Thursday, May 23, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3262

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

**DOGGCRAPP** Week 11, Workout A2

DB Bench





90 second weighted dip stretch w/105lb

BtN Press




90 Second shoulder stretch

Close grip axle lockouts




90 second KB tricep stretch w/20kg bell

NG Chins


5x1 chain

7+3+3x2chains, DROPSET 3x1 chain, 3x no chains

70 second wide grip hanging lat stretch w/105lb



1x315+chains (felt WAY too heavy)

0x405+chains (welded to the floor)

3x10 standing ab wheel

75x10 lat raises  


Moderate walk w/dog


* Video was blocked because of music…music I’ve listened to for several other videos before.  This is getting tedious.

* Training motivation was high for this one, which is a bit of a bummer with how it ended.  I was excited to finish out the ROM progression cycle, but my system is just too exhausted.  The warning sign was there with 315: it moved WAY too slow, and then 405 was welded to the floor.  I’m not beating myself up over it: every workout up until this point was strong, and I pulled 3 extra reps with the trap bar on Monday.  I’m operating on a time compressed schedule because of vacation, and I’ve been getting in a lot of work.  But it’s still a bummer when this was the end of the cycle and a chance to “really deadlift”.  Gotta see the signs though: been blasting for a LONG time, now it’s time to cruise.

* I DID see some solid progress on the DB bench and close grip axle lockouts.  Upped the weight on the behind the neck press.  Saw some serious regression on the chins.  I imagine my climbing bodyweight is part of that, but I’ve also just been stagnating on chins for a bit.  

* I feel like there’s an element of nutritional fatigue coming into play as well as it relates to my recovery: just tired of eating so much.  And tired of eating so much dairy via cheese to get in more calories.  It’s going to be nice to take a break, drop the metabolism and reset.

* Most exciting development was last night’s Tang Soo Do class.  I am the dojang’s sparring champion, having dethrowned the current champ who has reigned for the past 4 months: our most senior blackbelt student.  To get there, I had to beat 2 students senior to me, to include one other blackbelt.  Alongside that, the first blackbelt I sparred went against my kid at first…and TOTALLY sparred my kid as though THEY were peers.  It was pretty uncool: my kid is about 5 years younger, half the rank, and half the size.  TYPICALLY, in that situation, as a senior, you allow the other student a little bit of play so that they can learn, grow, and get better.  Instead, this person just stomped my kid and scored 3 points in 30 seconds.  So I felt a little bit of redemption beating them.  The senior student, in turn, went against my Valkyrie before going against me, and she did a fantastic job holding her own.  She made him work, held up a strong defense, worked angles against him, and generally made him uncomfortable, as prior to this point he had been relying on his long reach (he’s about 6’2) to fight on the outside and pick shots.  He hadn’t felt pressure before.  She lost by points when time ran out, but went the distance, like Rocky.  When it was my turn, I focused heavily on working angles to get past his long reach and using my kicks to bring his leg down when he’d offer it as a defense.  I scored primarily with body punches, as once I closed the distance his long limbs worked against him.  I was able to get a 1 point lead on him and could see him turn up the aggression at the end to try to reclaim it, but eventually time ran out.  The instructor congratulated us both, because he’s recognized by hybrid approach as being a new threat to this dude who has only ever sparred against folks that spar JUST like him, and he appreciated that he was trying to find ways around it.  Just a great night really: made me feel pretty alive.

* When my work day is done, I’ll be on the road and on my way to my in-laws.  I have some training ideas, but the primary one is for training not to consume my life or time while I’m there.  Murph is still an objective, but beyond that, I just want to stay active.

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