Tuesday, May 21, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3260

AM WORKOUT (0405 wake up via alarm)

**DOGGCRAPP** Week 11, Workout B1

Axle Curls





90 second bicep stretch

Axle Shrugs


10xLight band

5xStrong Band

11+5+4xSuper Strong Band

70 second axle trap stretch w/super strong band

Belt calf raises




90 second belt calf stretch

SSB Good Mornings




90 second hamstring stretch w/40kg bell

SSB Front Squats







90 second quad stretch

3x10 standing ab wheel

No walk (storms)


* Training motivation was solid enough for this.  This day doesn’t particularly jazz me, but it’s not bad.  Pretty middle of the road.  Those SSB good mornings are probably the worst of it, and they really DO suck.  

* Progressed on everything in some way.  More reps on the curls and good mornings, more weight/resistance on the shrugs, calves, and the front squats.

* Broke out some bands that have been on storage for a LONG time on those shrugs, and I’m really seeing the benefits of focusing on traps in the program.  They’re showing up strong, and I feel like this is one of the many positive contributors toward my improving deadlift.

* On the SSB good mornings, I had a real technique revelation where I established a solid mind-muscle connection with my posterior chain the complete the movement.  No longer just hinging the hips, but also squeezing/contracting the muscles to complete the movement.  Took some pain away from my right hip as well.

* I’m not satisfied with the widowmaker performance on the front squat.  It was absolutely tough at 15 reps, but I was more facing issues with the rack vs my quads.  My right bicep kept cramping under the load, and I effectively lost the weight on the eccentric of the 16th rep.  I was certainly close to done at that point, but I woulda preferred really giving it my all to get there.  BUT I also have to take solace in the fact that these front squats are SO different from how I used to. My heels are touching, I’m taking the depth to the very basement, and I have no belt on.  Getting strong like this is going to get me VERY strong.

* Thinking about what I’m going to do when I return from vacation.  I’m using the break as a kickstart into a fat loss phase, primarily because I don’t want to train hard enough on vacation to build muscle, nor do I want to eat all the meat in my in-laws house in order to facilitate building muscle, so I’m going to just use this as a time to eat less, go on more walks, and do just enough training, with a possible Murph thrown in on Memorial Day for good measure.  After that, assuming I’m serious about it, there’s a competition on 13 Jul that looks ok.  It’s got log and axle deadlift for reps, a sandbag over bar for time, a zercher yoke carry and a truck pull.  I like 2 of those events, I’m ok with 2 of them, and I dislike 1 (the truck pull), which, as far as recent competitions go, is pretty good for me.  Question is training.  If I’m still losing fat, DoggCrapp doesn’t seem like the best way forward, and if I want to get good at that show, there’s a few things I’d want to train up.  I’ve been already knocking out the log and sandbag throwing with that strongman sprint, and the deadlifts with my mat pulling.  I can get in some prowler work for the truck pull, and maybe actually use my yoke as a yoke for the carry…BUT, because I train so damn early in the morning, the prowler and yoke aren’t really viable and would have to get moved to weekends.  I’m thinking I might do some sort of full body work 3x a week for the weights.  I want to keep a lot of the stuff that’s been working with DC, but intensity is going to have to go up with volume going down to account for nutrition.  Lotta ways to succeed here.

* Got some Tang Soo Do sparring tonight…but also got some potential tornado warnings, so we’ll see how that all goes.


  1. Since your DoggCrapp article a few weeks ago, I've started doing the rest/pause method with my 5/3/1 accessories. I've been in a fat loss phase, so probably not the best time for something like that, but it seems to be accelerating the fat loss. Good results and I'm looking very lean.

    I'm planning on running BBB Beefcake soon and I think I'm going to continue doing the rest/pause on accessories to see how it facilitates growth when I'm gaining.

    1. Hell yeah dude! That's awesome to hear. Glad you got something out of that.
