Wednesday, June 12, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3273

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)


30 Minutes EMOM

Round 1: 3x200lb axle zercher squat from the floor

Round 2: 3x185 axle dead incline bench

Round 3: 10x57.5lb KB swing


3x10 standing ab wheel

8x405 low handle trap bar pulll

Lateral raise dropset

50 band pull aparts


2-ish mile walk w/dog


* First time doing zerchers off the floor.  Was a bit of a learning curve.  I actually had to youtube it right before the workout, and on the first round I kept my legs wide to squat.  After that, I would get the weight in place and then bring my legs in toward my closer squat stance.  It then became like pause zerchers, stopping at the bottom to let the axle settle onto my knees and start again.  This felt pretty solid, and ideally will help build my ability on the zercher yoke come comp time.

* Combination of zerchers and dead incline was pretty exhausting.  The KB swings were honestly an afterthought, but it was good to get in some hip hinge work.  I do think, if I did this all again, I’d swap the incline with some axle continental and push press away.  Keep the weight the same and do a single instead of a triple.  I’m practically deconstructing the Armor Building Complex at this point.

* Piloted my idea of just having 1 topset of trap bar pulls at the end, and it definitely worked better than 10 rounds of it like last time.  I was still plenty exhausted coming into it, and a set of 8 was enough.  Felt my guts coming up toward the end.

* Took a little longer than I liked warming up and figuring out weights, so assistance work was a little short.  I was moving pretty slow this morning.  This training is pretty exhausting, and Tang Soo Do is actually being pretty challenging these days, which is a nice change.  Tonight will be night 2 of 3.

* Weather is turning hot and the sun was out, so walked longer outside to get in some Vitamin D.

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