Tuesday, June 4, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3265

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

75 swings w/57.5lb bell

2.6 mile walk w/80lb vest

85x230 reverse hyper

50 pull aparts

Neck harness

40 tricep pushdowns


Moderate walk w/dog


* Always learning lessons, this was a good day from DoggCrapp that I’m keeping with this protocol.  Especially nice the day after coming back to training from a 10 day break, because I’m feeling something similar to DOMS.  Some whole body ache/soreness.  So this definitely served the “tonic” effect Dan John speaks of, and those swings and hypers have all been beneficial to me.

* Walking pace was slower than usual.  I’m most likely out of practice.  

* Pushdowns were a good idea.  I’m bad about direct tricep training.  Can’t let the goodness from DC fall to the wayside.

* First of 3 Tang Soo Do classes later tonight.  We’re in “summer uniforms” now, which is the Dobak pants and a t-shirt.  Nice during these humid months.  It’s also the start of our summer “Hyung Challenge”, so I may start really drilling those.

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