Thursday, June 20, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3281

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)


* Bear crawl down, low handle back unloaded

* Same w/50lbs loaded

* Bear crawl down, high handle back w/90lb loaded

* Same with 140lb loaded

* Same unloaded

90x230lb reverse hyper


2-ish mile walk w/dog


* I actually have the day off work, but the Valkyrie didn't, but she DOES get to telework, so I got in my training at the usual time so I could just hang out with her at home.  And since I didn't do my hypers yesterday, I slotted them in here.  Really a pretty solid training effort.  The prowler workout was 45 minutes total, resting 2 minutes between rounds.  

* Tried to really focus on short, choppy steps with my feet pointing forward and my toes digging in with the prowler.  Want this to carry over to the truck pull as much as I can.  The bear crawling is doing an excellent job in reinforcing keeping my hips and shoulders low, and it's really just an excellent way to make prowler work even more miserable.

* Conditioning is coming back quite quickly, which is nice, and to be expected.  Outside of how well I felt on the prowler and my ability to push beyond discomfort, I also saw it last night at Tang Soo Do, as I just kept doing round after round of sparring, whereas in previous weeks I was feeling uncharacteristically fatigued.

* Still need to fill my throwbag.  I have everything I need to accomplish that...except for the will to sit down and do it apparently.  But ideally I'll have it ready for this weekend so I can get in some reps.

* Despite being leaner, eating less and feeling better, my weight was up rather substantially this morning at 82.8kg.  I DID feast at Texas de Brazil on father's day, and yesterday's buffet fair was most likely salt laden, so I'm not going to freak out and attempt to course correct.  I'm sticking with the protocol and assuming that this is the effect of a sodium bloat.  I have the tools I need to make 181 on 13 Jul if it comes down to that, but ideally I can just cruise there.  Which, on that note, our plans for a cruise at the end of July fell through, which gives me less incentive to get stupid lean, but in general I'm enjoying this period of leaning out.  I feel like it will put me in a good place to gain during the fall.  But I still intend to enjoy the BBQ season as well: just means I don't need to gorge myself at lunches.

* Because we ducked out of TSD on Tuesday due to a storm, last night was night 1 of 3 for sparring.  We'll do another night tonight, and then a morning session on Saturday to get in our 3 this week.  Mrs. and I got complimented on our match last night by the senior black belt: held up as an example of a strong defense.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3280

Awesome day.  Slept in, Valkyrie made me a light breakfast of 3 fried eggs and a grilled chicken patty, went to the "Amazing Pizza Machine", which is a pizza buffet/arcade/funcenter with the family and DIDN'T eat like an a-hole (stuck with the hardboiled eggs at the salad bar and a few bits of meat and cheese), got in a fair amount of steps while I was there, then we got to Tang Soo Do and I ended up at the Dojang sparring champion of the night, narrowly edging out the Valkyrie in a sudden death square off, scoring with a combination hook kick and roundhouse to the head.  We hugged afterwards and thanked each other for a great match.  Also got to free spar the senior student, and in a similar way we thanked each other after the hugging here.

Also some highlights: out shopping today and my kiddo found this for me...I was so touched

And I forgot to post this food porn yesterday.  Simple venison burgers on egg white wraps, but a PERFECT sunny side up egg from my Valkyrie

In general, I'm really just feeling awesome.  More aggressive, more alive, more myself, more excited.  I wonder if it's related to bringing down the food intake and focusing on meat vs dairy.  The dairy was meeting a purpose in getting me more energy to build on DoggCrapp, but perhaps there's a lesson to be taken from there.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3279

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Week 3, Workout 2 (out of sequence)

30 minute EMOM

Round 1: 3x205 axle zercher squat from floor

Round 2: 3x110lb weighted dip

Round 3: 62.5lb weighted chin (2 on the first round, 3 on the second, then 2 with 2 bodyweight for remainder of workout)


12x405 low handle trap bar lift (had to reset on rep 7 due to handles going forward


3x10 standing ab wheel

Lateral Raise circuit (35x10lb, 35x5, 35x2.5, 35x empty hands)

50 pull aparts

Neck harness

35 GHRs


Moderate walk w/dog


* Ran the workouts two days in a row due to schedule.  Valkyrie and I both get Juneteenth off, and I want to be able to sleep in with her tomorrow rather than get up at o’dark stupid on a day off, so this afforded me that opportunity.  Thankfully, the movements are varied enough that there wasn’t a significant fatigue variable to mitigate.

* Zerchers were much smoother this time.  Picking up the skill of the lift.  In turn, I most likely could have gone heavier than just a 5lb increase, but this may bode well from a recovery standpoint.  It was reflected in the post EMOM trap bar pull, because I was significantly less fatigued and far more powerful on that.  Had I not needed to reset on rep 7, I imagine I would have seen even more reps there, but even the warm-ups felt better this time around.  I DID have to work around the road rash I have on both elbows: it might be worth my consideration to get some loose elbow sleeves.

* On the topic of elbow sleeves, I didn’t use any for the dips.  Part of that was logistics, as it would have eaten into too much time in the EMOM, but I also know taking them off and putting them on a bunch of times would be like putting my open wound through a cheese grater.  No issues to speak of training without them though: still came through strong.  Once again: just a big fan of weighted dips.

* Chins were struggling today, so came up with the idea to chase the weighted work with unweighted work just to get in a little extra volume.  In general, my chins just aren’t what they used to be: I probably need to go through a block where I prioritize them.

* Decent enough assistance work.  I wasn’t totally wasted, but still pretty wiped out training in the heat.  Getting those 35 GHRs was hard fought.

* First of 3 sparring nights in Tang Soo Do tonight.  Should be a decent workout.  As my Valkyrie improves, I get to open up more and try out new tricks.

Apparently Chaos remains the plan, because I signed up for another grappling competition.  31 Aug, men's white belt (no longer a novice) 171-185lb division.  I do have up to one month before the comp to cancel, if something comes up, but this seems exciting.

Monday, June 17, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3278

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)


30 rounds, EMOM

Round 1: SSB Front Squat w/260lb (sets of 3 for the first 5 rounds, sets of 2 for last 5)

Round 2: 1x185lb log clean and push press (missed last round)

Round 3: 62.5lb NG chins (sets of 3 for first 5 rounds, sets of 2 for final 5)


3x10 standing ab wheel

50 band pull aparts

16 axle shrugs w/strong bands

100 Poundstone Curls

50 band pushdowns w/light band


Moderate walk w/dog


* Heat index was the biggest factor in today’s training.  I was legit sweating simply walking downstairs from the bedroom this morning, and my garage was like an oven.  Yesterday we hit triple digits, and that heat doesn’t dissipate in the garage so early in the morning.  I was able to wring out my clothes once the workout was over, and you can see how I’m just pouring sweat through it all.  It’s why my assistance work was so paltry: once the main work was done, I was done.  It is what I dig about this approach though: 30 minutes of hard work, then scale the assistance based off what I can do.

* If you didn’t believe in miracles before, that first front squat should make you a believer, because if you saw how 205 went in my warm-ups you’d never believe it was possible.  My lower back remains sufficiently fried, as that heavy yoke yesterday most likely torched it.  Aside from that, all of the walking out in the sun had me pretty dehydrated, and though eating about 300g of protein in one sitting at Texas De Brazil was enjoyable, training the next day is always interesting, as I’m still feeling quite full by the time the morning shows up.  But, on the plus side, I was mowing without my shirt yesterday and my Valkyrie told me “Only you could eat 1/3 of a cow and still look incredible”.  That’s gotta be the most anabolic compliment I’ve ever received.

* I am quite excited about that log performance.  That’s 5lbs away from competition weight.  My last comp, I never came close to comp weight in training, and come comp day I completely biffed.  Considering I’m hitting the log each round AFTER heavy front squats, with no belt or elbow sleeves, and being on a timer, this bodes well.  Being able to set myself up beforehand and have all my tools is going to make the event a lot more tolerable.

* Dog and I barely dodged the rainstorm, which is what had us bring our walk in a little earlier.  On this note, family is looking to welcome a boxer puppy into our tribe at the beginning of August, if all goes well.  Will mean even more walking in my future.  We may need to legit get a dog stroller to bring our pug along with us.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3277

It's been a full day.  Got in my morning push ups and squats, Valkyrie made me a perfect Father's Day Breakfast, then I took out the yoke

Zercher carries, did 2 full runs (there and back) unloaded (160lbs), then 2 full runs with 250lbs, then 1 length (there, not back) with 340lbs, which is 60lbs off of comp weight.  It was ROUGH, but I DID make it there.  New variable introduced was that I found myself leaning back to counter-balance the weight, and it meant my elbow rubbed against my belt for the whole walk, so I road rashed on that when I was done.  I may actually wear my elbow sleeves next time to avoid that.  Lessons learned there.  Finished off with 1 more full run of 250, and then 3 lengths unbroken of 160.  Really feels good to get in the practice on this.

Immediately after that, family went on a 5.5 mile walk, and then we hit up Texas De Brazil for a big midday meal.  I ate well, but NOT like an a-hole, which is probably the first time I've done that there.  Came out very satiated and happy but not uncomfortably full.

Came home and mowed the lawn for an hour.  Wanted to get in some post dinner walking and sweating and that answered the mail there.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3276

Got in my usual activity for the weekend, family got in a 3.75 mile walk, and did my mat pulls in my pajamas

(5) Axle Mat Pulls



* This felt rough.  My lower back is still pretty stiff, and breaking the weight was tough...but I did it, which is huge.  Being able to fight through that initial pull was big, because I've been getting hung up.  I think a little bit better fatigue management will carry me far come comp time.

Friday, June 14, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3275

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)


30 minutes, EMOM

Round 1: 8x185 SSB squats

Round 2: 2-3x175 log viper press

Round 3: 3x60 chins

Finish with max SSB squats w/135lb in 3 minutes (40 reps total)


3x10 standing ab wheel

50 band pull aparts

100 Axle (Poundstone) Curls

50 band pushdowns


Longer walk w/dog (sub 2 miles)


* My theory that the zercher squats on the middle day would preserve my lower back compared to trap bar pulls proved incorrect: my lower back was absolutely fried when I attempted SSB squats against bands, so I went with the previous week’s pivot and went with “bodyweight” on the SSB squat for sets of 8 across.  Definitely had an impact on me, because this workout was exhausting, and by round 3 I already was curious if I would survive.

* Which is why I went with sets of 2-3 on the viper press.  I got through 3 full rounds of 3s, went with a 2 for round 4, sought to alternate between 2s and 3s each round, but on round 8 and 9 I got 2s, and on the final round I went for a 3 but lost it due to grip spacing.  All of that said, I realized today that I haven’t had headspins or blackouts on the log this entire training block, which is an outstanding development.  I believe I’ve gotten my electrolyte supplementation sorted out, which is basically to always include a little sprinkle of the stuff in all the water I drink, along with some intentional supplementation early in the morning and late at night.

* Chins were hot garbage today.  Not sure why.  Tang Soo Do has been turning up the heat this week, and 3 classes in a row might have accumulated some fatigue (could also be why my lower back is stressed).  Ended up changing the grips a bunch.

* Still like what I’ve stolen from Juggeryoke on the max squats for 3 minutes. Good finisher for this day and a lead in to the weekend.

* I was completely wiped out when this was all over, so the assistance work was pretty limited.  I knew, intellectually, I needed to get in some rows, but I just had nothing in me for them.

* My dog isn’t handling the heat too well, so I kept the walk a little shorter.  Tang Soo Do last night was another solid workout.  And next week is sparring, so 3 nights in a row of that should be solid.

* Really big and fun weekend.  We’re doing essentially a county fair tonight (Turkey leg time!), seeing “Inside Out 2” on Saturday, and Father’s Day on Sunday is going to include a meal at Texas De Brazil, and ideally a nice long family walk.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3274

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)


* Bear crawl one length, turn around and low handle push back (unloaded)

* Same with 50lb loaded

* Bear crawl one length, turn around and high handle push back w/90lb loaded

* Same w/140lb loaded

Total time: 40 minutes


2-ish mile walk w/dog


* Remembered my gloves for this one, which allowed me to get in some bear crawls.  Wanted to groove this to get my body used to getting low and forward come time for the truck pull.  Found out that it’s REALLY pretty awful and murderous on the body, so that’s a plus.  And low handle pushing is always pretty gnarly as well.  I’m still going very far distances with these (as far as prowler training goes), and there’s a lot of grit training built into it as a result.  

* Tried to focus on short, choppy steps rather than long strides.  Once again: trying to make this truck pull applicable.

* Legs feeling pretty good in general.  This and the walking seems like good recovery.  I’m liking the structure I’ve co-opted from DoggCrapp of 3 days of lifting with cardio/conditioning in between.  Seems to get me recovered well.

* Tang Soo Do was another solid workout last night.  It’s been a great pivot.

* I’m sleepier than usual.  Have to wonder if it’s the reduced food.  I saw my metric of leanness come back last night: the vein on my sternum was present.  It coincides with me weighing 82.0kg this morning: half a kilo down from earlier in the week.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3273

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)


30 Minutes EMOM

Round 1: 3x200lb axle zercher squat from the floor

Round 2: 3x185 axle dead incline bench

Round 3: 10x57.5lb KB swing


3x10 standing ab wheel

8x405 low handle trap bar pulll

Lateral raise dropset

50 band pull aparts


2-ish mile walk w/dog


* First time doing zerchers off the floor.  Was a bit of a learning curve.  I actually had to youtube it right before the workout, and on the first round I kept my legs wide to squat.  After that, I would get the weight in place and then bring my legs in toward my closer squat stance.  It then became like pause zerchers, stopping at the bottom to let the axle settle onto my knees and start again.  This felt pretty solid, and ideally will help build my ability on the zercher yoke come comp time.

* Combination of zerchers and dead incline was pretty exhausting.  The KB swings were honestly an afterthought, but it was good to get in some hip hinge work.  I do think, if I did this all again, I’d swap the incline with some axle continental and push press away.  Keep the weight the same and do a single instead of a triple.  I’m practically deconstructing the Armor Building Complex at this point.

* Piloted my idea of just having 1 topset of trap bar pulls at the end, and it definitely worked better than 10 rounds of it like last time.  I was still plenty exhausted coming into it, and a set of 8 was enough.  Felt my guts coming up toward the end.

* Took a little longer than I liked warming up and figuring out weights, so assistance work was a little short.  I was moving pretty slow this morning.  This training is pretty exhausting, and Tang Soo Do is actually being pretty challenging these days, which is a nice change.  Tonight will be night 2 of 3.

* Weather is turning hot and the sun was out, so walked longer outside to get in some Vitamin D.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3272

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

75 KB swings w/57.5lb bell

2.6 mile walk w/80lb vest

90x230lb reverse hypers

50 band pull aparts


Moderate walk w/dog


* I stopped logging training motivation, but today it was quite low.  I woke up at 0250 and my brain just wanted to think about stuff for a bit, so the 0410 alarm showed up earlier than I cared for, and I’m feeling pretty physically beat.  The lower food intake paired with this deceptively hard training is resulting in me being pretty damn sore all over.  But that was actually enough to entice me to do THIS particular workout: I knew that it would be tonic and restorative and set me up better compared to if I skipped it.  It really helps that I include the swings and reverse hypers on this day, because those definitely go a long way toward getting me back.  My knees are also in less pain than they were yesterday, which is a plus.

* Also worth logging that we got in a 3.5 mile walk as a family last night, and it was bright and sunny, so I got in a good amount of vitamin D.  

* Weighed in at 82.5kg this morning, which APPEARS as an upward trend, but I’m not being consistent with my conditions of weigh in.  I’ve been weighing after my post-workout shower, and these have been post LIFTING workouts, which, with my garage like a sauna, means I’m sweating out quite a bit.  This weigh in is post walking outside, significantly less sweat, so the fact I’m .1kg up looks to me more like a sign that I’m trending in the right direction.  I’ll need to get some honest first thing in the morning weigh ins soon so I can really figure myself out, but I’m 4 weeks away from the comp at this point, so I’m not concerned.

* On the above, worth documenting what actions I’ve taken to stop gaining weight and reverse direction.  Anyone familiar with my approach knows that I tend to intentionally introduce “weaknesses/flaws” into my nutrition so I can eliminate them when needed.  While I was gaining, I started including more dairy into my diet, primarily in the form of cheeses (goat and grassfed cow), ghee and sour cream.  Dairy’s primary function in nature is to make mammals fatter, and as a mammal I figure that’s pretty beneficial.  I was also including pork rinds/cracklin in my evening meal, simply because it’s a no-prep way to add energy.  I’ve since almost entirely eliminated these things, with the exception being when my Valkyrie makes me omelets on the weekend I’ll include cheese, ghee, and top it with sour cream, but even then I have a gaining vs non-gaining protocol for those ingredients (I use a reduced fat Jarlsburg swiss when I’m not gaining, and limited amounts of ghee/sour cream, whereas I go with full fat grassfed cheeses and larger amounts when gaining).  My midday meals have also become VERY lean: egg whites and venison or piedmontese steak, whereas while gaining I would have fatty cuts of meat like corned beef, roasts, lamb, etc.

* I’m thinking that Phryexian Dreadnought is going to be a phasic program, with these first few weeks getting me back into “strongman shape”, and then spending the next phase working up to a heavy topset and then a backoff widowmaker, so that I can keep volume low and intensity high.  That would at least be the case for the squatting and deadlifting.  For the log, I’m thinking I might get in 3-5 rounds of “1 minute max reps” to prep for comp conditions.  And then chins might just work their way in between sets.  Still keep it full body.  But, of course, Chaos is the Plan.

* Tang Soo Do tonight, night 1 of 3.  This is “Wildcard Cardio” week, which may mean some more exercise, or perhaps an opportunity to earn my final stripe to be testing eligible in August.

Monday, June 10, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3271

AM WORKOUT (0410 Wake up via alarm)


30 minutes, EMOM

Round 1: 3x300lb Squat

Round 2: 2x180lb log clean and push press away

Round 3: 3x60lb NG chins

Finish out with 2 minutes of Tabata interval log clean and push press away w/135lb


3x10 standing ab wheel

50 band pull aparts

2x25 dips

25 axle shrugs against strong bands

Neck harness

30 GHRs


Moderate walk w/dog


* This was positively brutal.  I was happy to redeem myself from last week’s squats, and 300 was just about perfect, but these were painful.  My right hip is doing that thing again, which typically correlates with axle deadlifts in a ROM progression cycle, and I’m sure yesterday’s yoke work played a role there as well.  Took a few sets to start feeling comfortable.  I caught myself on set 7 bringing the stance out a bit too wide.  First rep was always the hardest, and then after that I could follow on ok, and the re-rack always triggered the hip.

* Original intent was triples on the log, but that became non-viable.  It’s no surprise my log push press is awful, given I never train it.  I throw the little conditioning bit at the end to get some work in with it.  But given this is beltless, first thing in the morning, in an EMOM cycle, it bodes well for comp day, as I’m only 10lbs below weight and not struggling near like I was for my last comp.

* Chins are remaining solid.  Low reps are treating me well.

* Conditioning held out ok.  I was struggling at the end, but that was earned.  Assistance was solid choices, although I forgot to get in some rows, but given the choice between those and the GHRs, I’m happy with my choice.

* Thinking zercher and incline benching for the next workout.  Will have to think about what back work may end up being.  Chins would be logistically difficult.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3270

Had one of the best 14oz ribeyes of my life tonight for our anniversary dinner.  Morgan Ranch, American Wagyu.  

Training highlights are my morning push ups and squats, walking the dog, mowing the lawn, getting in a 4 mile walk as a family, and finally breaking out my yoke after nearly FIVE years of having it in my garage and not actually using it.  Official move in day was 2 Jul 19, so I'm not being incredibly hyperbolic there.

Needless to say, I was rusty, especially since this was a zercher carry, which I've never done before.  I did 4-5 rounds unloaded, just to get a feel for it (unloaded is 160lbs), then bumped it up to 250lbs for a few runs before I finally threw on the belt and realized what a world of difference that makes.  I also need to set the height lower next time so I can get a decent zercher set-up: was a little high on my biceps.  I also remembered the RIGHT way to breathe toward the end.  Been so long I forgot to take short, choppy breaths vs trying to brace and hold the entire time.

I've also ordered a throw bag, and it should be arriving soon.  And I'm really excited THAT I'm really excited about this competition that I'm willing to train for it.  I legit haven't done that for my past 3 competitions, which was a sign of just how burnt out I was.  It's nice to have a reason to train again.

Still wanting to lean out, so here I am chasing 2 rabbits, but I feel like I have the passion in me to do that too.  It's summer, and there are AMPLE opportunities to get in a solid amount of calories (such as my Father's Day reservation at Texas De Brazil, and my turkey leg coming up on Friday for our city fair), so I imagine I'm going to employ some manner of fasting, which I've become a fan of.

I realize I've pretty much eliminated the "Rampage Meal" from my plan, which could also explain some of the difficulty I've had in regaining the stupid crazy leanness I had before (along with me not mainlining caffeine like I did before), but my eating habits are also just in a much better place in general that binge-eating junk like that just isn't appealing.  Tonight, my weekly carb load was 3 of my wife's homemade cookies with some local honey and half a mug of Fairlife skim milk, which is probably NOT enough to really get that CKD effect...but it's all I need to enjoy.  This could be what balance looks like.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3269

Typical awesome and busy weekend.  Got up, got some bodyweight work in, great breakfast, and then start of a new ROM progression cycle

(6) Axle Mat Pulls: 11+4+3x426

Axle was sticking to my legs a little, and I need to rediscover my technique on it.  But this was a good pull, especially given how much back was feeling previously. This will time out to me pulling off the floor on comp day.

I'm thinking I'm going to use zercher axle squats for my middle day workout next week, starting them from the floor.  Should have good carryover to the yoke.

Also got to mow my front yard for some extra activity.

Been eating light, even for a weekend.  Just smaller portions.  I'm enjoying the time spent not stuffing myself: feel less full, more "light" and agile.

Friday, June 7, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3268

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)


30 rounds, EMOM

Round 1: 8x185 squats

Round 2: 3x173 axle continental and push press away

Round 3: 3x55 chins (underhand)

Finish w/max squats w/135 in 3 minutes (41 total)


3x10 standing ab wheel

50 band pull aparts

50 unweighted reverse hypers

40 band push downs

25 band curls


2-ish mile walk w/dog


* Had intentions of going heavy for sets of 3 on the squats, but I took 225 out of the rack for a warm-up and my lower back said “no”.  Strength was there, but couldn’t get to a decent depth.  Called an audible and went with 8s, ala Dan John, but kept heavy triples for the rest of it.  The higher reps in the EMOM format are a different kind of awful, because you cannot dawdle on the set up and reps, and you have a short turn around for the next round.  And it also meant getting 80 squats in the workout, on top of the finisher.

* I’m pleased with how easy the continental and press away went.  My strength is definitely returning.  

* I’m attributing the low back fatigue to the rounds of trap bar pulls, and it’s making me think I may need to retool my approach here.  I may attempt 3x a week of squats and just include 1 set of max rep pulls on the middle workout.  Or perhaps make the middle day a loading day.  My whole body is pretty sore as well: coming back from time off, and food intake a little lower.  I did the assistance work today with a focus on trying to speed up recovery.

* My right knee’s meniscus felt great during the training, but afterwards, when I get up after sitting for a while, it feels a little inflamed.  Something I’ll have to watch out for.

* Finished up a third night of Tang Soo Do last night.  Kiddo got a stripe this time, so whole family progressed this week.  That’s pretty cool.  

Thursday, June 6, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3267

AM WORKOUT (0409 natural wake up)


* 1 length with the harness, low handles back (unloaded)

* 1 length w/harness, high handles back (90lbs loaded)

* Harness/high handles (140 loaded)

* Harness/high handles (180 loaded)

* Low handles/low handles (unloaded)

2 minutes between rounds

10 minute cooldown walk


2-ish mile walk w/dog


* Been a LONG time since I broke out the prowler, and it showed.  I was gassing in the first round.  I have no measurement for distance, but these are far lengths.  I drive my prowler out to a parking lot by our nearby creek where folks will launch their boats for sailing/fishing, which is only a 3 minute drive but far enough away from housing that the sound of the prowler won’t upset anyone.  

* My lungs and legs aren’t in prowler shape, but this felt good as far as workouts go.  Very tonic.  Reminded me of why I’m such a fan of the prowler.  And also convinced me I should probably sell that bike/rowing machine combo I bought, because really, if I ever need a conditioning “machine”, this is my choice.  Concentric only load is awesome.

* Got the workout done in about 35 minutes and had a fair amount of time to spare.  Still kinda feeling things out.

* Next time, I need to bring gloves.  Setting up the harness work to be more of a bear crawl is going to be ideal for me to get better at the truck pull.  I need to drill getting low.  It’s why I got in that low handle push burnout at the end as well.

* Valkryie and I got our 3rd stripe on our brown belts last night in Tang Soo Do.  We need 1 more to qualify for testing: our weapon’s hyung stripe.  I think we’re on pace to be able to test in August, which, if our kid does too, means our whole family can move on to the advanced class.  That would be nice.  Already our 3x a week plan seems to be working well.

* First shirtless walk day with the dog this morning: season is finally getting better.  Getting in vitamin D.

* My biceps are REALLY sore, and it’s from front squats, because my technique is so awful the bar tends to roll down and I catch it.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3266

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

**Phyrexian Dreadnought** Week 1, Workout 2

30 rounds, EMOM of

* Round 1: 3x405 low handle trap bar

* Round 2: 3x105 weighted dips

* Round 3: 3x55 angled chins


Finish off with 8x405 low handle trap bar


3x10 standing ab wheel

Poundstone Curls: 100xAxle

Lateral raise dropset (35x10, 35x5, 35x2.5, 35xEmpty Hands)

50 band pull aparts

3x5 KB throws w/57.5 (done EMOM)

22 GHRs


Short walk w/dog


* Definitely feeling some soreness from coming back to training, and was feeling pretty ginger coming into this training session.  First set of pulls was a bit painful, and my right hip was a little buggy.  After a few rounds, it started to clear out.  This workout has a lot of logistics to figure out: can’t waste any time between rounds.  In that regard though, it was good for keeping me honest on those pulls: can’t spend any time being dramatic, just have to grip and rip.

* This day isn’t as exhausting as the previous day, most likely because I’m not taking a weight off the floor and putting it overhead.  Though the pulls are heavy, the ROM is short, and same with the dips.  This is most likely a good move for a mid-day on the program: gives me a “break” before the Friday.

* Once again: a good amount of time for assistance work, and I picked things that were high priority.  I liked focusing on the explosiveness of the KB throws, and as I’m thinking about it, that might be something I START these sessions off with in the future, similar to Jim’s jumps and throws.  Glad I’m keeping GHRs in.  Didn’t push for rest pause, just because I’m still breaking myself back in.

* Tang Soo Do was a solid workout yesterday.  Going to make the most of this physical activity.  Weighed in at 82.4 kg this morning, which is me settling back after traveling, and still JUST at 181, which is good because…

* I’ve signed up for that strongman competition I was eyeing.   No one else had signed up for the 181s yet, so I felt like it was a sign.  This means I SHOULD go last in the first event, which is always a blessing.  Here is what I’ll be competing in event wise



* I’ve got a pretty solid plan to train for this, and the fact I actually WANT to train for it, vs just show up, is a sign I’m actually excited.  The log is getting taken care of in the training, it just so happens that my ROM progression cycle for deads is at the axle phase right now, the truck pull I can break out the prowler on Thursdays (I plan to do harness work and low handle push work), the throws will be KB throws and MAYBE I’ll spring for a bag.  For the yoke, I plan to train that on Sundays, and actually break my yoke out from it’s current “additional rack” status.  Looks like my bodyweight should be fine: I just have to avoid gaining.  I wanted to lean out some, so that should work.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3265

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

75 swings w/57.5lb bell

2.6 mile walk w/80lb vest

85x230 reverse hyper

50 pull aparts

Neck harness

40 tricep pushdowns


Moderate walk w/dog


* Always learning lessons, this was a good day from DoggCrapp that I’m keeping with this protocol.  Especially nice the day after coming back to training from a 10 day break, because I’m feeling something similar to DOMS.  Some whole body ache/soreness.  So this definitely served the “tonic” effect Dan John speaks of, and those swings and hypers have all been beneficial to me.

* Walking pace was slower than usual.  I’m most likely out of practice.  

* Pushdowns were a good idea.  I’m bad about direct tricep training.  Can’t let the goodness from DC fall to the wayside.

* First of 3 Tang Soo Do classes later tonight.  We’re in “summer uniforms” now, which is the Dobak pants and a t-shirt.  Nice during these humid months.  It’s also the start of our summer “Hyung Challenge”, so I may start really drilling those.

Monday, June 3, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3264

AM WORKOUT (0410 Wake up via alarm)

**Phyrexian Dreadnought** Week 1, Workout 1

30 rounds, EMOM

Round 1: SSB Front Squat 3x255

Round 2: Log Viper 3x170

Round 3: NG chins 3x55


On the last 2 rounds of the log viper, I only managed 2 reps, so I did 1 extra round of 2 to get in the full 30 reps


3x10 standing ab wheel

50 band pull aparts

SSB GMs 10+7+10x115 (rest pause)

2x25 dips

Axle shrugs against strong bands

10x115 Kroc Rows


Moderate walk w/dog


* Coming back from 10 days away from training, and with a potential competition on the horizon, I wanted to get back into shape and back into “strongman shape” while also getting back to my weight class, so went back to the style of training that has consistently produced results for me: EMOM, heavy weights, lower reps, full body. I’m planning on keeping a lot of my DC “greatest hits” movements in the rotation so I can keep within striking distance of my previous weights if/when I return to that style of training, but right now priority is to get used to handling heavier loads, get my conditioning back up, and train in a style that doesn’t need a lot of food to recover.

* Front squats and chins were perfect weight, log was a little too heavy, based on outcome, but I’m good with the selection in general. Some better technique would have carried me further. Hitting these lifts under fatigue is huge. And I have to keep remembering I’m looking at a front squat that is beltless, heels together, rock bottom.

* I had a LOT of time leftover when this was done. Forgot that I was transitioning from 1+ hour training to 30 minute training, so backfilled in assistance work as I saw fit while cleaning up the gym and setting it up for the next workout. No real plan for this: just hitting those things that are good to hit.

* Weighed in this morning at 81.9kg, so pretty much 180lbs, which means I’m down about 5lbs from my last weigh in, which means I lost a good amount of weight on these 10 days off, which was the plan. Pretty awesome, considering how much I enjoyed all of my fast food and meals out with the family. It’s nice not having to eat to gain while on vacation. Originally, I was thinking a full 6-8 weeks of leaning out upon my return, but this may end up being a 4 week training block before getting back on the gain train at this point. There is a possibility of going on a cruise at the end of Jul for 3 days, but otherwise all I have on the horizon is a possible strongman comp on 13 Jul which I’m already at my weight class for, so really lots of room to maneuver.

* This week also marks the start of 3 Tang Soo Do classes per week for the next two months. Looking like Tues/Weds/Thurs currently, with a possibility of skipping a day and making it up on Saturdays.