Tuesday, September 3, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3346

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 5, Week 2, Workout 1

10 rounds as fast as possible of

10x136 axle zercher deadlift from floor

5x135 dead axle incline bench

Done in 25 minutes

Low handle trap bar pull



3x10 standing ab wheel

100 lateral raises w/5lb


Short walk w/dog


* This close to competition, I’m pretty much back to the start of the Dreadnought: light weight, high reps, kick up the conditioning a touch and get primed.  My hips are feeling much better and I’m feeling pretty strong.  I think I did Zenos about as smart as I could have: used it like an intensification block right before the comp so I could rest and supercompensate into the competition itself.  This workout felt restorative but was still challenging enough at the end.  Didn’t beat me up.

* Really pleased with what turned up for those trap bar pulls.  It’s not beating my previous best of 12 reps, but it was a very strong 10 reps, and my hip feels awesome still.  Considering I pulled 425 from the floor with a barbell a few days before, that’s a great sign.

* Speaking of “a few days before”, this is out of order compared to what I’ve been doing, but with the holiday I did a LOT of walking, so I’m willing to call that my walking workout.  I’m still thinking of doing events and walking on Wed and Thurs and getting back on track for Friday, and then using next week just to get technique dialed in before day of comp.  Once that is done, I may keep on the lean train until I get into Oct and then start working on putting on some mass again.  With Oct being my birthmonth, followed by Thanksgiving and then Christmas, where we’re going on a cruise, it’ll be a GOOD time to put on some mass.

* Little late start on the training itself, so the assistance work was paired down, but as per the theme of pre-comp, it’s not a bug but a feature to do a little less training.

* Tang Soo Do on the schedule tonight.

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