Thursday, May 16, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3256

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

75 KB swings w/57.5lb bell

3 mile walk w/80lb vest at 3.0 mph pace

50 band pull aparts


1.5 mile walk w/dog (no vest)


* Training motivation was moderate on this one.  I got up about 50 minutes before my alarm because I needed to pee, and there was some temptation to sleep longer, but ultimately getting this done won out.  It honestly helps just knowing all the positive things that the walking does for me, and also knowing it’s not a big demand on my energy.  I knew, ultimately, I was going to feel better through the rest of my day knowing I got in my morning fasted walk vs having not done it.  

* The swings, in turn, are also 100% value added.  Along with getting my heart rate up at the start, I’m observing all the positives that come along with regular swings.  My deadlift mechanics are really sharp again.  And I’m focusing on rep quality.  When I did the 10k in 7 days, it was a LOT of awful reps just to hit my rep goal, but now I try to make each rep sharp and explosive.  

* Really trying to focus on keeping my walking pace quick, and it’s shinning through in my daily walking pace as well.  Mrs has commented that I can keep up with her on walks now.

* Speaking of, that extra 1.5 mile walk was a nice bonus.  My wife is taking the day off to escort my kid at a field trip, so she was able to join me on the walk with the dog.  And the one huge project I’ve been working on at work has finally concluded, so I’ve got a little more time in the mornings, so we got to go on a little longer.

* I’ve got Tang Soo Do tonight.  “Wildcard/cardio”.  It’s been some good workouts recently, so that’s a bonus.

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