Tuesday, September 24, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3361

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

**OPERATION CONAN** Recon and Scouting Phase

Roll out on LAX ball

65x320lb reverse hypers

3.25 mile treadmill walk at 3.5mph pace

First half mile at 4.0 incline, then increase by 1.0 each half mile until finishing mile 3 at 9, then finish last .25 miles at incline 4


Short walk w/dogs (got rained out)


* I am really just a big fan of this training program right now. Been a while since I’ve felt that way. These days are so awesome for my recovery, and key me up for the next big day of training. My hip continues to improve, and I frequently forget that it’s in pain at this point. My left knee is getting wonky on me: it got loose going down the stairs in a hurry yesterday. It’s on the opposite side of my ACL injury, but still worth watching. Thankfully, no competitions on the horizon, aside from some martial arts tournaments.  

* I got in some extra walking yesterday while my kid was at rehersal, and even found some stairs to go up and down a few times. Helped me get to over 10k steps.

* I’ve got Tang Soo Do tonight, and it’s our sparring week, so that will be good for some extra activity.

* Carb up meal was a success last night. 2 servings of spaghetti with bison meat sauce, 2 slices of garlic bread, some leftover deviled eggs and 4 of the Valkyrie’s pumpkin cookies with some honey from Cabo. I really dig where I’m at with this meal these days: I look forward to it.  

* Reverse hypers on LAX ball really seem to be working magic for the recovery. I should learn my lesson and make this a regular thing. I don’t want to make it “daily work”, but I can think of it as prehab.

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