Friday, June 7, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3268

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)


30 rounds, EMOM

Round 1: 8x185 squats

Round 2: 3x173 axle continental and push press away

Round 3: 3x55 chins (underhand)

Finish w/max squats w/135 in 3 minutes (41 total)


3x10 standing ab wheel

50 band pull aparts

50 unweighted reverse hypers

40 band push downs

25 band curls


2-ish mile walk w/dog


* Had intentions of going heavy for sets of 3 on the squats, but I took 225 out of the rack for a warm-up and my lower back said “no”.  Strength was there, but couldn’t get to a decent depth.  Called an audible and went with 8s, ala Dan John, but kept heavy triples for the rest of it.  The higher reps in the EMOM format are a different kind of awful, because you cannot dawdle on the set up and reps, and you have a short turn around for the next round.  And it also meant getting 80 squats in the workout, on top of the finisher.

* I’m pleased with how easy the continental and press away went.  My strength is definitely returning.  

* I’m attributing the low back fatigue to the rounds of trap bar pulls, and it’s making me think I may need to retool my approach here.  I may attempt 3x a week of squats and just include 1 set of max rep pulls on the middle workout.  Or perhaps make the middle day a loading day.  My whole body is pretty sore as well: coming back from time off, and food intake a little lower.  I did the assistance work today with a focus on trying to speed up recovery.

* My right knee’s meniscus felt great during the training, but afterwards, when I get up after sitting for a while, it feels a little inflamed.  Something I’ll have to watch out for.

* Finished up a third night of Tang Soo Do last night.  Kiddo got a stripe this time, so whole family progressed this week.  That’s pretty cool.  

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