belt without the underbelt for next session.

* Let this training run a little long so I could get in the ab work.  I went too light on it last week: don’t want to make a habit of that.

* No walk with the dogs today, and no evening walk tonight.  It’s going to be a light week of evening activities, with Tang Soo Do canx for the holidays.  We’ve talked about getting in some practice as a family, but also a good time just to enjoy each other’s company.  The weather is supposed to be good, so we may get in some walks.

* This is the final week of Mass Protocol, and it’s my final weigh in, as I’ll be on a cruise next Monday.  I weighed in at 84.7kg, having started the program 15 weeks ago at 79.1kg.  This is a gain of 5.6 kg (12.32lbs) in 15 weeks, averaging .82lbs/.37kg per week.  It was a bit of a Christmas present stepping on the scale this morning, as I haven’t had a real weigh in for the past 2 weeks, having to cut weight for my grappling comp 2 weeks ago and then having the stomach bug drop me down to 80.7kg last week, but I had faith in the system and it paid off.  Once again this was with zero macro or calorie counting, eating one solid meal a day on weekdays, 2 on weekends, keeping it carnivore for all but 1 meal per week: doing it my way.  

* And on the topic of “doing it my way”, my big goal was to not rely on “carnivore junk” to get me there, and I succeeded on that.  I employed very little cheese in my meals, counting cottage cheese as a separate entity, and even then I used a quarter cup of it per meals.  Pork rinds/crackling were kept to a reasonable portion when introduced at meals, and “goal meals” were the ones that had so much meat and eggs that there was no need to include either of those things: like last night’s meal.  I stuck primarily with ruminant animals when preparing food at home.  And in that regard, I got the results I wanted: I felt good this whole training block, got stronger, and I kept “lean enough” through the process. I’m going on my cruise at the end of this week, and after 15 weeks of gaining, I’m not at all feeling “not beach ready”: I’m still shapely in the right spots and can still see my abs.  

* But I think the biggest thing is: I’m “over” feasting.  Having done it at practically every meal for the past 15 weeks, the novelty wore off LONG ago, and though I’m still enjoying all the food, I feel no need to binge at meals as I’ve done in the past, and I foresee myself not trying to set records on this cruise like I did before (although I’m sure my kid will egg me on.  Last night, at dinner, I looked at my plate of ribs and said “I may have been a bit too ambitious with this”, and they said “No, I think you got this”).  I noted at Thanksgiving that I walked away satisified but not uncomfortably full, same with my Birthday at Texas de Brazil, and I imagine our Christmas feast will be similar.  I wonder if this is kinda like the Amish “rumspringa”: get it out of your system and then it won’t seem so awesome.  I heard podcast with Mark Tourcotte yesterday that talked about a cyclical keto approach that allowed a once a week cheat meal where trainees were encouraged to “eat whatever you want”, and after 3 weeks of binging on junk, Mark observed trainees would naturally gravitate toward cleaner carb sources, as the novelty of eating junk would wear off, and they’d be sick of feeling like garbage after binging on junk and just want to not feel that way.  Matt Wenning actually proposes a similar idea about cheat meals, come to think about it.  Start with one every 3 days, then move to every 5 days, and trainees will naturally want to make that change, because after eating clean for long enough, their gut biome doesn’t handle the junk well.  Funny how it all ties together.     

Friday, December 20, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3425


**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specificity Bravo, Cycle 2, Week 2, Workout 5

30xBW reverse hypers
Trap bar sets of 135, 225 and 315


Low Handle Trap Bar Lift

NG chins
4x10x10 (rest as long as needed)

Axle curls
4x10x73 (rest pause final 2 sets)

4x10x32.5 KB held behind head

Reverse hypers
1x13x460 (AMRAP)


2x10 standing ab wheel


* I was exhausted yesterday, and knew I'd be getting out of work early today, so I slept in.  It was 100% the right call.  I'm dealing with sort of serious inflammation: my hands were so swollen I could barely get on my wedding ring, and when I went to put on my knee sleeves for this workout it was like stuffing a sausage.  Wonder if I'm still feeling the effects of the stomach bug I picked up, or possibly the illness my kid has.  Either way, going to keep pushing the nutrition to heal.  I'm approaching the final week of this cycle, with a cruise to kick off my bridge week, and I'm not afraid to take this final week a little lighter at this point, but I still want to give a good effort.

* Which, on that note, this was a helluva effort.  I kept the rests strict for the first 4 sets of the trap bar, and kept it under 2 minutes for the final, and was absolutely floored after that.  I took advantage of the later training window by allowing myself to be louder with the work.

* The chins were giving me a chance to recover at this point.  Cut it down to 4 sets for the sake of time.

* The curls were challenging, and I cut it down to 4 sets for the sake of ensuring I didn't murder my elbows on them.  Still an outstanding pump.

* Was surprised at how the GHRs weren't absolutely terrible.

* If I do this again, I think I'm just going to call reverse hypers "core work" and include them toward the assistance portion.  They do better with lighter weight and higher reps.  Give me room to include a row or shrug insetad.

* Ab work has been lower volume this week, but I got some of it in, and Tang Soo Do made up some of it.

* We're hitting the buffet tonight.  Perfect post workout feast.  Should go far for recovery.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3424

AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)

**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specificity Bravo, Cycle 2, Week 2, Workout 4


Roll out on LAX ball

50xBW reverse hyper

Bodyweight jump squats

Squats w/bar, 85, 175


Buffalo Bar Squat


Lever belt squat


Axle strict press

4x10x121 (rest pause final rep of final set)

Axle bench press


(3) DB Incline bench



5x10x30 (rest pause final rep of final set)


14 HLR

40 band pull aparts



Short walk w/dogs


* Kept the rests strict for the first 4 sets of the squat, and only slightly deviated from 1 minute on the final set.  Lever belt squats were close enough.  Kept it strict on the press until the final set, which drifted more toward 90 seconds.  Then strict again for the rest of the workout.

* Training motivation was absolutely shot.  I’m definitely reaching my end.  We got to bed late, and my kiddo was sick last night.  I actually thought I’d be staying home with them today, but they ended up waking up feeling better, so that’s a positive, but it meant I got even less sleep than usual.  And I’m not gonna lie: starting off each workout with 5x10 squats or deadlifts with a 1 minute is a real nut kick.  I realize that’s totally on me: I could absolutely move those to the end of the workout instead and just blow my brains out that way, but for some reason I didn’t do that.

* All that said, crushing those squats was awesome.  I’ve eclipsed my initial run of Deep Water.  Yeah: it’s only half the sets, but it’s also half the rests, which confirms enough to me that I could do it with 2 minute rests if the demand was there, and given this is with my NEW mutant squat form vs my OLD mutant squat form, that’s just bonkers.  Belting up on the squat is honestly like a little reward for making it to the end of the week.  And at first I was a bit miffed that wearing the belt didn’t magically add hundreds of pounds to my squat, but I realize that’s indicative of just how strong my core has become.  The belt is no longer covering up a weakness: it’s just enhancing what’s already there.

* Wore the belt for the presses as well, just to be able to dig a little deeper.  

* Been meaning to log, but the jump squats I do are actually more like "Hatfield Jump Squats".  While the buffalo bar is in the rack, I grab onto it to assist me on the jump squat.  It allows me to sink to the bottom quickly while taking some load off, and then to really explode out of the top.  I'm sure this actually exists somewhere outside of my garage and that I didn't invent it, but it's really been a game changer in getting me ready to squat.  I feel like it helps prime my system and remind my knees how to move quickly.

* Tang Soo Do was a solid night of exercise.  One of the black belts was turning 18, so 18 was the theme of the day.  We ran 18 laps around the Dojang, did 18 hyungs (kata/form), and performed 18 exercise cards for 18 seconds per card.  Because it was so ab heavy, I didn’t sweat the fact I only got in 1 set of abs this morning.  Time was running short, but I’m also happy I didn’t just skip it entirely.  Got 1 more night of it tonight as well, and then we take a 2 week break.  Will have to make sure we practice during the downtime.

* I realized I should have named last night’s meal “family reunion”, because chicken and eggs is always just delightfully evil.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3423

AM WORKOUT (0445 wake up via alarm)

**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specificity Bravo, Cycle 2, Week 2, Workout 3

7 hill sprints for 20 seconds w/2 minutes rest

2 minute hang from bar, pull up every 30 seconds


No walk w/dogs (weather)


* Allowed myself to sleep in, since this is a shorter training day.  Just rolled out on the LAX ball and did some light jogging as a warm up.  I didn’t feel particularly fast today during the sprints, but I was gassed enough at the end of each sprint, so I was getting the desired training effect.  Was actually watching my heart rate on the recovery as well, and saw it gradually build up over the rounds.  Fascinating stuff.

* 7 rounds remains the max I can accomplish within the 15 minute construct, going for 20 second sprints with 2 minutes of rest.  

* I had some more in me for the hang from bar, but 2 minutes is good enough for maintenance.  My elbows are feeling good, and I don’t want to jinx that with stupid human tricks.

* Tang Soo Do was a moderate workout yesterday.  I’ve got it on the schedule for tonight as well.  Weather was a bit too chilly to take the puppies out.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3422

AM WORKOUT (0400 Wake up via alarm)

**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specificity Bravo, Cycle 2, Week 2, Workout 2


Roll out on LAX ball

50xBW reverse hypers

Trap bar sets w/155, 225 and 295


Low handle trap bar lift


NG chins

5x10x7.5 (rest as long as needed for reps)

Axle curls

5x10x66 (last 2 reps rest pause)


4x10x30 (KB held behind head)

Reverse hypers


1x12x430 (AMRAP)


Ab wheel rollout/BPA superset



Short walk w/dogs


* Strict 1 min rests for the first 4 sets of the trap bar, then about 90 seconds after that.  It was brutal today.  I’m sure a part of that is just recovery from illness.  I got a little lax on those rest times during the chins as well, but tightened things back up for the rest of the program.

* Biceps were really responding well to the curls today.  Looking back, my biceps exploded during 5/3/1 BBB first edition, when it was 5x10 curls, and during Deep Water…where it was 5x10 curls.  When I hammered Poundstones, I FELT good doing it…but never saw the same kind of growth.  I should really learn from myself.

* Time got a little short, so I cut out a set of abs.  We train them in Tang Soo Do, so I won’t be a total loss for them.  I’ve got that the next 3 nights.

* My training motivation was low for this. My bridge week is overdue, and I’m excited for it.  What got me out of bed was knowing that my schedule wasn’t going to be able to support deviation, and remembering what an incredible feast I had in the evening.  2 generous portions of spaghetti with bison meat sauce (it was originally 2 reasonable portions, but then I finished off what was leftover on my kid’s plate), 2 and a quarter breadsticks, 4 sunny side up eggs, and then a dessert flight of 1 snickerdoodle, one sugar cookie blossom, one piece of fudge, one vanilla cake cookie with M&Ms and a small slice of pumpkin cheesecake, all of which got some raw honey drizzled on it.  I could think of no better way to try to replenish the lost bodywater and glycogen from my stomach bug.  

* On the above, I realized just how much I’ve gotten back to “Apex Predator”.  4 days a week is shakes with a “meat on the bone” meal at the end of the day, 2 days a week are high calorie keto days, and 1 day a week has what is effectively the “rampage meal”.  Things all come full circle.  Same with the training: I’m back to abbreviated training.  And honestly, the nutrition is a callback to how I ate in college as well.  I remember going to the dinning hall and getting as many hamburger patties as they’d serve me, with no bread.  All the bacon and eggs they’d serve for breakfast.  My only big vices at that point were ketchup and peanut butter.  It’s so funny how we just can’t escape ourselves.

Monday, December 16, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3421

AM WORKOUT (0340 wake up via dog, snoozed until 0400)

**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specificity Bravo, Cycle 2, Week 2, Workout 1


Roll out on LAX ball

50xBW reverse hypers

Bodyweight jump squats

Squat sets of bar, 85, 175


Buffalo bar Squats


Lever belt squats


Axle Strict Press

4x10x111 (rest pause final 2 reps of final set)

Axle Bench Press


(3) Incline DB Bench





HLR/BPA supersets



2 mile walk w/dogs


* Strict 1 minute rests, with the exception of the final set of strict press, which was 90 seconds.  

* Squats were quite challenging, and I didn’t want to keep the 1 min rests, but I know that’s what makes me better than my competition.  Body is feeling healed and light in general, which is a positive.  Able to move easy through those squats.

* Really trying to focus on speedy reps on the pressing.  I forgot just how important that was for pressing big weights for me.

* Won’t be able to get in my typical Monday evening walk, because my kiddo has a performance at their show choir this week, so I get to watch that.

* Dog got up at 0340 and didn’t go back to sleep before my alarm went off.  Sucks, but my body is feeling better for the most part.  Guts are in a much better way, and the fact I could crush this workout given what I went through this weekend speaks volumes to how well I’m growing.  On that note, I weighed in at 80.6kg, which shows how much fluid I lost.  I suppose I got a head start on my cruise weight cut.  In truth, I’m focusing on getting my electrolytes re-balanced, and it times out well that tonight is my family meal.  Big thing is to not OVERcorrect.  I clearly demonstrated that my strength hasn’t taken a hit, and my conditioning is in place, I just need to regain some water.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3420

AM WORKOUT (1000, post breakfast, rare weekend workout)

**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Cycle 2, Week 1, Workout 5

Low handle trap bar lift


NG chins

4x12xBW (rest as long as needed)

Axle curls



4x12x27.5lb KB behind head

Reverse hypers


1x16x390 (AMRAP)


* Gonna keep this on the short side, but the ice storm that rolled in last night made travel this morning a no-go, so I was able to get in that workout I missed on Monday, getting me back on schedule, which is awesome.  Did this post breakfast, but I'm experiencing a little GI distress from the massive amount of pork ribs from last night.  On the penultimate set of trap bar pulls, I felt my guts revolting, and I took a longer break between the curls and GHRs to resolve that.  

* Still kept the rest periods to 1 minute strict, which made this significantly awful.  Happy to make it through those pulls, and I got a great pump in the arms from the curls.  Cut out a set of the chins, because they were just taking forever.  That's one other thing I'd alter about this approach: rather than straight sets of 12s for the chins, I'd just sneak in a bunch of sub-max sets like I did with 5/3/1. 

Friday, December 13, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3419

AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)

**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specificity Bravo, Cycle 2, Week 1, Workout 4


Roll out on LAX ball

50xBW reverse hypers

BW jump squats

Squat sets of bar, 85, 175


Buffalo Bar Squat


Lever belt squat


Axle strict press

4x12x101 (rest pause last 2 reps of final set)

Axle bench press


(3) Incline DB bench



5x12x10lb (rest pause on rep 12 of set 4 and reps 11-12 of set 5)


HLR/BPA circuit (no rest between sets)




No walk w/dogs (weather)


* Strict 1 minute rests throughout, especially at start with squats.  Really wanted to drive that home.  With me doing less conditioning than usual, I feel like keeping the rests tight does me favors, and ultimately makes me better than my competition.  I also entertain little Deep Water fantasies with this. When I first ran that program, it was 240lbs in the squat, with my low bar style, shorter ROM, at a heavier bodyweight, with longer rests, for fewer reps.  I like to convince myself that, if I took it on today, I’d be able to use this squat style and match/beat that.

* My knees continue to feel awesome, and that continues the self-perpetuating cycle of feeling awesome.  When my knees feel good, I can squat faster, which means my knees experience less stress, which means they continue to feel better and better.  Previously, it was going the other way: knees felt shot, so I squatted slower, so the knees took on more stress and felt worse.  Speaks volumes to how much I NEED waved intensities in my training.  Zenos always produce results, but they also always take their toll on me.  Once again, if I were to modify this program in any way, it would be to employ a Medium-light-heavy layout vs the current Light-Medium-Heavy to REALLY take advantage of that, but for now, I’m sticking with the plan to give it a fair shake.  I’ll also say that those jump squats are the smartest thing I’ve done for myself warm-up wise.  I’m conditioning my knees to move faster.

* Still using my tricks here: belt for the squats and presses…although that was honestly it.  The rest was just all grit.  

* Really focusing on trying to move faster on the bench and just pump out the reps.  Same with the press.  I’m remembering all those things I used to do back when I was a strong presser.

* This one ran a little longer than I care for.  I’m not futzing around, but the extra sets all add up.  I still made sure to get the ab work in, just a little more rushed than I like, but better that than skipping it entirely.

* Weather is starting to get too cold for the doggos.  One is a 14.5 year old pug, and it would do her more harm than good.  The other is a puppy and a total princess.  My general activity has taken a downturn, as a result, which means picking now as a window for gaining was the right call, and summer will be a good time for leaning out.

* I’ll need to get in one more lifting workout this weekend to get back on schedule.

* My left hand is a little sore from Tang Soo Do last night, as we were attempting some board breaks and my holder was less than competent, so I was slamming into the board quite a few times.  We also drilled some roll falls, which is always nice from a Dan John “survive falling/getting up” approach.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3418

AM WORKOUT (0520 wake up via Valkyrie’s alarm)


5 rounds of 20 seconds on the BAS, 2 minutes rest


Short walk w/dogs


* Got to bed late, and since this was a short workout, I set a later alarm than usual.  My dog woke up 3 minutes before that alarm, at which point I did some math and realized I could actually get a little more sleep.  Set an alarm for later…and apparently immediately shut it off and went back to sleep.  The original plan was to get in some sprints, but when the Valkyrie’s alarm went off at 0520, I took stock of the situation and determined I could still get in the Reset 20.  Headed down to the basement in my pajamas, no warm up, and just went after it with the 16oz gloves.

* My conditioning on this is improving.  I feel myself peter out in the last 3 seconds of the round toward the later rounds, but I’m still able to give this 5 full rounds.  Trying to focus on max speed AND power, rather than one vs the other.  Technique is absolute and total garbage for this, but at the same time: I wouldn’t want to be hit like this for 20 seconds.  

* I may try to get in some sprints this weekend to keep on task about this, but if I don’t, I’m still in program compliance: it’s prescribes 1-2 conditioning workouts per week.

* My right knee feels the best it’s felt in a LONG time.  Waving intensities has been a good idea.  It’s almost like Jim Wendler and K. Black and Dan John know a thing or 2 about all this training stuff.  This is why I don’t do my own programming.

* Which, on that note, I’ve been looking ahead at Tactical Barbell 1 to figure out my next phase of training in competition prep.  I’m landing on Operator each time I circle back.  I feel like 3x a week log press will put me in a good way for the medley.  I’m debating between SSB squat and SSB front squat for the squat lift.  The pro of the former is that it carries over very well to the car deadlift and stones, but it’s more taxing on my recovery compared to the latter.  It’s been fortuitous that I’ve stuck with the trap bar lift this whole time, as that will carry over well to the car deadlift, and I plan to use the “with deadlifts” option for Operator to make that happen.  For conditioning workouts, I’ll need to train stones on the weekend, since they’re STUPIDLY loud, and then I can do carry medleys and throws for a workout, and then maybe leave myself an option for a low intensity long workout (most likely a weighted vest walk and a VERY occasional long distance run to prep for that 10 miler). 

* With the above, the other variable I have to consider is length of training cycle.  I could do 12, 9 or 6 weeks.  A lesson to learn from my last contest prep is that prepping for too long will absolutely destroy my body: I basically had to spend 9-12 weeks of Tactical Barbell to HEAL from my last prep phase.  9 weeks feels like a sweet spot.  If I pick that route, I’d have 3 weeks to run something else first, which would most likely be another round of Mass Protocol, then 6 weeks of Operator, a bridge week (yet another cruise), then 3 weeks of Operator, bridge week, compete.  That sounds pretty solid.  I could use Mass Protocol as more of a high rep break in to the Operator phase, push hard for those 6 weeks, take my bridge, then use those final 3 weeks to dial in and get my weight where I need it to be.  And yeah: there’s that 10 mile race to kick off that final bridge week.  I’m not smart.

* Tang Soo Do tonight.  It’s been a lighter week as far as intensity goes.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3417

AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)

**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specificity Bravo, Cycle 2, Week 1, Workout 2


Roll out on LAX ball

50xBW reverse hypers

Sets of 135 and 225 low handle trap bar pull


Low handle trap bar lift


NG chins

5x12 (rest as long as needed)

Axle Curls



4x12x25lb KB held behind head

Reverse hypers


1x15x360 (AMRAP)


Standing ab wheel/band pull apart superset


Lateral raise dropset

35x10, 35x5, 35x2.5, 35xEmpty Hands



No walk w/dogs (weather)


* Training motivation much higher than yesterday, most likely correlating with getting more sleep.

* Strict 1 minute rests.  Still a killer on those trap bar pulls.  Really tried to focus on hip extension vs just unrolling the back.  I’d get the belt on at about the 30 second mark of resting, and start strapping up at the 40 second mark, to get myself pulling at the 1 min mark.  Was really feeling the ache on the GHRs.  

* 5 sets on the trap bar pulls, just to increase the misery.  5 sets on the chins and curls, because I didn’t up the training max, so I’m going for more sets.  Then went AMRAP on the final set of reverse hypers because I can’t really up the weight on the TM at this point.  GHRs and trap bar lifts DID get an increase in weight.

* Intercostal still a little tender, but otherwise in a good way from the grappling comp.  Tang Soo Do went well yesterday, and I have more on the schedule for tonight.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3416

AM WORKOUT (0400 Wake up via alarm, deep sleep)

**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specificity Bravo, Cycle 2, Week 1, Workout 1

WARM UP (rushed)

Roll out on LAX ball

25 bw reverse hypers

BW jump squats

Squat sets w/bar, 85, 135


Buffalo Bar Squat


Lever Belt Squat


Axle strict press


Axle bench press


(3) Incline DB bench





HLR/hand pull apart circuit (no rest between sets)




Short walk w/dogs


* Very strict 1 minute rests.  I would turn around to face the squat bar after 45 seconds had passed.  

* Warm up was rushed because, right before I was going to start, I heard it announced that the dog had thrown up, so we had to resolve a minor crisis.  Thankfully, my body is healed up again to the point that I no longer NEED the warm-up.

* Squats felt the best they’ve felt this whole training cycle. Really just springy and upright.  It’s nice to have these light weight breaks.

* Playing around this cycle as far as set total goes.  I went for 5 sets on the lower body work, because there isn’t a whole lot of it.  I also went 5 sets on the DB incline and dips, because I didn’t up the weights on them.  I upped weights on press and bench, so kept sets at 4.  Seems a good balance on progression.

* I’ve definitely grown in strength from the previous cycle.  I was failing reps on the press, bench, DBs and dips first time through on this.  Good to be able to witness the progression.

* I AM experiencing some training burnout.  I am excited about training when the evening comes, but when I wake up in the morning, it’s not something I want to do.  I’m sure a big part of it is pushing that bridge week so far to my cruise.  Next few cycles will be a bit more reasonable in that regard.  Also a slight bit of ennui since the grappling competition is over.

* On that note, my body feels pretty good. It was the right call to take the day off yesterday.  The pinched nerves are healed up.  Intercostal muscle is still a little tender.

* I had my first carb-up meal in a while last night.  My most recent one before that was Thanksgiving, and in truth that one wasn’t terribly carby: I had a roll, a little bit of stuffing, a small amount of corn casserole and 2 slices of pumpkin cheesecake.  Last night, we did Tuna Casserole, and I made sure to have 2 prodigious portions of it, and then 1 very substantial slice of pumpkin cheesecake with some honey drizzled on top.  Consequently, I had quite a significant pump in the pecs after the dips today.  I’ve noticed my physique looking pretty washed out recently, so I imagine this will rectify that.  It’s nice to be at a point where the carbs do have a benefit to me when consumed appropriately.  

* Tang Soo Do is on the agenda tonight.  It’s one-step self defense, so I’m going to move a bit slowly through it to account for some tenderness from the comp.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

 Competition Report: Submission Challenge Omaha, 8 Dec 2024, Men's Masters 1 171-185lb White Belt

I may detail more on this, but I wanted to get this out while it was fresh in my head.

Spoilers is I took first place

Alright, I might do a bigger write up sometime, but lemme get to the matches.  I lost the first by guillotine choke, won the second with an americana (no shock there) and won the third by forfeit

The dude I was competing against chatted with my briefly before the match.  He asked where I trained out of and I said "I don't...but I wrestled in high school".  Well he relayed that to his coach, who stereotyped the hell out of me and kept yelling "He's going to hunt for the shot!  Watch out for the shot!"

Fun fact: I never shot in wrestling.  I was terrible at it.

But, that said, after too much time standing, we were warned that if we didn't have a takedown in the next 15 seconds, they were going to implement some sort of "get down" rule.  I'll admit I panicked upon hearing that, and decided to go for a takedown.  He responded by sinking a standing guillotine that was VERY locked in.  I got a little upset because I was violently tapping him and the ref was just ignoring it for nearly too long before finally someone from the audience yelled "He's been tapping for a while".

Upon reflection, there was no need to go for that takedown, because I realize, in all of these tournaments, I have NEVER felt threatened when I've been on the ground.  I may not have much in the way of offense there, but no one has ever put me in a threatened position.  So from here on out, I'll make them play my stupid game of standing until something happens, and if we get forced to the ground, even better.

I DID benefit from that first round though.  Got to feel him out, determine he wasn't stronger than me, nor did he have better cardio than me.

That came into play for the second match.  I decided to just be a bully this time.  I came out aggressive, shoved him, secured a thai clinch, which was of no value whatsoever but still cool, and forced my will on him.  At one point, we nearly repeated the same ending as before, with him locking in a guillotine, and it got me angry and I said to myself in my head "no this time motherf*cker!"  He pulled guard on me, and that's where I was better able to work my "magic".

I got out of the guillotine, and then just kept pressuring him as much as I could.  He went for a triangle, but I never felt threatened by it, and I just kept stacking and pressuring him.  Whenever I was in his guard, I'd put my weight on him, and I noticed that, whenever I got a forearm across his throat, he REALLY didn't like that.  He'd panic and give up position.  So, of course, I kept doing it.

Just like my other 2 competitions, I could feel the exact moment that his energy and strength left him, while I still felt dandy.  In my head I said "You seem tired: I can do this all day".  I guess I'm a nasty person inside my head.  I eventually wore him down to the point that he could no longer put up any resistance, at which point I locked in an Americana I had been hunting for for the whole match.  

Come time for the third match, and his corner informed me he wouldn't be coming out.  I had exhausted him so much he didn't want to do a third with me.  I had noticed between the first and the second match his fatigue level was already pretty heavy, and it seems he reached his limit.

What's cool is, on my record for this organization, it categorizes that final win as "win by KO"

Definitely jazzed by my performance.  I came in wanting to win just 1 match, and I did exactly that...and then another, haha.

Friday, December 6, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3415

AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)

**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specificity Bravo, Cycle 1, Week 3, Workout 4/5


Roll out on LAX ball (needed this today, right glute has acted up a bit from TSD)

50x90 reverse hypers

Bodyweight jumps squats

Squat sets of Bar, 85, 195, 245


Buffalo Bar Squat


Axle strict press

4x8x136 (rest pause final set)

Axle bench press


Low handle trap bar lift





Standing ab wheel



No walk w/dogs (schedule)


* Since I slept through yesterday’s training and have the grappling competition on Sunday that I want to be fresh for, I truncated the two final workouts together and just did the important parts.  Got in the squats, press and bench, and then went for max reps on the trap bar using the RX weight for the week.  “Max reps” is underselling it, as I COULD have pulled more if I really wanted to, but the juice wasn’t worth the squeeze.

* On the topic of the pulls, the fact I could get 10 reps in at the end of the workout with the fatigue I was under is an incredibly positive sign.  I also still chuckle at the people that act like it’s illegal to squat and deadlift in the same workout.

* Kept strict 1 minute rests for the first 3 sets of the squat, then let it drift a little.  I gave myself ample time, while still sub 2 minutes, on the press.  Bench was kept strict.  In general, I took this whole workout a little slower, once again to avoid getting too dorked up before Sunday.  It’s one of the big reasons I DO like to compete: it helps put governors on me.  

* Not incredibly pleased with the depth of the final rep of the squats.  Something I need to watch out for.

* Weighed in at 82.7kg post workout, so I continue to be in a good spot.

* Went to the dentist yesterday and had my blood pressure clocked at 107/66.  Given I am effectively a pillar of salt as far as my nutrition goes, that’s absolutely outstanding.  

* Tang Soo Do last night started out fairly physically challenging. Had some good opportunity to continue to open up my hips with kicks.  Also brought out the staff again for some training.  Good variety.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3414

AM WORKOUT (0415 wake up via alarm)

**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specificity Bravo, Cycle 1, Week 3, Workout 3

Hill sprints

7 rounds w/2 minute rest

30 minute nap


Short walk w/dogs


* Tried out another spot, in my attempt to find a steep hill somewhere nearby.  The hill was still pretty lackluster, and toward my final 3 sprints multiple runners would come by on a morning jog, and my rest times would occasionally trickle a few seconds longer than I liked, so this was a bust.  But the workout itself was still challenging.

* Forgot to put on my knee sleeves for this workout, so it’s honestly a pretty good sign that my body can hold up to these demands.  Still tried for max effort each opportunity.  On the last 2 sprints, I could feel myself petering out at the end.  7 rounds is still the most I can work in within the 15 minute cap.

* I woke up too early for how short this workout was, and rather than use that extra time to do something else, a nap seemed like the most prudent action.  I’ve really been feeling sleep seeking recently, perhaps as I recover from illness, but it’s honestly a departure from how I typically am so I’m leaning into it.  I’m also delighted that I chose sleep over more training, because that’s definitely not a decision I would have made in the past.

* Double Tang Soo Do last night wasn’t too physically challenging, but gave me an opportunity to continue to play with limbering up my hip.  Really focused on letting it get loose on the kicks so I could get higher.  I realize that, when I’m sparring, I have no issue achieving this, since there’s something at stake, but for line drills I tend to get locked up trying so hard to make the technique “right”.  I also had the opportunity to lead warm-ups yesterday, so that was cool.  We have another class tonight, but thankfully just a single.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3413

AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)

**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specificity Bravo, Cycle 1, Week 3, Workout 2


Roll out on LAX ball (no longer feels necessary, just doing it out of habit)

50x90 reverse hyper

Sets of 175, 225 and 315 on low handle trap bar


Low handle trap bar lift


NG chins

4x8x10lb (rest as long as needed)

Axle curls

4x8x76 (rest pause on last 2 sets at the 6 rep point)


4x8x32.5lb KB behind head

Reverse hypers



Standing ab wheel/band pull apart superset


Lateral raise dropset

35x10lb, 35x5, 35x2.5, 35xEmpty Hands



Short walk w/dogs


* Kept the rest times strict on the first 3 sets of the pulls, putting the belt on at the 30 second mark and setting up straps at the 40 second mark.  On the final set, I meandered a little, but still kept it pretty tight.  Also really focused on keeping an upright torso and driving with the legs, so I could spare my lower back…and pull the RIGHT way for this movement.  Should carry over well for car deadlift too.  

* Part of me is thinking I need to just push the weight high on the chins.  Coming into them post trap bar, I tend to be pretty wiped out, and it’s just going to be a matter of rest pausing through the reps.

* Curls are honestly getting in a good way.  I haven’t prioritized my biceps since college, because even Poundstones were just about lactic acid threshold.   I feel like arms are getting stronger.

* Figured out a way to add a little more weight to the reverse hyper.  It’s bucking like a bronco.  I’ve got the rear feet weighed down but not the front.

* Similar to Grey Man, I dig the final week of this, despite being the heaviest, because it’s the lowest reps.  It feels like a break.  In a similar regard, I’m going to keep running this program as written, but if I were to tweak it, I’d do like 3/5/1, and start with the middle week, move to the high rep week next and then into the low rep week.  

* I’ve been feeling like I need more sleep these past few days.  Wonder if that’s the cold at play.  I dropped my kid off at show choir yesterday, and took a 10 minute nap in my truck before getting in my walk, and I completely passed out.  When my alarm went off, I had to sort out from context clues where I was and why I was there.  Being able to enter that deep of a sleep in such a short window is typically a sign of depravation for me.

* Double Tang Soo Do class tonight, with another round of leftovers to support it.

Friday, November 29, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3412

AM WORKOUT (0600 wake up via Valkyrie's alarm)

OPERATION CONAN Spec Ops Insertion Phase

Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol Specialization Bravo, Cycle 1, Week 2, Workout 5

Roll out on LAX ball
50x90 reverse hyper
Sets of 175 and 265 on low handle trap bar pull


Low handle trap bar pull

NG chins

Axle curls
4x10x73 (rest pause employed on final 3 sets)

4x10x30lb (KB held behind head)

Reverse hyper


Standing ab wheel/band pull apart superset


* Holy cow I felt incredibly awful coming into this.  I think it's the difference between giving the Mucinex some time to work vs coming in cold.  Although I also speculate I may have actually underate yesterday, which is a funny thing to do on Thanksgiving.  Either way, this was a VERY challenging workout, and I had to push the rest periods to 2 minutes for a good amount of it.  I also cut the chins short, because I could tell I was doing more damage than good by trying to grind through it.  I am very pleased to knock out this workout and stay on target through the holidays.

* I pulled the first rep on the first set of trap bars pure low back, and learned my lesson from there and brought my legs into play for the final 3 sets.  I like the fact I can tell when I'm doing that and can correct.  My body will default to it's strong suit when I'm not thinking, but because I'm combating low back fatigue, it's a less than ideal situation to rely on that.  This is something I'll have to watch for the car deadlift in my competition.

* I can't load my reverse hyper much heavier than this.  I'll get creative from here.

* No walk with the dogs: since I got up late, I took them right to doggie day care.  Probably good to reduce activity a little.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3411

AM WORKOUT (1130, day off work with Thanksgiving)

OPERATION CONAN Spec Ops Insertion Phase

Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol Specialization Bravo, Cycle 1, Week 2, Workout 4

50x90 reverse hyper
Sets of bar, 85 and 175 for squats, w/265 walkout


Buffalo bar squat

Lever belt squat

Axle strict press
4x10x118 (rest pause used for last 2 sets)

Axle bench press
4x10x176 (rest pause used for last set)

(3) Incline DB Bench
4x10x60s (rest pause used for third set)

4x10x25 (rest pause used on final set)


Superset circuit (no rest) of Hanging Leg Raise/Band pull apart


* Delighted I got this in.  I woke up sounding like hell: all the phlegm had gathered while I laid down last night, but once I got upright it drained and I started feeling better.  Was helping out prep for Thanksgiving, and when we had some downtime, I managed to sneak this in.

* Kept the rest times strict 1 minute for the squats, but started to fall off that with the pressing, just resting long enough to survive, but keeping it under 2.  Used every trick in the book too: belts on the squat and pressing, sleeves where I could.

* I'm going to blame some of the struggle on illness and medication.  I took some prescription strength Mucinex, which is awesome, but dehydrates the hell out of me.  I'm thankful that I didn't have a major coughing fit to deal with during the squats.

* Really pleased with how the squats went.  I like my strategy of first workout beltless second one belted.  I appreciate the belt, rather than rely on it.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3410

AM WORKOUT (0520 wake up via Valkyrie's alarm)

**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specialization Bravo, Cycle 1, Week 2, Workout 3

Hill sprints

7 rounds


* Still feeling sickish.  Phlegmy cough and mucus generation is biggest issue, which impacts breathing slightly.  Slightly out of my head and fatigued (reference the 1.5 hour nap yesterday).  With all that, along with getting to bed late, I slept in as late as I could, knowing that this was going to be a quick workout.  I cut out my traditional reverse hyper warm-up, and just did a brief walk before getting into the sprints.  Also tried out a different hill.  It's honestly tough to find steep hills here in Nebraska, so these are more like "incline sprints", but I feel like that's a better approach for me compared to a flat surface.  It's good to have the road rise to meet my feet: seems to be a little gentler on my knees.

* Took a few runs to get my distance dialed in.  First 2 sprints were more around the 15 second mark, but the rest of them were right about 18-20 seconds.  Rested strict 2 minutes between rounds.  7 was how much I could get done within the 15 minute time cap.  

* I am really enjoying this protocol.  I feel athletic again getting in these sprints.  It's also very hard to NOT turn these into complete and total burnouts where I blow out my lungs and want to puke, but it's a bit easier when I've turned the keys over to someone else and just trust the process.  Because along with everything else, despite feeling sick, I physically feel the best I have in a LONG time.  Got my hips, back and knees sorted out, very little pain, minimal stiffness, etc.  

* That got to show through at Tang Soo Do last night.  We did a double class, and at the end the Valkyrie and I both got new stripes on our belt.  It's been awesome to be able to get in more jump kicks and other insanity again.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3409

AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)

OPERATION CONAN Spec Ops Insertion Phase

Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol Specialization Bravo, Cycle 1, Week 2, Workout 2

Roll out on LAX ball
50x90 Reverse hyper
Trap bar lifts w/135, 225, 295


Low handle trap bar pulls

NG chins

Axle curls

4x10x27.5 (KB held behind head)

Reverse hyper


Standing ab wheel/band pull apart superset


Short walk w/dogs


* Strict 1 minute rests between sets.  Especially challenging on the trap bar lifts, as usual.  Really think there is magic happening there.  The axle curls were actually challenging today as well.  

* After watching video, I've changed up my GHR technique to try end the eccentric on a flat line rather than all the way forward.  I've noticed my lower back is less taxed as a result.  I think I was doing a combination back raise AND GHR before, and this is a bit more targeted.  Should be good for mitigating fatigue.

* Chins are slowly improving, but I have to consider that I'm adding bodyweight as I progress through the cycle, so I'm not going to beat myself up over it too much.  Do wonder if the torn bicep and lats are showing themselves these days as well.

* Got the day off work and a double Tang Soo Do class tonight, so walking may be on the menu, but not super high priority.

* Finally hung up the posters I got for my birthday.  Gym wall is looking full these days.  You can really see the influence of nerd culture in my upbringing. 

Monday, November 25, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3408

AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)

OPERATION CONAN Spec Ops Insertion Phase

Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol Specialization Bravo: Cycle 1, Week 2, Workout 1

Roll out on LAX ball
50x90 reverse hyper
Bodyweight jump squats
Sets of Bar, 85, and 195 squats


Buffalo Bar Squat

Lever belt squat

Axle strict press

Brief intermission to tape my thumb after tearing a chunk out of it

Axle bench press

(3) Incline DB bench

Weighted dips


Superset of hanging leg raise and band pull aparts

Strict 1 minute rests, minus the time applying first aid.


Moderate walk w/dogs


* Those squats felt awesome.  I actually woke up with my back feeling a bit stiff, and convinced myself it'd be ok to train with the belt today to spare my lower back, but as soon as I stepped into the garage I felt fantastic, and being able to move quickly through the set really allowed me to self-perpetuate that feeling.  If I move quick, I move well.  Even managed to keep the rest periods short, despite some signs of illness (you can hear me coughing a bit between sets).

* Legs were feeling pretty pumped in the belt squats.  Press weight got challenging at the end.  Tore a chunk out of my thumb putting weights away and was bleeding pretty badly, so had to bandage it before the bench.  I've got a first aid kit in the truck, so I used that, but it gave me a bit longer rest than I preferred.  Bench was still challenging though: kept the rests very short to compensate.

* Weighed in at 82.5kg, which is .3 less than last week but also feels like "truer" weight.  Last week I was quite inflamed from so much pork products over the time period.  Transitioning back to beef has me feeling a bit better.  And this is also one of the many reasons I'm not big on counting calories or trying to force the body to grow in a linear, fixed and predictable patter.  It's more like riding waves.  I'm trending upward in general, but some weeks get to have these slight regressions so I can settle in.

* Labrum is feeling good enough.  It gets a little pissy on the incline bench, but nothing terrible.

Friday, November 22, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3407

AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)

**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specialization Bravo, Cycle 1, Week 1, Workout 5


Roll out on LAX ball

50x90 reverse hypers

Set of 135 and 225 low handle trap bar


Low handle trap bar lift


NG Chins

4x12 (rest as long as needed to complete sets)

Axle curls



4x12x25lb KB held behind head

Reverse hypers



Standing ab wheel/band pull apart superset


Neck harness




Short walk w/dogs


* Strict 1 minute rests for vast majority of workout.  Sole exception was the final set of trap bar pulls, which I went with a loose 1 minute rest.  Differnce between the two is, in the former, I will start preparing for the set after 40 seconds of rest, so that I BEGIN the set right at the 1 minute mark, whereas in the latter I let the full minute eclipse before I start getting ready.  I also tried to keep it to 1 minute between exercises where applicable, which would be between the pulls, chins and curls.  Because I have to travel for the GHR, there is a gap between that.

* Played around with exercise order and like this set up so far.  The GHRs are a little taxing on the lower back (which they probably aren’t supposed to be, but such is life), and the trap bar pulls are, of course, compressive, so I went to get all that compression out of the way and then finish the workout with the traction of the reverse hyper.  I also started hanging from a bar toward the end there, and that felt pretty awesome.  That leads me to think that, in a situation where I used supersets, a solid idea would be reverse hyper chased with chins.  

* I have to give props to K. Black, because the programming works.  I was very much dreading this day, not in the “I don’t want to train” sense of dread, but in the “How am I going to do this?” sense.  4x12x290 with 1 minute rests was very tough, and 315 defintely didn’t feel good, but I got through it, along with the rest of the program.  The pulls were a fantastic test of my ability, and I could absolutely feel the pump and fatigue all over.  And knowing what I have coming up is inspiring me to eat to grow.  

* On the topic of eating to grow, I imagine my slightly increasing bodyweight is playing into the chins being so rough, along with trying to hit them after that set of pulls.  I’m not sweating it: I’m getting in the work I need.  

* Brought back the neck harness because I realized I have a grappling tournament coming up real soon…should probably have a strong neck for that.

* We’ll be doing another Tang Soo Do sparring class on Saturday, but I also wanna get in one more HIC workout this weekend.  And my kiddo and I are going to watch “Fight Knight” medieval combat on Saturday, so that’ll be a blast.  Got my 20lb turkey thawing out in the fridge right now for Thanksgiving as well, and gonna see if I can sweet talk the Valkyrie into making a pumpkin cheesecake for dessert that day.  I picked an awesome time for feasting.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3406

AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)

**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specialization Bravo, Cycle 1, Week 1, Workout 4


Roll out on LAX ball

50x90 reverse hyper

Bodyweight jump squats

Squat sets of bar, 85, 135, walkout w/225


Buffalo Bar Squat


Lever belt squat


Axle strict press

12x93 (misload)


1x10+2x98 (rest pause)

Axle bench press


(3) Incline DB Bench





Hanging leg raise/band pull apart superset


Lateral Raise Dropset

35x10lb, 35x5, 35x2.5, 35xempty hands

Total Training Time: 60 minutes


Longer walk w/dogs


* Kept rests to strict 1 minute intervals for vast majority of workout, with the exception of the final set of the incline DB bench and one of the sets of the lever belt squat.  I thought I’d need to get in 2 minutes after Monday’s workout, but I found another gear today.  I like my approach of starting the week with minimal supportive gear and then bringing out the belt and elbow sleeves for the second workout. There’s also something to be said about the “oh sh!t” factor of the first workout being such a nut-kick that I’ve been eating my faceoff to make sure I was ready for today. Building the Monolith and Deep Water had a similar effect on me.

* I WAS genuinely curious how I was going to survive today, since I’ve been so sore these past few days, but this really helped me work through it.  Having that lower back fatigue dissipated has really gone a long way as well, and my hips are completely pain free.  I’m actually feeling like the best I’ve felt in a LONG time.  

* Misloaded the press for the initial set, but at least I realized it early, making this still a progressive workout.  I think a little longer of rest would have had me.  But thankfully the rest of the workout went without a hitch.  Really focused on trying to move fast on the eccentric of the pressing movements.  Knocking out all the incline DB benching and dips at the end was awesome and unexpected, and my labrum didn’t bother me during this workout. 

* Squatting for 4 sets with strict 1 minute rests still sucks.  Trap bar is going to really suck tomorrow.

* I had a great night of sparring last night.  I made it to the final round, squaring off against the senior black belt student.  I lost on something that still upsets me: whenever I parry his punches with my elbow, it’s interpreted as him scoring a point, since contact is made.  But I need to just recognize that and be better. What was awesome, though, was getting a point on him with a hook kick to the head, considering he stands 6’2 to my 5’9.  I used that same hook kick to the head twice on him later in the evening during free sparring, and once on the other black belt who is of similar height.  It caught these guys off because my hips and back have been bothering me for the past 4 months and my kick game has been pretty lackluster, so they’d grown accustomed to my gameplan.  Good to know I still got some surprises in my bag of tricks.  Was proud of the Valkyrie for also scoring a point on the senior, and my kiddo has really learned how to keep up a strong guard. I also chased one of the black belts out of the ring, because they tried to play the game of just standing there and waiting for me to present an opening, and I countered it with a stupidly aggressive Dempsey Roll right into their midsection.  That was rewarding.

* No Tang Soo Do tonight: kiddo has a performance at school we’ll be watching.

* I officially signed up for that competition in April.  I’m genuinely excited about it, and I’m excited to BE excited, because strongman has been like a bad relationship with an ex for a while now, where I kept going back hoping to rekindle the magic and kept walking away disappointed.  Having it in my own city WITH events I actually want to do is a win, and having weigh ins the day before is just clutch.  I plan to take the day off work that day so I can just get that knocked out and have one less thing in the morning.  I ALSO plan to use Tactical Barbell to get me there: it’s a solid enough system to base off of.  I’m thinking a bridge week before the competition, then 9 weeks of TB1 programming leading up to it to re-develop strength and conditioning in  a more strongman specific capacity, and from there I can reverse engineer what the rest of the programming will look like.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3405

AM WORKOUT (0419 natural wake up, slept in)

**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specialization Bravo, Cycle 1, Week 1, Workout 3


Roll out on LAX ball

50x90 reverse hyper

2 minutes of light jogging


7 hill sprints w/2 minutes rest

Cooldown walk

2:45 hang from bar


Moderate walk w/dogs


* Landed on hill sprints for my break-in HIC on Specialization Bravo.  My 4 options were “Anabolic Sprints”, which is sprinting for 30m, “Reset 20s”, which is a 20 second all out effort on some sort of exercise, Hill Sprints, and Fobbits (2 minutes light jog interrupted with 10kb swings for a total of 20 minutes).  I can see all of those making it into the rotation, but hill sprints were easily accessible and seemed like they carried less risk of hamstring borking compared to jumping straight into full on sprinting.  Having the hill to catch each step along the way helps.

* Was still figuring out distance/timing on this, as K. Black lays out a 10-20 second effort for this.  My first run was 40 seconds, so I found a different landmark to use and got in sprints that were right at the 20 second mark.  From there, it was about re-learning the difference between a sprint and a hard run.  The very last round was probably my best one.  With the 15 minute cap for the workout, I managed to get in 7 runs, resting right at 2 minutes in between.  My heart rate never got above 90, but with a RHR of 36-40, that seems significant enough.  

* In general, felt good to do this.  Felt athletic.  It’s very hard to not totally bury myself with each and every workout, but I am really wanting to give this program it’s due diligence and lay it out exactly as written.  Trust the process.  I may allow myself a deviation and break out the prowler for some sprint sessions at some point, but I feel like that still meets intent.

* I do appreciate that I’m getting in some higher intensity conditioning now, after all the time spent walking.  In general, it’s awesome to have periodization built in, and with my grappling competition coming up on 8 Dec, these will be valuable reps. 

* My whole body is quite sore.  Really digging the novel response here.  Lower back is a little fatigued as well, which has me thinking to break out the belt for tomorrow’s squat session.  And, in turn, I think that’s a great battle rhythm there: start the week beltless, with the lightest workout, and finish it with a belt.

* I found a strongman competition on 12 Apr right here in my town that I am very excited for.  It’s car deadlift for reps, press medley of keg, axle and log (final implement for reps), 3 sandbags over bar, a carry medley and stone over bar.  There’s only one event there that I don’t care for (sandbag), but it’s my favorite variety OF that event, and car deadlift and carry medleys are totally my jam.  I like the press implements (no circus dumbbell), and I’m always done for stones, as long as I don’t get glued to it.  The weights are lighter as well, and I should have no issue making weight with it in my town: I can actually weigh in the day before.  For some reason, the site won’t let me sign up right now, but as soon as I can, I will: one of the few instances where we don’t have anything on our schedule that day.

* Double sparring night last night was a mixed bag.  We crashed the junior class for the first round, so I got in 2 rounds of teaching junior trainees, restricting myself to hands only and working footwork, but I got to square off against the Valkyrie in the final round, and since I’m lighter on my feet these days, I played around with a lot of kicks.  She was able to get in 1 point and hold on until the match ended, crowning her champion for the night.  In the advanced class, I went up against the kiddo on the very first round, and they need the reps far more than I do, so I gave them a good fight, still restricting myself to hands, and let them get in the final point at the end so they could advance to the second round and square off against our resident Dojang champion.  From there, I watched them score a point on a body punch, which is just awesome.  And after the in school tournament was finished, we did a “King of the Ring” kumite style approach for the rest of the evening, which gave me a chance to get in a few more reps.  Same thing happened with the junior class.  In general, it was a good enough workout.

* For such a short workout, this is a long post, but other information was I was the one that ended up making the carb up meal last night.  Valkyrie’s work consumed her and I told her I would handle it.  I whipped up some 4 cheese tortellini with bison meatsauce and garlic bread, and added some sides of 4 sunny side up pastured eggs alongside some sardines for myself to get in a little more protein and fats.  Also rescued 4 pieces of leftover “birthday cake” I had in the freezer from my birthday: pumpkin oatmeal cookie bars, which I topped with some raw honey alongside a mug of fairlife skim milk for dessert.  The big thing is I’m really appreciating where I’m at with eating these days.  Left to my own devices, I’d never cook pasta for myself, as I do simply prefer meat, but I was delighted to cook it for my family and to share in the meal with them.   I know in the past there’d be some resentment and fear about “having to” eat this, but this was just another meal.  It was special because it WASN’T special.  Also, I was pretty proud of myself for making all of that food in 20 minutes, while wearing my “Spam and Eggs” apron I got from the spam museum.    

AM WORKOUT (0419 natural wake up, slept in)

**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specialization Bravo, Cycle 1, Week 1, Workout 3


Roll out on LAX ball

50x90 reverse hyper

2 minutes of light jogging


7 hill sprints w/2 minutes rest

Cooldown walk

2:45 hang from bar


Moderate walk w/dogs


* Landed on hill sprints for my break-in HIC on Specialization Bravo.  My 4 options were “Anabolic Sprints”, which is sprinting for 30m, “Reset 20s”, which is a 20 second all out effort on some sort of exercise, Hill Sprints, and Fobbits (2 minutes light jog interrupted with 10kb swings for a total of 20 minutes).  I can see all of those making it into the rotation, but hill sprints were easily accessible and seemed like they carried less risk of hamstring borking compared to jumping straight into full on sprinting.  Having the hill to catch each step along the way helps.

* Was still figuring out distance/timing on this, as K. Black lays out a 10-20 second effort for this.  My first run was 40 seconds, so I found a different landmark to use and got in sprints that were right at the 20 second mark.  From there, it was about re-learning the difference between a sprint and a hard run.  The very last round was probably my best one.  With the 15 minute cap for the workout, I managed to get in 7 runs, resting right at 2 minutes in between.  My heart rate never got above 90, but with a RHR of 36-40, that seems significant enough.  

* In general, felt good to do this.  Felt athletic.  It’s very hard to not totally bury myself with each and every workout, but I am really wanting to give this program it’s due diligence and lay it out exactly as written.  Trust the process.  I may allow myself a deviation and break out the prowler for some sprint sessions at some point, but I feel like that still meets intent.

* I do appreciate that I’m getting in some higher intensity conditioning now, after all the time spent walking.  In general, it’s awesome to have periodization built in, and with my grappling competition coming up on 8 Dec, these will be valuable reps. 

* My whole body is quite sore.  Really digging the novel response here.  Lower back is a little fatigued as well, which has me thinking to break out the belt for tomorrow’s squat session.  And, in turn, I think that’s a great battle rhythm there: start the week beltless, with the lightest workout, and finish it with a belt.

* I found a strongman competition on 12 Apr right here in my town that I am very excited for.  It’s car deadlift for reps, press medley of keg, axle and log (final implement for reps), 3 sandbags over bar, a carry medley and stone over bar.  There’s only one event there that I don’t care for (sandbag), but it’s my favorite variety OF that event, and car deadlift and carry medleys are totally my jam.  I like the press implements (no circus dumbbell), and I’m always done for stones, as long as I don’t get glued to it.  The weights are lighter as well, and I should have no issue making weight with it in my town: I can actually weigh in the day before.  For some reason, the site won’t let me sign up right now, but as soon as I can, I will: one of the few instances where we don’t have anything on our schedule that day.

* Double sparring night last night was a mixed bag.  We crashed the junior class for the first round, so I got in 2 rounds of teaching junior trainees, restricting myself to hands only and working footwork, but I got to square off against the Valkyrie in the final round, and since I’m lighter on my feet these days, I played around with a lot of kicks.  She was able to get in 1 point and hold on until the match ended, crowning her champion for the night.  In the advanced class, I went up against the kiddo on the very first round, and they need the reps far more than I do, so I gave them a good fight, still restricting myself to hands, and let them get in the final point at the end so they could advance to the second round and square off against our resident Dojang champion.  From there, I watched them score a point on a body punch, which is just awesome.  And after the in school tournament was finished, we did a “King of the Ring” kumite style approach for the rest of the evening, which gave me a chance to get in a few more reps.  Same thing happened with the junior class.  In general, it was a good enough workout.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3404

AM WORKOUT (0359 natural wake up)

**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specialization Bravo, Cycle 1, Week 1, Workout 2


Roll out on LAX ball

50x90lb reverse hyper

Sets of 135 and 225 low handle trap bar pull


Low handle trap bar pulls


NG chins

4x12 (as much rest as needed to complete the reps)

Axle curls


Reverse hyper



4x12x22.5lb (held behind head)


Standing ab wheel/Band pull apart superset




Moderate walk w/dogs


* Kept it at strict 1 minute rests again, and really tore through the training with only 5 movements vs 6.  Also, sets of 12 on the trap bar with strict one minute rests SUUUUUCKS.  I remember Dan John mentioning that with his 3x10 protocol.  The first set is fine, second set gets interesting, third set you go looking for your lungs.  Trying to hit the chins after that resulted in a pretty lackluster performance, but that might end up being a feature more than a bug, as chins are the one exercise I’m at peace with taking as long as necessary to get the set done.  I’m still tinkering with movement order for this day: part of me thinks do the pulls at the very end so I can really just blow myself out, part of me thinks start with the pulls and then go GHR and reverse hyper to traction out the back and finish with the chins and curls, and if left to my own devices I’d just do the chins throughout the workout rather than straight sets, but I’m trying my best to comply with the instructions.

* None of that is a critique or concern either.  I’m totally digging the way this is all set up.  I’ve basically created an anterior chain/posterior chain split, and right now my anterior chain muscles are quite sore, which intellectually I understand doesn’t mean anything, but on a bro level it’s always a rewarding feeling.  I dig the way Mass Protocol is set up to constantly provide that novel stimulus effect.  Triceps, shoulders and pecs in particular are showing it, but the quads have come out to play as well.

* GHRs do seem to tax my lower back some.  I’m sure the mega high rep sets I was doing before were part of the reason I had so much fatigue in there.  Consequently, I’m feeling quite awesome these days: fatigue dissipated and I’m a lot lighter on my feet, which is a positive, because we have a double class for Tang Soo Do tonight and it’s sparring night.  It’s been ROUGH trying to kick high with the state I’ve been in, and these past few classes I’ve been able to really unlock with the fatigue gone.

* Tonight should be a carb up night as well.  Should be good for my recovery.  I’m noticing I’m looking flat.

* Really hope ya’ll like Tom Waits “Hell Broke Luce”, because that’s going to be the soundtrack for the rest of this run.  At least youtube doesn’t block that song.

Monday, November 18, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3403

AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)

**OPERATION CONAN** Spec Ops Insertion Phase

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol* Specialization Bravo-Cycle 1, Week 1, Workout 1



Roll out on LAX ball

50x90 reverse hyper

Jump squats

Sets of bar, 85 and 135 for squats


Buffalo Bar Squat


Belt squat


Axle strict press


Axle bench press


3x12x136 (racked on rep 11 of set 2, then got the 12th rep)

(3) Incline DB bench





3x12xBW (rest as long as needed)


Hanging leg raise/band pull apart superset




Short walk w/dogs (got rained out)


* Strict 1 minute rests between all sets.  

* Day 1 of the program: feeling out the maxes I’ve selected.  Biggest issue is that they’re “fresh maxes”, and I’m hitting the later movements in later and later stages of fatigue.  It’s a bit like the Deep Water bench day in that regard: something that shouldn’t be a challenge when you’re fresh is pretty damn exhausting when you get to it.  This is why some weights dropped during the program, and I’ll recalculate from there. My structure is also interesting, but by design: I’m leading off with that strict press and THEN benching, so my shoulders are already pretty significantly fatigued, although it was really my triceps that were the most upset with me.

* I’m still on the fence about keeping flat bench in.  I’m hitting 4 different pressing movements here, and when I got to incline my right shoulder (the one with the torn labrum) was barking at me a bit.  I’d rather incline and dip, and the strict press is non-negotiable.  Another option might be to transition to the swiss bar bench instead, which would also speed up my transition time between movements.

* In that regard, I’m pleased with how the execution of this went.  Very little downtime between movements: able to keep that 1 minute rest for the most part.  But this also was a pretty long workout WITH those strict 1 minute rests: I have VERY little time to screw around or rest longer, and getting into 5 sets per movement instead of 4 will compound that, which is another compelling argument to cut out the flat bench.

* I liked the way I was able to hold onto the axle during the belt squats.  I think I’m going to keep that going no matter the situation.  The buffalo bar squats also felt pretty awesome.  With the lighter weight, I’m able to keep better form, more upright posture, which allows me to hit the intended muscles AND not overtax my lower back.  In general, I think this training block is going to be good for me to recover from the hard and heavy work, as I’m feeling pretty damn good after this workout.

* Had a post workout weigh in of 82.8 kg, which is up 1.5 from last week.  I’ve definitely made sure to lean into eating this week.  I do think a fair amount of that is inflammation.  It sucks for me to say, but whenever I eat that full rack of ribs from my favorite BBQ place, I don’t feel as good afterwards compared to when I eat ruminant meat from home.  In the case of the latter, after I’m done, I feel pretty light and will have an appetite by the time morning rolls around.  With the former, I’m pretty heavy/sluggish and don’t want to eat for a while.  It’s less about being satiated and more feeling queasy.  I think it’s a combination of the dry rub and the heavy amount of pork fat I’m consuming in that meal.  We also grabbed Hawaiian BBQ for lunch yesterday, which doesn’t trigger as bad a response, but it definitely killed my appetite afterwards.  It’s been pretty cool to be able to keep tabs on my body’s response to stimulus like this.  Tonight, I have a big chuck roast on the menu, which should help me get right.  Should also be able to get in a few more steps while my kid is at show choir.