Thursday, June 13, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3274

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)


* Bear crawl one length, turn around and low handle push back (unloaded)

* Same with 50lb loaded

* Bear crawl one length, turn around and high handle push back w/90lb loaded

* Same w/140lb loaded

Total time: 40 minutes


2-ish mile walk w/dog


* Remembered my gloves for this one, which allowed me to get in some bear crawls.  Wanted to groove this to get my body used to getting low and forward come time for the truck pull.  Found out that it’s REALLY pretty awful and murderous on the body, so that’s a plus.  And low handle pushing is always pretty gnarly as well.  I’m still going very far distances with these (as far as prowler training goes), and there’s a lot of grit training built into it as a result.  

* Tried to focus on short, choppy steps rather than long strides.  Once again: trying to make this truck pull applicable.

* Legs feeling pretty good in general.  This and the walking seems like good recovery.  I’m liking the structure I’ve co-opted from DoggCrapp of 3 days of lifting with cardio/conditioning in between.  Seems to get me recovered well.

* Tang Soo Do was another solid workout last night.  It’s been a great pivot.

* I’m sleepier than usual.  Have to wonder if it’s the reduced food.  I saw my metric of leanness come back last night: the vein on my sternum was present.  It coincides with me weighing 82.0kg this morning: half a kilo down from earlier in the week.

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