Wednesday, June 5, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3266

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

**Phyrexian Dreadnought** Week 1, Workout 2

30 rounds, EMOM of

* Round 1: 3x405 low handle trap bar

* Round 2: 3x105 weighted dips

* Round 3: 3x55 angled chins


Finish off with 8x405 low handle trap bar


3x10 standing ab wheel

Poundstone Curls: 100xAxle

Lateral raise dropset (35x10, 35x5, 35x2.5, 35xEmpty Hands)

50 band pull aparts

3x5 KB throws w/57.5 (done EMOM)

22 GHRs


Short walk w/dog


* Definitely feeling some soreness from coming back to training, and was feeling pretty ginger coming into this training session.  First set of pulls was a bit painful, and my right hip was a little buggy.  After a few rounds, it started to clear out.  This workout has a lot of logistics to figure out: can’t waste any time between rounds.  In that regard though, it was good for keeping me honest on those pulls: can’t spend any time being dramatic, just have to grip and rip.

* This day isn’t as exhausting as the previous day, most likely because I’m not taking a weight off the floor and putting it overhead.  Though the pulls are heavy, the ROM is short, and same with the dips.  This is most likely a good move for a mid-day on the program: gives me a “break” before the Friday.

* Once again: a good amount of time for assistance work, and I picked things that were high priority.  I liked focusing on the explosiveness of the KB throws, and as I’m thinking about it, that might be something I START these sessions off with in the future, similar to Jim’s jumps and throws.  Glad I’m keeping GHRs in.  Didn’t push for rest pause, just because I’m still breaking myself back in.

* Tang Soo Do was a solid workout yesterday.  Going to make the most of this physical activity.  Weighed in at 82.4 kg this morning, which is me settling back after traveling, and still JUST at 181, which is good because…

* I’ve signed up for that strongman competition I was eyeing.   No one else had signed up for the 181s yet, so I felt like it was a sign.  This means I SHOULD go last in the first event, which is always a blessing.  Here is what I’ll be competing in event wise



* I’ve got a pretty solid plan to train for this, and the fact I actually WANT to train for it, vs just show up, is a sign I’m actually excited.  The log is getting taken care of in the training, it just so happens that my ROM progression cycle for deads is at the axle phase right now, the truck pull I can break out the prowler on Thursdays (I plan to do harness work and low handle push work), the throws will be KB throws and MAYBE I’ll spring for a bag.  For the yoke, I plan to train that on Sundays, and actually break my yoke out from it’s current “additional rack” status.  Looks like my bodyweight should be fine: I just have to avoid gaining.  I wanted to lean out some, so that should work.

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