Tuesday, September 17, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3354

AM WORKOUT (0406 natural wake up, snoozed until 0410)

**OPERATION CONAN** Recon and Scouting Phase

Reverse hyper


3 mile treadmill walk

3.5 mph and 4 incline first mile, 5 incline second, 6 incline final


Moderate walk w/dogs


* My hip felt better when I woke up, but still stiff.  I rolled it out this morning, which helped, but the reverse hypers were really pretty magical.  I’m going to steal from Dan John for this protocol: “the warm up IS the workout”.  Reverse hypers need to be one of the first things I do upon getting into the gym.  Louie knew what he was doing when he built this machine.  I actually had a co-worker ask me yesterday “Do you have a herniated disc?” based on how I was walking, because he was similarly afflicted…and honestly there’s a fair chance the answer is “yes”.  I have a physical coming up in Oct and can see about getting some imaging, but I’m happy I can find a way to get to yes in the interim.  Without a competition to train for, there’s far less pressure to “get good”, and I can use this training phase to really stretch my legs, settle in, groove some quality reps grow and heal.

* Which, on that note, this was an easier day of walking, similar to what I was doing right before the competition.  It falls within the 30-60 minutes of walking that K. Black advises for the conditioning during General Mass, and is going to be my primary means moving forward.  In truth, one of the big reasons is I have a LOT of Netflix to catch up on, and I’m genuinely enjoying watching it while I walk.   I’ve spent so long enduring suffering in my training, and I put on display in this last comp that I still “got it”, so I can take some time to find some joy while I train now.  When I move to the specialization phase, I can suffer a little more.

* I got in an extra 2.3 mile walk yesterday while my kid was at a practice.  Came in around 14k steps, and this morning I had 12k before 0730, so that’s pretty awesome.

* My hamstrings are SORE today.  Those GHRs are really showing themselves.

* Going PSMF today until dinner, which is going to be some steak nachos with homemade nacho cheese (using goat cream cheese and tilimook shedder), using pork cracklin for chips.  That should be anabolic.  High in those super rare amiño acids.  

* Tang Soo Do is on the schedule for tonight.  It’s “Wildcard week”, and since we have a tournament coming up in the start of Oct, I imagine we’ll be doing preparation for that.  I’m going to do a creativity board breaking demonstration, which should be fun, and I’m signed up for a fair deal of sparring, which would be MORE fun if we were allowed contact…

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