Monday, May 6, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3248

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

**DOGGCRAPP** Week 9, Workout A1







90 second dip stretch w/117.5lbs

KB Clean and Press away




90 second shoulder stretch

Extreme Close Grip Swiss Bar Bench




90 second KB tricep stretch w/55lb

Underhand Chins



90 second hanging stretch w/105lb

Low Handle Trap Bar Lift





60 second 115lb DB stretch

3x10 standing ab wheel


Short walk w/dog


* I woke up feeling pretty beat up this morning.  I think all the storms we’ve been having are finally taking a toll on me, because my knees were feeling stiff and swollen.  Perhaps the yardwork paired with all the cooking and the walk yesterday was part of it as well, because when I laid down for sleep I realized it was about the first time that day I was off my feet.  The impact wasn’t severe, as I progressed on everything, but it was hard fought, and I was feeling wiped out through the workout.  Along with that, I cut out volume in the warm ups on the dips and the trap bar pulls.  

* I appreciated the effort I put forward in the majority of the work I did.  The swiss bar bench, in particular, had me really pushing hard, as did the trap bar lift.  I also realized in the middle of my workout that it’s called a “swiss bar” because of the neutral grip handles.  What a silly dig at the swiss.

* My elbows were pretty angry on the warm-ups for the chins, but felt better with some load.  Still thinking I’m going to need to introduce some variety here.

* It was a tactical decision to increase the weight on the trap bar lift.  I was feeling beat when I got to it, and going up in weight meant having no baseline I needed to beat.  I feel like I still have some room to grow in that lift: today was just a high gravity day.  8 hardfought reps as enough.  I actually felt and heard my left knee crack/pop on a rep, and given the swelling I was experiencing earlier, it seemed like a smart idea not to push beyond that.  

* I wanna talk about the weekend training as well, because this round of mat pulls was the BEST I’ve felt pulling in quite a while.  It was like old times: I would get the weight past the sticking point and use my HIPS to complete the rep vs my back.  I think I’ve finally gotten strong enough again that I’m able to play to my strengths on this, which is a testament to how much I need to keep those reverse hypers in the game along with this regular set of pulls once a week.  I think, way forward, any program that requires deadlifts I’ll pull with a trap bar, and then, once a week, I’ll do my ROM progression mat pulls.

* For the strongman sprint, increasing the ROM on the log was the right call, and my lower back didn’t feel nearly as blown up from this, but I do wonder if it played a role in me feeling a little beat up this morning.  It’s most likely in my best interest to vary this sprint, and do some prowler days and some log days.  But logistics and schedules are the primary drivers.

* Speaking of schedules, mine is going to be pretty nuts this week.  My kid has a performance rehearsal Mon, Tues and Weds that runs for 3-4 hours each night, then the performance Fri and Sat.  Still trying to get in Tang Soo Do as well.  Meals are going to be fast and furious, but we’ll get in what we get in.

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