Friday, May 17, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3257

AM WORKOUT (0410 Wake up via alarm)

**DOGGCRAPP** Week 10, Workout B3

Band Curls


10xMonster Miniband



90 second bicep stretch

Viking Kelso Shrugs





90 second axle trap stretch w/strong bands

SSB Calf Raises




90 second belt calf stretch w/105lb

Viking deficit RDL




60 second hamstring stretch w/40kg bell

SSB Squats


5xLight band




90 second quad stretch

3x10 standing ab wheel


Longer walk w/dog


* Kinda mixed on the training motivation today. I actually get pretty excited about this workout, because of how challenging the squats are, and it’s honestly probably the best constructed workout of the 6 I run balancing challenging movements without too much ridiculous logistics, but my sleep wasn’t awesome last night (compared to the past few nights, where it’s been excellent, so that’s a plus). If my weekend wasn’t so packed, I may have tried to slide it. We’re celebrating my kid’s birthday tomorrow (their actual birthday is later in the month, and we’ll celebrate then too, but we’re going to the grandparents for that, so we wanted to do a local one with their schoolfriends) and we’re hitting up the Renaissance Faire on Sunday (turkey legs!), so gotta fit it all I can.

* This was SUCH a better set-up for the band curls. I’ve got the bands stretched across the pins in the rack. No longer need to balance on top of a kettlebell to keep things anchored, and I get a longer resistance curve. Definitely how I’ll progress moving forward.

* Progressed all around. New movement on the curls, heavier weight on the Kelso shrugs, RDLs and Widowmaker, more reps on the calf raises and the heavy squat set.

* Once again, by the time I got to the RDLs I felt wasted, and then I had no idea where I was going to find the energy for the squats, but in both cases I managed. Getting that 8th rep on the heavy set was a real gasser, and then I left it all out there for the widowmaker. Definitely a great way to get into the weekend.

* Sun is out, so it was my first shirtless walk with the dog. Getting in that sunlight and Vitamin D was so huge last year, definitely need to capitalize on it. Last night’s Tang Soo Do was another decent workout as well.

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