Wednesday, September 25, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3362

AM WORKOUT (0400 Wake up via alarm)

**OPERATION CONAN: Recon and Scouting**

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol: Grey Man-Week 2, Day 2*


Roll out on LAX ball

15 GHRs

50x180 reverse hypers

30 seconds at the bottom of a squat

Warm up squat sets w/bar, 85, 135, 185, 245 and an overwarm walkout w/335


Buffalo Bar Squats



Axle strict press



(3) Incline DB bench


NG chins

4x13 (rest as long as needed to get the reps)

Standing ab wheel





Total training time: 53.5 minutes


Moderate walk w/dogs


* This was definitely a great day as far as pain management went.  Thorough warm up, tried out GHRs beforehand to help my knees feel well, and I remembered my trick about squatting out of the bar after unrack vs walking out, and it all added up well.  I didn’t experience any significant pain DURING the sets, and just had some post set pain in the immediate time.  Really focused hard on bracing.  Actually tried out my belt during the warm ups with 185 and decided against it.  It didn’t seem to help much one way or the other, so I figured I’d continue going beltless and getting the benefit from that.  

* Sets were challenging my manageable all around.  Really got the numbers dialed in.  I also really dig how the A-B-A, B-A-B structure is setting me up on this.  Only having one day of squatting this week really helps me bounce back after last week.

* Took to hanging from the bar in between sets of the main work to help decompress my back and get in a little sneaky grip work.  

* Was aiming for about 90 seconds between sets on the main work, and 60 seconds on the supplemental circuits.  Occasionally ran longer than that.  Remembering K Black's instruction to rest long enough to get all the reps.

* Glad I decided to up my max on the GHRs: I’m getting an awesome pump with these high reps.  

* Once again: loving how this program has me excited to train again.  Really can speak highly of it from that perspective.  

* Sparring last night had me last until the final round against our Dojang’s resident champion.  Had to go through a junior student and then our senior student to get there.  Hips and knees were bugging me a little going in, making it difficult to pivot a few times, but I surprised most of my opponents with some off-angle kicks and tricks.  In the final round, I fell victim to the angle of the observing judges, but gave a good fight.  Got to watch my kiddo and Valkryie put on an awesome display as well: always good when we don’t have to square off against each other.  We have another night of it tonight.

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