Tuesday, May 14, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3254

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

75 KB swings w/55lb bell

2.7 mile walk w/80lb vest at 3.0 pace

80x230 reverse hyper

50 band pull aparts

Neck harness work


Long walk w/dog


* I was demotivated to accomplish this when I headed to bed last night, but woke up ready for it.  I appreciate all the benefits that the walk brings to me, and I know those reverse hypers are really doing me some good in life.  The vest still really sucks, and I keep thinking about ditching it one morning, but so far I’m still complying.

* Reverse hypers are having a conditioning effect at this amount of reps.  

* I got in a 2 mile walk with my kid yesterday after dinner, and then a near 2 mile walk with the dog this morning as well.  Meeting my goals of getting in more walking and more time in the sun.

* Tang Soo Do later tonight.  We’re approaching the summer, and with that comes our “Hyung Challenge”, where, among other things, we can come up with our own open hand Hyung (kata in Japan, “form” in English, just a choreographed fight pattern).   I’m developing one performed in handcuffs, to try to showcase and come up with an idea of how to use Tang Soo Do in a restrained situation.  Lots of knees, elbows, headbuts and kicks used as a defense.

* Some foodporn from last night: triple venison burger with goat cheese, grassfed ghee and sour cream, and a little bit of avocado mayo on chaffle buns

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