Wednesday, May 22, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3261

AM WORKOUT (0430 wake up via alarm, slept in)

75 KB swings w/57.5lb bell

2.6 mile walk w/80lb vest at 3.0 mph

85x230lb reverse hypers

50 band pull aparts


Moving roofing equipment

Moderate walk w/dog


* Kiddo is out of school, so I don’t need to wake up quite as early to get them ready and out the door.  Got in 30 extra minutes of sleep and it honestly felt pretty awesome, so training motivation was up.  Also factoring into that was that today was going to be my only fasted weighted vest walk for this week: I leave for my in-laws Thursday evening, and from there engage in about 10 days of being “off plan”.  In turn, this week is a little weird, as I ran 2 days of DoggCrapp back to back on Mon and Tues, doing my walk today, and will get in one more DC workout on Thurs morning, which will include the capstone of ROM progression with deadlifts from the floor.

* And in recapping all that, I’m feeling pretty worn out physically.  I do imagine part of that is I’m not willing to match my nutrition with my training.  I’m burning out of eating so much, and, upon review, I’m remembering that one of the benefits of the feast-famine approach is that the famine gives me a chance to reset my metabolism a little lower so it doesn’t take quite as much food to get the results I want.  I’m going to use the vacation to induce that famine effect, and try to extend it a little further after that, since I’m coming off a longer feast.

* Swings felt really solid this morning: feels like my posterior chain has really found a new gear.  The reverse hypers were also powerful, and 85 reps is having a good training effect.  Walking pace was in a good way as well.

* I’m getting a new roof, due to hail damage from a tornado.  Yesterday, all the supplies were dropped off at my house…only for another tornado to threaten the area, so I had to move a bunch of it into my garage to protect it, then bring it all back out this morning to support the roofing ops.  Was good general physical activity.

* Had Tang Soo Do last night, and will have it again tonight.  We’re moving to 3 nights per week for June and July.  This week is sparring.  Mrs and I squared off in the first round and she won by points when time ran out.  She’s getting really sharp and I have to keep digging deeper and deeper into my bag of tricks.  This was the first time I really got to play around with footwork: cutting off angles and trying to own the ring-space.

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