Monday, May 20, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3259

AM WORKOUT (0402 wake up via bowels…will go into that)

**DOGGCRAPP** Week 11, Workout A1







90 second weighted dip stretch w/117.5lb

KB Clean and Press Away




90 second shoulder stretch

Extreme Close Grip Swiss Bar Bench



8+5+3x185 (failed on first set, had to re-rack bar)

90 second KB tricep stretch w/57.5lb bell

Underhand Chins



60 second wide grip hanging lat stretch w/105lb (tapped out)

Low handle trap bar pull





60 second per side 115lb hanging DB lat stretch

3x10 standing ab wheel


Longer walk w/dog


* Once again, my body tells me things and I should listen.  Was going to bed last night and noted that my definition had washed out, and initially thought “I’ve pushed this feast pretty far, that makes sense”.  Then, a few minutes before my alarm, my guts seized up and informed me that I needed to wake up NOW.  Took care of that, and have had another urgent situation since that time.  So apparently something is up in my guts, and as is typical, when I have some sort of illness, my body sends the signal by holding water/bloating me and washing out definition.  It’s cool to have that external metric.  I’m not certain is this is a result of consuming too much smoked meat in a short time (I’ve heard that happens) or perhaps the turkey leg I had was undercooked, or I’ve consumed too many electrolytes, but either way, this isn’t crippling.

* Also interesting about this workout is that I matched reps on the dips, and then actually had a very stellar day for the rest of it.  The KBs were an increase in weight, I got in extra reps and a VERY solid effort on the swiss bar bench, really blew up the chins, and added 3 reps on the trap bar.  But the whole time, because of the dips, I kept thinking “yeah, it’s a good thing this is the week before the cruise, because it’s clear the blast has gone on too long”.  That mentality actually seemed to allow me to absolutely crush the rest of my workout.  If/when I resume this workout, I may swap out the dips, but everything else is still going well.

* Weather is getting better, so I’m going for longer walks in the morning.  That said, my dog is a 14 year old pug, and she doesn’t have the legs she used to.  I’ll go at her pace.

* Honestly just very pleased with the trap bar pull performance at the end.  3 extra reps is fantastic.

* Going to do a small carb up this evening.  Not doing a carby meal for dinner, but Mrs made some fantastic cookie bars that I’ll have for a dessert.  They’re a peanut butter cookie base with Reese’s pieces and peanut butter cups mixed in.  And I picked up some local cinnamon honey at the Renaissance Faire yesterday that I can apply to them as well.


  1. Hey champ, I'm trying to learn how to fight like you and just earned my TKD green belt. Just wondering if you ever failed a belt exam during the course of your training? Thanks.

    1. I am honestly uncomfortable with your presence dude. This feels obsessive.
