Friday, May 3, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3246

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

**DOGGCRAPP** Week 8, Workout B3

Band Curls


10xMonster Miniband

5x2 MBs

13+7+6xMMB and MB

90 second bicep stretch

Viking landmine Kelso shrugs





90 second axle trap stretch w/strong bands

SSB Calf Raises




90 second belt calf stretch w/105lb

Viking landmine deficit SLDLs




60 second hamstring stretch w/40kg bell

SSB Squats


5xDoubled Light bands




90 second quad stretch

1x20 standing ab wheel


Longer walk w/dog


* Solid training motivation this morning. I do think this is my favorite training day, as the SSB band squats are a unique challenge. It may also helped that I had a dinner consisting of 3 “sidekicks of ribs” from Texas Roadhouse last night. Me paired with 3 sidekicks makes the ideal adventuring party for most RPGs.

* Progression on reps for the curls, shrugs, calves, SLDLs and the widowmaker set. Progression for weight on the heavy squat set. I honestly could have grinded out a rep or two more for the heavy set, but I wanted to have something in me for that widowmaker.

* Talking more to the squats, I actually cut the warm ups on the short side because I was NOT feeling particularly strong on squats today. By the time I got to SLDLs I was already feeling pretty worn out, and I was making some deals with myself in my head from there. So it was a very pleasant surprise to be able to move as well as I did there. By rep 18 of the widowmaker I definitely felt my soul wanting to come out. It’s not so much the quads, but the entire body that is really feeling pretty awful from these. Very much makes whatever is inside me want to come out.

* The SLDLs were particularly effective today. Really focusing on getting a good stretch out of it.

* Cut the ab wheels short, just because of time, but was able to take the dog for a longer walk this morning.

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