Training Log: Entry 3345
Another great Sunday. Got up, got in some push ups and squats, Valkyrie made me breakfast, took the dogs for a 1.5 mile walk, and then got in my deadlifts
These are actual deadlifts, off the floor. For the end of the cycle, I would have liked a higher number, but this is post grappling comp and honestly unplanned, but my hip was actually feeling pretty good, and this didn't beat it up too much. I DO think I'm gonna make this my last heavy deadlift before my strongman comp on the 14th. I was pleased with my ability to break the weight off the floor so many times, and the control I had over the bar.
After this, got some lunch at Culver's (4 burger patties with butter, and then another patty with some cheddar cheese leftover from my kid's lunch), got home and broke out the 200lb sandbag before I mowed the lawn
This did NOT feel great on my hip, and I'm definitely good putting this on hold until comp day. I get a feeling the sandbag has really been what's been bothering my hip so much. It tends to blow up my connective tissues: typically it's my elbows, but I've managed to spare those in place of the hips. Perhaps my switch to high bar squatting has helped there.
Mowing the lawn ended up being about a 4 hour ordeal. I haven't been able to mow it for 2 weeks because we've been getting new siding and the dudes have been working all over the yard, so it was like a jungle and I have a battery operated mower, so the batteries kept dying from the sheer labor. I'd have to let them recharge. During recharging, I took the puppy for another 2ish mile walk, then also just went on a walk on my own, and even had dinner (made some sirloin caps from Costco, alongside some full fat cottage cheese and a handful of cracklin for myself, made mac n cheese for the Valkyrie and the kiddo as a side), and FINALLY got it finished in the 3rd attempt.
So lotta activity AND some training today, with lots of great food. THIS is living. I love this.
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