Thursday, May 2, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3245

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm, rough night of sleep due to thunderstorms)

3 mile treadmill walk w/45lb weighted vest

* Mile 1 at 3.0 speed and 5.0 incline

* Mile 2 at 3.0 and 6.0

* Mile 3 at 3.0 and 7.0

70x230 reverse hyper

50 band pull aparts

75 KB swings w/60lb bell


* Absolutely nutso storms last night and this morning.  It sounded like my house was going through a carwash around 0300.  Made the call to keep the cardio indoors today.  Because of the logistics of where the treadmill is, I didn’t do the swings first, but still got them in.

* Since my weekly schedule got a little jumbled, I got in the reverse hypers today. They are absolutely a value added movement.

* No Tang Soo Do tonight: kiddo has a school performance we are attending.  Will do a class on Saturday instead.  May also have a chance to eat big tonight: Texas Roadhouse is doing a charity event to benefit those that were impacted during the tornado.  100% of profits donated.  I can definitely do my part by ordering WAY too many ribs.

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