Friday, May 10, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3252

AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)

**DOGGCRAPP** Week 9, Workout A2

DB Bench





90 second weighted dip stretch w/105lb

BtN Press




90 second shoulder stretch

Axle Close Grip Lockouts





90 second 57.5lb KB tricep stretch

NG Chins


5x1 chain

9+4+3x2 chains

80 second hanging lat stretch (tapped out)

(3) Texas Deadlift Bar Mat Pulls




30 second per side 115lb DB lat stretch (tapped out)

3x10 standing ab wheel


Short walk w/dog


* Training motivation was absolutely shot this morning.  Alarm went off and I legit started doing the calculations on if I could fit this session in in Saturday somehow instead.  Ultimately, being able to spend time with my family won out, and I knew that getting this done in the morning was going to buy me that.  My primary attribution is that I was woken in the middle of a dream, which indicates to me I was in a REM cycle, whereas typically the alarm goes off during a lighter period of sleep.  I was ultimately happy I got this done, but it was like bitter medicine.

* Upped the weight on DB bench and axle lockouts, made a 1 rep PR on the BtN press, 2 reps on the chins.  Last time on the chins, I added an extra set because I hit the same amount of reps as a previous attempt, so today I kept it at 3 attempts.  Might employ that strategy in the future.

* Hands were sweating quite a bit on the DB bench: will need to use chalk next time.

* I lost 2 reps on the first pull of the mat pulls, but part of that was an equipment issue.  I went from pulling in sweats to pulling in shorts and long socks, and the bar was catching on the bottom of the shorts at the top of the rep, forcing me to fight for the last little bit of lockout.  It accumulates over enough reps.  Effort was right where I needed it though: blew out a blood vessel under my left eye.  Haven’t seen that before.  

* Weighed in at 83.9 KG.  Weight is trending in a good direction, as my belt was actually feeling looser than it was last time.

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