Thursday, June 27, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3288

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)


* Unloaded harness drag down, low handle push back (.1 mile total distance)

* 140lb loaded, 1 minute harness bear crawl, 1 minute rest

* 90lb loaded, 1 minute harness bear crawl, 1 minute rest

* 50lb loaded, 1 minute harness bear crawl, 1 minute rest

6 throws w/30lb throwbag


* Logging this will be a little weird, as I’m going to go off memory.  My goal this phase is to get closer to the comp demands, so instead of making this more conditioning focused, I wanted to get in more reps of 1 minute of solid effort (although upon re-reading the rules, we’ll be given 90 time).  I also wanted to get in more reps with the heavier weight, vs burning out with the lighter stuff.  So I got in the warm up (I finally measured the distance on a recent walk, and it was .05 miles for 1 length, and I go there and back, so a total of .1 miles covered), and then let the EMOM timer run.  I’d pull with the harness for a full minute, rest for a minute, and repeat.  I ended up doing that to travel a distance of .1 miles by going there and back for both the 140 and 90 run, whereas the 50 run was just a 1 minute as far as I could go, rest, return.  For the 140 run, it was about 12 minutes of total work.  For the 90 run, I think it was about 14 minutes.

* Finished off with the throwbag.  Minus Monday, I’ve done a good job of getting in 5-6 throws a day at minimum.  I’m trying to “Easy Strength” this, and just get in good reps every day and make my minimums go up.  I’m definitely relearning how to be explosive and move the bag.  I’m not throwing it over anything specific, which may come back to bite me, but I’m at least getting better at throwing in general.

* I was actually pretty enthused about this training today, and I think it’s because I knew I wasn’t going to beat myself to hell with this.  This tends to be a pretty tonic day, and by only pulling with the harness vs doing a lot of pushing it really seemed to help just bring my hips and legs back to life.  My right knee is actually feeling really awesome too, which may be because I went from doing EMOM heavy squats to the DoggCrapp hard set/widowmaker approach this week.  It feels good to feel good, and once again the 3 days of lifting with cardio/conditioning between is really suiting me.

* It’s also nice that I don’t feel this need to completely destroy myself during these prowler workouts.  My headspace has really improved regarding the purpose and function of training.  Training is now enhancing my life, vs consuming it.

* Valkyrie and I both got our final stripes on our brown belts last night after demonstrating proficiency with the staff.  We’ll be testing for our next belts in early August.  We also confirmed our boxer puppy from the breeder, and will pick her up the day after that belt test.  Exciting times ahead.  Still one more Tang Soo Do class tonight.  The staff has been a great workout.  I intentionally picked the heaviest one available from our catalog, so I get in a pretty gnarly shoulder workout.

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