Sunday, June 9, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3270

Had one of the best 14oz ribeyes of my life tonight for our anniversary dinner.  Morgan Ranch, American Wagyu.  

Training highlights are my morning push ups and squats, walking the dog, mowing the lawn, getting in a 4 mile walk as a family, and finally breaking out my yoke after nearly FIVE years of having it in my garage and not actually using it.  Official move in day was 2 Jul 19, so I'm not being incredibly hyperbolic there.

Needless to say, I was rusty, especially since this was a zercher carry, which I've never done before.  I did 4-5 rounds unloaded, just to get a feel for it (unloaded is 160lbs), then bumped it up to 250lbs for a few runs before I finally threw on the belt and realized what a world of difference that makes.  I also need to set the height lower next time so I can get a decent zercher set-up: was a little high on my biceps.  I also remembered the RIGHT way to breathe toward the end.  Been so long I forgot to take short, choppy breaths vs trying to brace and hold the entire time.

I've also ordered a throw bag, and it should be arriving soon.  And I'm really excited THAT I'm really excited about this competition that I'm willing to train for it.  I legit haven't done that for my past 3 competitions, which was a sign of just how burnt out I was.  It's nice to have a reason to train again.

Still wanting to lean out, so here I am chasing 2 rabbits, but I feel like I have the passion in me to do that too.  It's summer, and there are AMPLE opportunities to get in a solid amount of calories (such as my Father's Day reservation at Texas De Brazil, and my turkey leg coming up on Friday for our city fair), so I imagine I'm going to employ some manner of fasting, which I've become a fan of.

I realize I've pretty much eliminated the "Rampage Meal" from my plan, which could also explain some of the difficulty I've had in regaining the stupid crazy leanness I had before (along with me not mainlining caffeine like I did before), but my eating habits are also just in a much better place in general that binge-eating junk like that just isn't appealing.  Tonight, my weekly carb load was 3 of my wife's homemade cookies with some local honey and half a mug of Fairlife skim milk, which is probably NOT enough to really get that CKD effect...but it's all I need to enjoy.  This could be what balance looks like.

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