Monday, June 3, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3264

AM WORKOUT (0410 Wake up via alarm)

**Phyrexian Dreadnought** Week 1, Workout 1

30 rounds, EMOM

Round 1: SSB Front Squat 3x255

Round 2: Log Viper 3x170

Round 3: NG chins 3x55


On the last 2 rounds of the log viper, I only managed 2 reps, so I did 1 extra round of 2 to get in the full 30 reps


3x10 standing ab wheel

50 band pull aparts

SSB GMs 10+7+10x115 (rest pause)

2x25 dips

Axle shrugs against strong bands

10x115 Kroc Rows


Moderate walk w/dog


* Coming back from 10 days away from training, and with a potential competition on the horizon, I wanted to get back into shape and back into “strongman shape” while also getting back to my weight class, so went back to the style of training that has consistently produced results for me: EMOM, heavy weights, lower reps, full body. I’m planning on keeping a lot of my DC “greatest hits” movements in the rotation so I can keep within striking distance of my previous weights if/when I return to that style of training, but right now priority is to get used to handling heavier loads, get my conditioning back up, and train in a style that doesn’t need a lot of food to recover.

* Front squats and chins were perfect weight, log was a little too heavy, based on outcome, but I’m good with the selection in general. Some better technique would have carried me further. Hitting these lifts under fatigue is huge. And I have to keep remembering I’m looking at a front squat that is beltless, heels together, rock bottom.

* I had a LOT of time leftover when this was done. Forgot that I was transitioning from 1+ hour training to 30 minute training, so backfilled in assistance work as I saw fit while cleaning up the gym and setting it up for the next workout. No real plan for this: just hitting those things that are good to hit.

* Weighed in this morning at 81.9kg, so pretty much 180lbs, which means I’m down about 5lbs from my last weigh in, which means I lost a good amount of weight on these 10 days off, which was the plan. Pretty awesome, considering how much I enjoyed all of my fast food and meals out with the family. It’s nice not having to eat to gain while on vacation. Originally, I was thinking a full 6-8 weeks of leaning out upon my return, but this may end up being a 4 week training block before getting back on the gain train at this point. There is a possibility of going on a cruise at the end of Jul for 3 days, but otherwise all I have on the horizon is a possible strongman comp on 13 Jul which I’m already at my weight class for, so really lots of room to maneuver.

* This week also marks the start of 3 Tang Soo Do classes per week for the next two months. Looking like Tues/Weds/Thurs currently, with a possibility of skipping a day and making it up on Saturdays.

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