Thursday, June 6, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3267

AM WORKOUT (0409 natural wake up)


* 1 length with the harness, low handles back (unloaded)

* 1 length w/harness, high handles back (90lbs loaded)

* Harness/high handles (140 loaded)

* Harness/high handles (180 loaded)

* Low handles/low handles (unloaded)

2 minutes between rounds

10 minute cooldown walk


2-ish mile walk w/dog


* Been a LONG time since I broke out the prowler, and it showed.  I was gassing in the first round.  I have no measurement for distance, but these are far lengths.  I drive my prowler out to a parking lot by our nearby creek where folks will launch their boats for sailing/fishing, which is only a 3 minute drive but far enough away from housing that the sound of the prowler won’t upset anyone.  

* My lungs and legs aren’t in prowler shape, but this felt good as far as workouts go.  Very tonic.  Reminded me of why I’m such a fan of the prowler.  And also convinced me I should probably sell that bike/rowing machine combo I bought, because really, if I ever need a conditioning “machine”, this is my choice.  Concentric only load is awesome.

* Got the workout done in about 35 minutes and had a fair amount of time to spare.  Still kinda feeling things out.

* Next time, I need to bring gloves.  Setting up the harness work to be more of a bear crawl is going to be ideal for me to get better at the truck pull.  I need to drill getting low.  It’s why I got in that low handle push burnout at the end as well.

* Valkryie and I got our 3rd stripe on our brown belts last night in Tang Soo Do.  We need 1 more to qualify for testing: our weapon’s hyung stripe.  I think we’re on pace to be able to test in August, which, if our kid does too, means our whole family can move on to the advanced class.  That would be nice.  Already our 3x a week plan seems to be working well.

* First shirtless walk day with the dog this morning: season is finally getting better.  Getting in vitamin D.

* My biceps are REALLY sore, and it’s from front squats, because my technique is so awful the bar tends to roll down and I catch it.

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