Monday, May 27, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3263

Got up at 0600 and ran a fasted Murph, RX with the 20lb vest

Total time was 52:05

First mile took 9:17, final mile was 9:43

For the bodyweight work, I partitioned it, using a Dan John approach of 2-4-6 and 3-6-9 for chin/push up/squat respectively (so 2 chins, 4 push ups, 6 squats, then 3 chins, 6 push ups, 9 squats, then repeat).  

This definitely wasn't my fastest time, but I did have a few factors to contend with.  One being that I'm at my in-laws in Denver, so I'm at mile high elevation, and an absolutely NOT in Murph shape.  The other being that, my chinning rig was some Ironmind loops wrapped around an I-beam

Which is a lot better than doing chins off the I-beam itself, but still not an ideal set up.  But f**k it: this is a Memorial WOD, and I can suffer a little in memory of a hero.

"Happy" Memorial Day never sounds right, so solemn Memorial day to you all.

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