Monday, September 23, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3360

AM WORKOUT (0400 wake up via alarm)

**OPERATION CONAN: Recon and Scouting**

*Tactical Barbell Mass Protocol: Grey Man-Week 1, Day 3*


Roll out on LAX ball

50x180 reverse hyper

Warm up sets of 135, 225 and 315 on trap bar lift


Low handle trap bar lift



Axle bench press



Fringe Sport Mammoth Belt Squat

4x10x180 (4 plates)



Axle curls



3x10 standing ab wheel

50x10lb lateral raises



Moderate walk w/dogs


* I really love how I am legit excited to train again.  That’s the biggest boon with this program so far.  And that’s WHILE dealing with this stupid injury, which is a bit of puzzle solving in and of itself.  When I’m fully healthy (or whatever that looks like for me these days), I’m really going to tear things up.  The training itself still sucks, but I’m excited for the challenge, and I really dig how I can get all the required stuff done inside about 40 minutes.  That’s the sweet spot for me these days.

* Hip continues to heal.  I feel like Wolverine in “Logan”, where I still have the power, it just doesn’t work as fast as it used to.  But staying diligent on the rolling and hypers has it so that I’m no longer in pain post workout AND I have minimal pain during the workout.  Getting up earlier to get in a little more warming up is paying off.  I actually feel like my last set on the trap bar was my best as far as recovery goes, as I was able to stand straight up after setting the weight down without issue.  Although my first 2 sets were painfree DURING execution, whereas I crunched the nerve a little on the last 2 sets.  Either way: I’ll take the W however I get it.

* Weights are really dialed in just about perfect on this day as far as the main work goes, and even the supplemental cluster is pretty solid.  I already went 10lbs higher than RX for the dips, and I think I can do more than that.  I’ll keep tweaking as I go.  Really glad I decided to settle on a recon and scouting phase.

* I REALLY like my new toy.  That belt squat is SO much better than what I was doing with a straight landmine.  Having the loading pin face up vs forward really allows for a lot more ROM, and the kickstand just makes set up a dream.  You can see how quickly I’m able to get things in place.  And with my 100lb plates available, I should have no issue going stupidly heavy if I decide to do so.  Stacking a few mats underneath really allowed me to get down deep.  I can feel a slight pull on my right knee if I don’t have the set-up right, but otherwise it’s solid.  This opens up a LOT of avenues, and if I go back to DoggCrapp, I have a great tool here.

* Left knee is more stable.  I’m not sure exactly what I did to it before, but it’s good to see it wasn’t anything too worrisome.

* Forgot to weigh in this morning pre-workout, but weighed in 79.8 post workout.  Last week’s post workout weight was 79.1, and first thing in the morning weigh in after a buffet dinner was 80.4, so I can weigh in tomorrow after tonight’s carb up and see how that looks, but I’m willing to call this progress.  Gotta get comfortable weighing myself on the regular again.  I wanna document this to a pretty good extent.  Progress photos would be dandy, but I’m not holding my breath on that.

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