Thursday, June 20, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3281

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)


* Bear crawl down, low handle back unloaded

* Same w/50lbs loaded

* Bear crawl down, high handle back w/90lb loaded

* Same with 140lb loaded

* Same unloaded

90x230lb reverse hyper


2-ish mile walk w/dog


* I actually have the day off work, but the Valkyrie didn't, but she DOES get to telework, so I got in my training at the usual time so I could just hang out with her at home.  And since I didn't do my hypers yesterday, I slotted them in here.  Really a pretty solid training effort.  The prowler workout was 45 minutes total, resting 2 minutes between rounds.  

* Tried to really focus on short, choppy steps with my feet pointing forward and my toes digging in with the prowler.  Want this to carry over to the truck pull as much as I can.  The bear crawling is doing an excellent job in reinforcing keeping my hips and shoulders low, and it's really just an excellent way to make prowler work even more miserable.

* Conditioning is coming back quite quickly, which is nice, and to be expected.  Outside of how well I felt on the prowler and my ability to push beyond discomfort, I also saw it last night at Tang Soo Do, as I just kept doing round after round of sparring, whereas in previous weeks I was feeling uncharacteristically fatigued.

* Still need to fill my throwbag.  I have everything I need to accomplish that...except for the will to sit down and do it apparently.  But ideally I'll have it ready for this weekend so I can get in some reps.

* Despite being leaner, eating less and feeling better, my weight was up rather substantially this morning at 82.8kg.  I DID feast at Texas de Brazil on father's day, and yesterday's buffet fair was most likely salt laden, so I'm not going to freak out and attempt to course correct.  I'm sticking with the protocol and assuming that this is the effect of a sodium bloat.  I have the tools I need to make 181 on 13 Jul if it comes down to that, but ideally I can just cruise there.  Which, on that note, our plans for a cruise at the end of July fell through, which gives me less incentive to get stupid lean, but in general I'm enjoying this period of leaning out.  I feel like it will put me in a good place to gain during the fall.  But I still intend to enjoy the BBQ season as well: just means I don't need to gorge myself at lunches.

* Because we ducked out of TSD on Tuesday due to a storm, last night was night 1 of 3 for sparring.  We'll do another night tonight, and then a morning session on Saturday to get in our 3 this week.  Mrs. and I got complimented on our match last night by the senior black belt: held up as an example of a strong defense.

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